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       # About
       My name is Anders Damsgaard and welcome to my gopherhole.  Below is a
       list of random posts on Earth science, geodata, unix principles, and
       scientific computing.
       # Posts
  TEXT 2022-12-02 A glacier flowing out of a laptop screen unto keyboard
  TEXT 2022-11-15 Connecting to Aarhus University eduroam with wpa_supplicant
  TEXT 2022-08-08 New job: Assistant Professor at Aarhus University
  TEXT 2021-12-16 New paper out on subglacial shear simulation
  TEXT 2021-12-12 AGU 2021 talk: Process-based modeling of glacial till advection
  TEXT 2021-06-27 New paper out on sea ice ridging
  TEXT 2021-06-15 brcon 2021 talk: Unix principles for science simulations
  TEXT 2021-05-22 Sea ice talk: Floe-scale ridging in discrete element models for sea ice
  TEXT 2020-12-18 New paper out on the coupled dynamics of ice, meltwater, and till
  TEXT 2020-12-11 No VPN? No problem! Using SSH tunnels for remote access to closed networks
  TEXT 2020-06-15 ESCO 2020 talk: The role of granular mechanics and porous flow for ice sheet behavior
  TEXT 2020-06-02 brcon 2020 talk: Energy efficient programming in science
  TEXT 2020-03-17 Recording screencasts and lectures on OpenBSD and Linux
  TEXT 2020-02-03 Appearance on The Changelog podcast
  TEXT 2019-11-15 The scholarref tools: never deal with journal webpages again
  TEXT 2019-09-24 New homepage: front to back
  TEXT Atom feed