## Interviews and presentations
       A brief introduction to my research
   BIN video (mp4)
       Keynote presentation at the CSDMS general meeting 2016
   BIN video (mp4)
       ## Simulations using my software
       2D shear simulation of granular diffusion and segregation
   BIN video (mp4)
       Elastic and plastic deformation of sea ice under compression
   BIN video (mp4)
       Subglacial channel mechanics under different effective stresses
   BIN video (mp4)
       Internal stress dynamics in sediment around subglacial channels
   BIN video (mp4)
       Elastic wave propagation in 3D lattice
   BIN video (mp4)
       Force chains during simple shear
   BIN video (mp4)
       Closeup of granular jamming in sea ice
   BIN video (mp4)
       Granular gamming of sea ice with different grain size distributions
   BIN video (mp4)
       Granular jamming of sea ice with varying friction and cohesion
   BIN video (mp4)
       Stick/slip under stress-controlled shear with variable water pressure
   BIN video (mp4)
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