       Name                  Description                              Last commit
   DIR Granular.jl           Julia package for granular dynamics si…  2024-05-05 17:29
   DIR adamsgaard.dk         my academic webpage                      2023-05-03 06:12
   DIR andersdamsgaard.com   my photography webpage                   2021-05-05 08:12
   DIR aoc22                 advent of code 2022 solutions            2022-12-06 09:11
   DIR bitreich-memestats    metrics and graphs for the bitreich me…  2023-12-27 10:41
   DIR brcon2020_adc         my presentation for brcon2020            2020-06-02 09:09
   DIR canteen-info          scrape weekly menus from canteens surr…  2020-01-02 09:05
   DIR cngf-pf-exp1          experiments for first paper with conti…  2022-06-10 09:29
   DIR cngf-pf-exp2          experiments for second paper with cont…  2021-08-30 06:37
   DIR cngf-pf               continuum model for granular flows wit…  2023-09-21 13:45
   DIR cosmo                 front and backend for Markov-Chain Mon…  2020-01-02 09:08
   DIR cross-stitch          interactively turn images into pattern…  2020-01-02 09:15
   DIR cuda-memscrub         scrubs the global device memory of CUD…  2020-01-02 09:14
   DIR cv                    curriculum vitae                         2024-03-06 20:55
   DIR cynth                 modular musical synthesizer using POSI…  2020-01-02 09:16
   DIR dwm                   [fork] customized build of dwm, the dy…  2024-03-06 14:07
   DIR ebeltoft-ams          AMS results for channel deposit at Ebe…  2022-07-07 14:13
   DIR exercise_time         announce workout exercises with notifi…  2020-01-02 09:17
   DIR fffs                  fast and simple shell plugin manager     2020-01-02 09:18
   DIR filmtools             various tools for photographic film de…  2022-07-22 08:12
   DIR flytrexlog            read, manipulate, and plot flytrex log…  2020-01-02 09:19
   DIR frsh                  french command language interpreter      2024-08-10 14:01
   DIR game-of-life          Conway's Game of Life                    2020-01-02 09:19
   DIR git-quick-start       an introduction to Git version control   2020-01-02 09:23
   DIR gph-poll              a dynamic poll for geomyidae(8)          2021-04-09 18:13
   DIR granular-basin        tectonic deformation experiments with …  2021-12-02 11:55
   DIR granular-channel-hy…  subglacial hydrology model for sedimen…  2020-01-02 09:21
   DIR granular              granular dynamics simulation             2022-07-05 16:42
   DIR hansen-zoet-exp       comparison of lab and model results of…  2022-12-12 00:53
   DIR imgtrans              interactive BMP to txt converter         2020-01-02 09:23
   DIR lbm-d3q19             3D lattice-Boltzmann code to approxima…  2020-01-02 09:24
   DIR lego_film_processor   software for rotary photographic film …  2022-10-01 07:06
   DIR neatvi                [fork] simple vi-type editor with UTF-…  2022-05-21 04:45
   DIR ns2dfd                2D finite difference Navier Stokes sol…  2020-01-02 09:27
   DIR numeric               C++ library with numerical algorithms    2020-01-02 09:29
   DIR numtools              perform numerical operations on vector…  2023-09-22 09:16
   DIR nws-forecast-mailer   fetch and deliver the NWS 48-hour fore…  2020-01-02 08:58
   DIR petsc-git-PKGBUILD    build template for non-complex PETSC w…  2022-05-16 20:15
   DIR pism-exp-gsw          ice stream and sediment transport expe…  2022-05-17 12:42
   DIR pism                  [fork] customized build of PISM, the p…  2021-08-05 00:01
   DIR plan9port             [fork] Plan 9 from user space            2020-10-07 03:22
   DIR polygen               generative drawing of polygonal patter…  2020-01-02 09:31
   DIR recipes               various cooking recipes                  2024-10-12 06:53
   DIR rpgtools              various tools for role-playing games     2020-11-05 10:23
   DIR sacc                  [fork] customized build of sacc, the s…  2021-04-06 11:24
   DIR scholarref            tools for DOI and BiBTeX reference ext…  2022-01-14 11:43
   DIR scibeamer             quickly create scientific presentation…  2024-08-25 10:18
   DIR seaice-exp-faulting   simulate faulting angles in sea ice un…  2021-08-04 08:40
   DIR seaice-experiments    sea ice experiments using Granular.jl    2021-07-20 09:26
   DIR simple_DEM            a simple 2D Discrete Element Method co…  2020-01-02 09:39
   DIR slidergrid            grid of elastic sliders on a frictiona…  2020-01-02 09:40
   DIR sphere                GPU-based 3D discrete element method a…  2024-08-19 14:27
   DIR spoon                 [fork] customized build of spoon, the …  2022-09-01 06:18
   DIR st                    [fork] customized build of st, the sim…  2022-03-18 16:43
   DIR stagit                [fork] customized build of stagit, the…  2021-11-16 17:17
   DIR stopwatch             simple timer for console or x root win…  2022-07-05 16:48
   DIR surf                  [fork] customized build of surf, the s…  2022-04-08 09:21
   DIR vaccinewars           be a doctor and try to vaccinate the w…  2022-02-06 07:03
   DIR ve                    a minimal text editor (work in progres…  2021-01-24 14:30
   DIR vote                  simple cgi voting system for web and g…  2021-01-22 17:09
   DIR vsfm-linux-x86_64     automated build of VisualSFM photogram…  2020-01-02 09:46
   DIR watch                 minimalist watch program                 2020-05-23 20:21
   DIR werner                cellular automata simulation of wind-d…  2023-12-19 14:37