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       +# Mac and Cheese
       +This mac and cheese recipe can be made easily over a lunch hour or in the evening. It requires few ingredients and very little prep. The foundation of this recipe is a simple roux that comes together with skillful wisking and attention to temperature. Keep your eyes and ears on task and you'll have no trouble making this delicious creamy meal 
       +Makes 4 servings.
       +## Ingredients
       +- 40g butter
       +- 115g cheese
       +- 3 tablespoons flour
       +- 1 cup cold milk
       +- 4 cups of pasta, prefer shells
       +- 8 cups of water, salted (a couple dashes will do)
       +## Tools
       +- Whisk
       +- Kitchen scale
       +- Large pot
       +- Medium pot
       +## Directions
       +This recipe is most quickly made with the cheese mixture and pasta cooked in parallel. If it's your first time making a roux (which forms the base of our cheese sauce), make each part in series.
       +### Cheese Mixture
       +1. Prepare your ingredients: shred the cheese, measure out the butter and milk, have the flour handy.
       +2. Meanwhile, set a medium sized pot on the stove. Turn heat to medium and add the butter. 
       +3. Wait for the butter to melt and begin to sizzle (if it appears too hot and steams, turn down the heat!) Then: scatter the flour ontop of the butter. Vigourously whisk the flour into the butter. Mind the heat--if things stick to the bottom of the pan it's too hot. 
       +4. Add 1/2 of the milk into the flour and butter mixture. Quickly and vigourously whisk to combine. Let the mixture thicken. If it's slow to do so you can increase the temperature a wee bit.
       +5. Once the milk+butter+flour mixture has the consistency of a thick soup, add the remaining 1/2 of milk. Whisk to combine. Let the mixture thicken. Again, increase the temperature if it's slow to thicken.
       +6. Once the mixture has a drooping consistency turn off the heat. Add the cheese into the mixture and whisk to combine.
       +7. Either cover the mixture, set aside, and proceed to the pasta directions, or pour the sauce onto of your cooked pasta and serve.
       +### Pasta
       +1. Begin boiling the pasta water: put salted water into a large pot on the stove. Crank the heat.
       +2. Once the water is boiling add the pasta. Stir. Set a timer as per the pasta's directions.
       +3. Once the pasta is at the desired tenderness drain. Return to the pot.
       +4. Either cover and set aside, or pour the finished cheese sauce onto the pasta. 
       +## Contributors
       +- ROYGBYTE