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       Add chili recipe
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       +# Not John Bosworth's Chili Recipe
       +John Bosworth is an old-school Texan bid-ness [sic] man with an
       +infectious southern charm. He's a character in *Halt and Catch Fire*,
       +a TV show that follows a colourful cast of characters navigating the
       +tides of the early American tech industry. Affectionately known as
       +"Boz" in the show, his sweet talking and rugged humor make him one of
       +my favorite characters.
       +Towards the end of the series, Boz makes his famous chili recipe to
       +sooth some grieving souls[^1]. The TV food looked delicious enough to
       +make me wonder if it were a real recipe. Had "Boz" actually made his
       +chili?  Or perhaps the recipe belonged to the actor, a director,
       +writer, or cast member. I dug but didn't find anything anything about
       +this little television culinary artifact. Nevertheless moved by the
       +hypothetical food stuff, I decided to make an inspired version of the
       +recipe. But there's a twist: the recipe includes the one ingredient
       +Bosworth vehemently claims doesn't belong in any chili the world over:
       +cinnamon. I added it to tease the old feller! In my imaginary world,
       +Boz comes over to my house for dinner, loves my chili, and learns
       +about the heretical secret ingredient :)
       +## Ingredients
       +Toasted spice mix
       +- 1 tablespoon cumin
       +- 1 teaspoon green peppercorns
       +- 1 teaspoon black pepper
       +- 1 habanero chili pepper
       +- 2 thai chili peppers
       +Everything else
       +- 2 tablespoons animal lard, like bacon fat
       +- 5 gloves garlic, minced
       +- 1 cup of finely diced onion
       +- 1 teaspoon dark cocoa powder
       +- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
       +- 1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder[^2]
       +- 1/4 teaspoon sugar
       +- 1 teaspoon salt
       +- 1 cup black beans, drained
       +- 1 cup corn kernels
       +- 1 lbs ground beef
       +- 1 can of crushed tomatoes (about 750ml)
       +- 1 can of 0.5% blonde lager (355ml)
       +## Directions
       +Toast the cumin, green peppercorns, and black pepper in a pan until
       +they become darkened and fragrant. Remove and set aside. Remove stems
       +from habanero and thai chili peppers, then toast in pan until they
       +become blackened in spots. Remove and add to spice mix. Put both into
       +a mortal and pestle or spice blender. Blend.
       +Heat 1 tablespoon of the lard in a high-sided enamel cooking pan, like a
       +Crueset braiser, or a stainless steel pot. (Don't use cast iron, which
       +can react with the tomatoes to make a metallic taste.) Add the
       +beef. Separate with a wooden spoon, retaining plenty of nice big 1"
       +chunks. Cook until the exterior browns and the interior remains red.
       +Transfer to a dish. Remove most of the beef fat from the pan.
       +Heat remaining 1 tablespoon of lard in pan. Add onions and gently
       +sweat. Don't let them get browned. When they are shiny and slimy add
       +in the garlic and your toasted spice mix. Stir for a minute or
       +so. Pour in about a quarter of the beer. Use a pan-appropriate utensil
       +(i.e.: silicone or wood in enamel) to scrape the tasty bits from the
       +base of the pan. Add remaining beer, then add beef, beans, salt,
       +sugar, cinnamon, cocoa powder, chili powder, and tomato. Simmer, never
       +boil, partially covered for ~10 minutes. Add in the corn kernels. Let
       +everything cook for as long as your appetite has time to spare: as
       +little as 10 minutes or as much as an hour.
       +Before serving taste for adjustments: Too acidic? Add sugar. Not
       +enough flavor? Add salt. Missing earthy undertones? Add a wee bit
       +(1/8 t or less at a time) more cocoa.
       +## Contributors
       +- ROYGBYTE
       +## Footnotes
       +[^1]: Specifically: season 4, episode 8.
       +[^2]: You can use any chili powder. I like to use half chipotle and half ancho powder for a nice smokey flavour.