THE LIE OF THE DREAM This might just sound bitter, because it probably is. I do at times feel enslaved by my dreams, or ambitions. One is tought to, and probably driven by nature to, follow one's dreams. Yet it seems that nobody is really that good at dreaming; which is to say dreams so rarely reflect the realities of realising one's key aspirations. The concept in the dream is always over simplified, and by the time it has been beaten through cycles of errors, misfortunes, and excessive effort, what results might be of little resemblence to the dream, or simply not inspire the corresponding joy that was envisaged. Freedom is only in the dream. You're only truly free to do the things you never do. But then that's why I'm here, to dream. Typing up all of my nonsense "thoughts" to send out into the awaiting internet abyss. My dream is to dream - to live a life that allows one to dream, free of needs and yet still free of distractions. Now I'll go back to dreaming up ways that I can keep on living it... - The Free Thinker