UNLOCKING MY DOCO DREAMS FROM DVD This post isn't just another one of my documentary recommendations, but also a tech post. The reason is that it's a documentary that I found particularly difficult to get off the internet and into a format that's usable to me. To begin with, the tech part [actually this ended up so long that I'll do the documentary review as a separate "part 2"]. This was largely a battle with FFmpeg, hampered further by my limited capacity for large downloads over my home internet connection which required me to do everything on a VPS. California Dreamin', in documentary form, was a German production for their TV station ZDF. Extensive searching revealed this copy with German narration on YouTube, possibly with the option of some dodgy auto-translated subtitles, but I've given up on that feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s7VXGIgHNU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzWLrFharf0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upa48HW1Gks Alternatively it's on the Internet Archive, in a straight ZIP archive of the files from a DVD release: https://archive.org/details/2001-california-dreamin-dvd Even though it was uploaded by IA's best known figure, Jason Scott back in 2012, it's only had 319 views. Probably because a ZIP of contents from two DVDs is pretty inconvenient to use, and the description is entirely in German. Browsing through the ZIP contents on the IA website however, I found that it included a scan of the DVD cover, in German as well but apparantly claiming to include an English ("Englisch") language option. At 15GB that ZIP would have almost blown my 6 month internet data quota on its own, so I relaunched one of my free Oracle Cloud VPSs which come with excessive amounts of storage space. Unfortunately its installed Ubuntu version had gone EOL while it was automatically stopped by Oracle due to disuse, but for this it matters little. On there I downloaded the ZIP and decompressed it to find apparantly two big VOBs per episode of the five-part documentary spread over two DVDs. 'ffprobe' showed that they indeed had multiple audio tracks, matching the list of options on the DVD cover: German, English, Italian, and French. Easy - 'cat' together pairs of VOBs, then select the English audio stream to put into a more compressed set of per-episode English-language video files small enough for me to download. First problem is that FFmpeg doesn't show what language the audio streams are for, so I had to extract snippets of them as MP3s using the '-map' stream-selection option, download, them, then listen to the narration after the title music (California Dreamin', of course). I found the right one in the first VOB, and of course it would be the same stream number for the others right?... Better check... nope! In the end it turned out to be something like stream 5 for the first episode but stream 3 for the others. So I converted the first episode using my normal options plus mapping audio to the English-language stream, downloaded it, and... The audio was way out of sync. It was actually a few seconds ahead of the video, made obvious by the convenient old-fashioned A/V sync numbers/bleeps at the beginning. Worse, I now discovered that although it looked like there were two VOBs per episode, they weren't actually aligned with episode start/end so I had the start of episode two in my episode one file. The first problem turned out to be due to my usual '-r 24' option to set the framerate down to 24fps and avoid wasting data on frames I won't notice. The original was 25fps and somehow the frame dropping doesn't work right with VOB files, even though it hasn't caused me trouble with any other formats. I removed that option and the audio sync was correct at 25fps. I couldn't find an easy answer to the other problem, unable to run graphical DVD ripper programs because "SSH -C -X" over my home internet is way too laggy and can chew through data itself. But eventually I discovered that there's a fork of FFmpeg with extra DVD/BR logic added, triggered via a special "dvd://" file type. It's called vgtmpeg, and not packaged for Ubuntu so I decided "security be dammed" and installed the static binary from its webpage (that's what a throwaway VPS is good for anyway). http://godromo.com/gmt/vgtmpeg So much easier! Now it can list all the audio streams along with their descriptions showing which language they're for. Plus I can select titles and they're fetched in the correct duration regardless of how the VOBs are laid out. Plus the audio streams don't move around between episodes anymore! So I can do the conversion like this (with my long sequence of specific audio/video output format options setting bitrate etc. removed): vgtmpeg -i dvd:///home/ubuntu/downloads/California\ Dreamin\'\,\ 2001/Disc\ 1\ -\ Wilder\ Westen\,\ Goldrausch\,\ Wellenreiter/?title=3 -map 0:0 -map 0:2 -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 california_dreamin_ep1.avi Or to do all the episodes on the first disc: for i in 1 2 3; do vgtmpeg -i dvd:///home/ubuntu/downloads/California\ Dreamin\'\,\ 2001/Disc\ 1\ -\ Wilder\ Westen\,\ Goldrausch\,\ Wellenreiter/?title=$[ $i + 2 ] -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 -map 0:0 -map 0:2 $i.avi; done Then I got to download all five episodes while using a little under 1GB of data unstead of 15GB, ready to play on the old hacked video game console that I use as a video file player on my TV. It's easy once you know how, but oh how much time I could have saved if the main FFmpeg project had included this functionality! The fork, using a GPL2-licenced library, has been around for many years so it's not like the developers haven't had the opportunity. Do I want to know why the FFmpeg developers have't integrated this code? Probably not. Finally, it crossed my mind to upload these more convenient video files, or higher bitrate ones that others would find more acceptable, to the Internet Archive, so other doco lovers needn't also go to such trouble (and the IA website's own video player would work). Unfortunately though, that's pretty awkward to do from the VPS since IA's uploader doesn't work with simple terminal-based browsers like Links (indeed not much of their website does anymore). There's a special command-line uploader, but it looks like it would take some work to figure out using it properly to handle the description, uploading multiple files, etc.. Plus now I've talked about the doco here I'll have to make a new 'The Free Thinker' IA account to do it without harming my anonimity. If a fellow documentary fan with lots of internet data to burn wants to upload them to the Internet Archive for me, send me an email at freet@aussies.space and I can provide a download link to get them from the VPS. Or just make them yourself, since I've shown you how. - The Free Thinker