WHEN AUSSIES WERE RICH I keep meaning to menion here that I've resumed posting things over at the History Snippets section. This latest spurt has gone back a century to items from the 1800s. Photographs of 1880s/90s London, assorted prints of mid 19th century Europe (etc.), and most recently one of those facinating general reference publications which were popular before the internet, "Nuggets: A Handbook of Useful Information". gopher://aussies.space/1/~freet/historysnip The few dated pieces of information inside 'Nuggets' are from the mid 1890s, so I assume that's about the date of this surely rarely-survived little paperback booklet. Published in New York, this copy was apparantly imported by a bookstore in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. It's a little treasure trove of antiquated, though sometimes still vaguely applicable, 'nuggets' of information. Interspersed, that is, with hillariously frequent pieces promoting the merits of Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Oil, Stearns having clearly oiled the book's publisher in more ways than one. It's quite funny simply because the intentions are so blatant, but of course it's not very far removed from advertising on the Web pages where people might look to for such information today. But between tales of cod liver miracles, one piece of infomation that struck me as particularly notable given my recent post 2024-06-25As_Rich_as_a_Gazan.txt, was "WAGES OF THE WORLD", copied here: gopher://aussies.space/I/~freet/historysnip/nuggets_wages_of_the_world_1.png gopher://aussies.space/I/~freet/historysnip/nuggets_wages_of_the_world_2.png Comparing with the current geographical figures I compared my own income with before, there are some surprising and ironic observations to be made. Some South/Central American countries, now known for poverty levels which drive people to leave for the USA, are recorded among the richest in the world: Cuba - $6.50USD/week, Venezuela - $7.25USD/week, Equador - $8.00USD/week. Compared to an average of $4.70USD/week in the UK and less in most other parts of Europe (Gibraltar being a surprising exception at $7.05USD/week). The poorest listed are the Japanese, on just 90c/week, a little less than the Chinese. But the richest? Us Aussies! In fact more specifically, those like me in the state of Victoria, making the most money in the world at $10.50USD/week. The list doesn't actually mention wages in the USA, perhaps presuming that Americans don't want to compare themselves, but it does concede that Australa "leads the way and surpasses the rest of civilized nations in industrial remuneration". So clearly, while still on average richer than those in some parts of Europe, we've come down the the world over the last ~130 years. Sheep and Gold drove Australia to its statistical position back then, but of course it's fair to assume that the figures don't count native people since it was then illegal to pay aboriginals here a wage. Also, as today, surely some benefited far more than others from this country's new-found potential to create wealth, and many poor soles like me today could have only looked at such current average wage figures with envy. But then again back in the same century my great, (mumble), grandparents actually hosted Queen Victoria for lunch during a royal tour of Australia, at a farm that the family had to sell due to lack of funds in the 1940s (after a bad drought), so from that angle I can sort-of match a story with the statistics. - The Free Thinker