NECROTECHNOLOGY Although I resist categorisation and hurd mentality anyway, it does strike me how I tick many boxes of groups here in Gopherspace without quite feeling I'm one of them. I stick with my old computers, mostly a mid-90s desktop and an early 2000s laptop, more recently backed up by my headless 'internet client' Atomic Pi SBC, which with its 1.44GHz Intel Atom CPU and 2GB DDR3 RAM is still the sort of thing people use in that Old School Computer Challenge. The permacomputing mob seems more political and idealistic than practical, while retrocomputing is often about trying out new things with old hardware, and not just doing the same old things everyday with the same old hardware like me (though I dabble in the former for fun sometimes too). There's also the software. I'm just as happy with sticking to old software as old hardware. So far as I can see both reached a point in time when, maybe by deliberate effort, maybe as the result of compromises that the developers themselves weren't happy with, something was created that worked just right for my purposes. A software developer might have since gone on to write new programs on top of a string of bloated libraries, or with stupid smart-phone-inspired graphical interfaces, or in some inefficient scripting language that only runs similarly fast on a top-spec PC bought in the last couple of years. A hardware developer might have scrapped customisability and repairability in preference for sleek design and reduced maufacturing costs, or compromised on the quality of construction and electronic components, or failed to achieve a thermal design that allows the components to last for more than a few years. Those developers, or their employers, might hate the work they did years ago. Even hide it away, deleted from their websites in shame. Given the chance they'd probably erase it from the global consciousness, if indeed they remember it still themselves. But in fact those abandoned works serve my purpose far better than their services today. I've realised that what I want is dead hardware and software. Technology harvested at the point where it does what I need, before the rot of alternative ideas and techniques withers it away. Therefore I've decided that I'm a necrotechnologist, out to reap usefulness from the abandoned wastelands of technology's past. Do what you like with your new software, standards, encryption schemes, and transistor count dreams, I'll be here peeking out from the scrapheap of tech left behind you. - The Free Thinker