       Archaic Binary is the recreation of my childhood days of dialup
       BBSs it runs on multiple technologies and contains some useful
       APIs, Utilities, Files, Message Bases (FTN Style) and access to
       ANSI/Text Door Games. Unlike most BBSs, Archaic Binary features
       a console command style interface.
   DIR How-To
   DIR Internet
   DIR Privacy
   DIR Security
   DIR Self-Hosting
       Use your ANSI Terminal and connect to bbs.archaicbinary.net today.
       We support 80x25, 132x37, 132x52, and 132x60. Highly recommended
       to use the HTTPS link and the HTML5 Web Applet as it uses wide
       mode by default and supports automatic terminal size switching.
TELNET Telnet (bbs.archaicbinary.net/23)
  HTML SSH (bbs.archaicbinary.net/22)
  HTML HTTPS (archaicbinary.net (html5 applet))
       If you want to use your terminal application we recommend using
       SyncTERM on modern systems, but note that it does not support
       automatic size switching so you will need to choose your
       terminal size manually. You can find this using the link below
       or by using your systems package manager.
       Whats available on the BBS?
       + Ambroshia
       + Arrow Bridge
       + Arrow Bridge II
       + Ashrella
       + BBS Crash
       + Bordello
       + Clans, The
       ~ Crypto Prices
       + Darkness
       + Dodgeball
       + Dog World ][
       + DoorMUD
       + Dungeon Master
       + Eclectic Avenue
       + Exitilus
       + Falcon's Honor
       + Food Fite
       ~ Forum
       + Global War
       + Global War: Backgammon
       + Gold Rush
       + Jezebel
       + LORD; Legend of the Red Dragon
       + Lunatix
       + Mega Slots
       ~ Metals (Commodies) Pricing
       + MoMUD
       ~ MRC (Chat Network)
       + Operation Overkill II
       + Pimp Wars
       + Pit, The
       ~ SpotCrime; Local Crime Stats
       ~ Torrent Browser
       + Usurper
       ~ Zomato
       And much more!
         ___   _      ___   _      ___   _      ___   _      ___   _
        [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|
         '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|
        /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /     /mmm/  /
                                    |            |            |
                                ___  \_      ___  \_      ___  \_
                               [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|    [(_)] |=|
                                '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|     '-`  |_|
                               /mmm/        /mmm/        /mmm/
       Other Services
  HTML HTTPS Website
  HTML Gemini Capsule
       TOR Services
  HTML Gemini
   DIR Gopher
       Yggdrasil IPv6 Network Services
       All services are on same IPv6 (ygg.archaicbinary.net)
       Address: 200:387c:63c2:1e7:504:65a2:6300:e4f9
  HTML HTTP (ygg.archaicbinary.net)
   DIR Gopher
       Friends Gopherholes
   DIR Roman's Place
   DIR 2ofOrbeeRS
   DIR Stealthworld
   DIR 0zZ's Place
   DIR cr1mson's Place
   DIR Societal Glitch
   DIR Emiel Kollof
   DIR Bitreich
       Contact me through the Contact Sysop function on the BBS to
       have your Gopher or Gemini site added to the list.