## State Of Bitreich What happend since 2018? Much! by Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> ## Chronicles 2018 (0/1) * 2018-01-26 * Bitreich FTP service goes online. * 2018-01-28 * Suckless Reconquista started. * 2018-01-29 * The gopher tutorials project was born. * 2018-02-03 * Bitreich FOSDEMnation meeting 2018 happened. * 2018-02-04 * Bitreich gopher kiosk service goes online. * 2018-02-24 * Day Of The GrParazyd (a bitreich point and click adventure) Act I is released. * The sacc gopher client 1.0 is released. * 2018-05-25 * GDPR party happened on IRC. * Opening of the Bitreich Game Hall. ## Chronicles 2018 (1/1) * 2018-08-09 * The clic gopher client reached v1.0. * 2018-11-30 * Drist management system reached v1.0. * 2018-12-08 * Thinglaunch now on bitreich. * Thingmenu now on bitreich. * 2018-12-31 * #bitreich-nl now an official channel. * #bitreich-lawn now an official channel. ## Chronicles 2019 * 2019-02-02 * Bitreich FOSDEM 2019 Meeting. * 2019-04-05 * d1conf for devuan with free entrence for bitreich members happened. * 2019-07-03 * sup tool now at bitreich. * 2019-07-21 * eomyidae gopher crawler now at bitreich. * 2019-07-22 * gopher-validator now at bitreich. ## Bitreich Members Statistics * Members: solene, josuah, emg, parazyd, chripo, bob, posativ, quinq, sin, 20h (Total: 10) * Council: sin, quinq, chripo, bob, 20h (Total: 5, so there are no draws in decisions.) * No changes. We are happy. ## Gopher Lawn Statistics * 160 links indexed, up from 128! * There is now a daily check, if all links are active. * The status is posted to #bitreich-lawn. * Many active moderators help keeping the lawn clean. * Thank you all! * There is now a search added. Thanks KatolaZ! * Waiting for your input! gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/gopher-lawn ## Annna is one year older. //|\ c "\ /\ / /\ \ /____\ ll * Our lovely IRC bot. * See the annna talk for more. ## Phlog System * The phlogging system has been used by many other members, up from me. * This is good news. * Keep on spreading the simplicity. * Every bitreich member can publish news from their home directory. * See the following articles, describing the steps: gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-27T18-32-46-691670.md gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-27-40-281825.md gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-04-02-482296.md * There is a script for you in /br/bin, if you need help. * Ask me, if you find something not clear enough. ## Gopher Onion Initiative gopher://bitreich.org/1/onion * This is still the best thing to do. TLS is much overhead. * We have new onion links in the lawn. * Active usage everywhere. :) * Keep on spreading the word! * Run gopher on hidden onion services via tor. * Gopher has easy to control metadata. * Tor + gopher give anonymisation and encryption. * Ideal for all whistleblowers and your freedom needs. * Open your hidden service today! Help everyone! ## Bitreich FOSDEM 2019 Meeting * We had so much fun. * Did you know, Debian is a dictatorship? * Jeromil will be with you. * We are working on dotg II. * Damn, we had so much fun, I am still excited thinking about it. * Come to FOSDEM next year! :) ## Maintenance Of Gopherproject.org * This shall be a central place to enter gopherspace and find info about it. * Not much in aggregation work here so far. * Eomyidae is the first big thing there. ## Suckless Reconquista * Suckless has been taken over. * The remainders live in their small biotope. ## Gopher Tutorials * Are you lost in gopher? * Want to know some more about something on gopher? gopher://bitreich.org/1/tutorials * Please anyone, who wants to describe gopherspace more to newcomers, help. * Still alpha stage. * Goal: Make it possible to point beginners there to find tutorials. * Wll be pointed to by gopherproject.org. * If you want to help bitreich, do it there. ## Bitreich Website http://bitreich.org * We got the official rating of: »Very funny.« – on the web. * The Website has been optimized for the web to be web-compatible. curl -sLk http://bitreich.org/s/bitreich.sh | sudo sh * Send us cake recipes! No cookies! ## New Projects * gopher-validator by bob * validate gopherholes to a common standard of the community * thingmenu by 20h * on-screen X11 menu for touch * thinglaunch by 20h * on-screen X11 simple launcher * sup by stateless * sudo, but simpler * eomyidae by 20h * gopher crawler ## Project Work * drist by solene * much maintenance and feature work * reed-alert by solene * maintenance work * dedup by stateless * much rework of everything, very clean design * sacc by quinq * small changes * annna by 20h * memes, features * many small changes ## Stagit-Gopher * Constant work by bob to show us all the code. * Thank you very much! % wc -l gitlab-cve.md 45 % wc -l stagit-cve.md 1 * Gitlab has weekly remote execution holes. * Because it executed remote scripts! * Stagit has no remote execution holes. * It does not execute remote scripts. * Win by design: Use the bitreich principles. ## Geomyidae * Gopher daemon written in C. * Various releases and fixes. * Thanks to the community! * Many speedups. gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/geomyidae * Current release: v0.34 ## Bitreich Game Room * new games * Safe Space Invaders * Try it! * Greed * Erase the screen from numbers. Try it! ## Council Changes * There was a voting on sup being added as an official project. * All council members voted for this. * Since bitreich is perfectly working, not many decisions were needed. * Anyone wants to apply as a member? * All problems have been resolved by talking. ## IRC * #bitreich-en * Most active channel with all interesting topics per day. * Keeps you from being depressive during lifetime. * #bitreich-con * For all conference activity. * #bitreich-cooking * Want to know what we eat all day? ;) * #bitreich-radio * See the playlist. * #bitreich-scm * Keep the development active! A BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE HELPING KEEPING BITREICH FUN EVERY DAY! (Yes, that is a loud shoutout.) ## Questions? Do you have questions? ## Thanks Thank you for listening? For further suggestions, contact me at Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> or __20h__ on #bitreich-en at freenode.