## Intro Stoppers of Open Source in Medical Software in Germany by Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> ## The History Of Software In Ambulatory Medicine In Germany * Before 1990 doctor unions were incorporated by the state, so the doctors cannot destroy the state. * In 1933, before Hitler and in the great depression, doctor strikes threatened the state. * In 1990 there was the reunion of the FRG and GDR. * The doctor unions in the GDR were formed. * Software was specified to send accounting data to the unions. * Some data interchange format was specified. * Used until now. * Still saves our asses. * To save the doctors from fraud, licensing for software vendors was introduced. ## History Goes On And Gets Bloated * Over time, accounting got more complex due to computers. * It should have been the other way around. * This seems to be the natural course. * See my talk of last year about accounting. * Accounting was first four numbers, is now a programming language. ## Fossils And Politics * Doctor functionaries are in average above 60 yrs old and now face politicans believing in the religion of digitalisation. * German politicans always have the economy as top priority. * Doctor functionaries are not allowed to say anything against the state and government. * It is all a big show. * See second slide and history and incorporation. ## The Circle Of Corruption * The doctor union now keeps licensing high. * There are personel changes inbetween software vendors and the doctor union. * This prevents new vendors from entering the market. * Doctors are forced to use just this software. Example: For getting some libreoffice medication plan with QR code to be licenced this costs 10k EUR and a doctor 600 EUR initial plus 20 EUR per month more to maintain the libreoffice template. * The whole system is corrupted and needs a big explosion. ## Why Is Open Source The Only Option? * Medicine is so complex, one company cannot afford the resources to build such software. * Making medical software requires experts from all over the world. * See encryption: To analyze and maintain crypto, only a handful of people have the knowledge in the world. * During corona only open source software succeeded. * There is no rectification for the old licensing model when people's lifes are at stake. ## Questions? Anyone has questions? ## Thanks Thank you for listening! And comments please go to: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>