# Bitreich Chronicles ## 2016 * 2016-08-17 * Birth of Bitreich as we know it. * 2016-10-01 * First draft of the manifesto has been published. * 2016-11-24 * The bitreich.org gopherhole went online. ## 2017 * 2017-01-15 * The gopher lawn was born. * 2017-03-03 * The bitreich radio went online. * 2017-03-11 * Bitreichcon 2017 happened in Chemnitz, Germany. * 2017-07-07 * annna, the bitreich irc bot, was born. * 2017-07-18 * The gopher onion initiative started. * 2017-08-03 * Bitreich ARMament meeting happened in Cambridge, UK * 2017-12-16 * Bitreich took over the maintenance of gopherproject.org. * 2017-12-19 * First Bitreich cookbook was published. ## 2018 * 2018-01-26 * Bitreich FTP service goes online. * 2018-01-28 * Suckless Reconquista started. * 2018-01-29 * The gopher tutorials project was born. * 2018-02-03 * Bitreich FOSDEMnation meeting 2018 happened. * 2018-02-04 * Bitreich gopher kiosk service goes online. * 2018-02-24 * Day Of The GrParazyd (a bitreich point and click adventure) Act I is released. * The sacc gopher client 1.0 is released. * 2018-05-25 * GDPR party happened on IRC. * Opening of the Bitreich Game Hall. * 2018-08-09 * The clic gopher client reached v1.0. * 2018-08-11 * Bitreichcon 2018 happened in Rodez, France. * 2018-11-11 * Geomyidae v0.33 release. * 2018-11-15 * Geomyidae v0.34 release »Above the Oceans«. * 2018-11-30 * Drist management system reached v1.0. * 2018-12-08 * Thinglaunch now on bitreich. * Thingmenu now on bitreich. * 2018-12-31 * #bitreich-nl now an official channel. * #bitreich-lawn now an official channel. ## 2019 * 2019-01-04 * stagit-gopher 0.9 released * 2019-02-02 * Bitreich FOSDEM 2019 Meeting. * 2019-02-18 * Drist reaches v1.04. * 2019-04-05 * d1conf for devuan with free entrence for bitreich members happened. * 2019-07-03 * sup tool now at bitreich. * 2019-07-21 * eomyidae gopher crawler now at bitreich. * 2019-07-22 * gopher-validator now at bitreich. * 2019-08-03 * Bitreichcon 2019 in Callenberg, Germany happened. ## 2020 * 2020-01-10 * The 500 meme party happened on #bitreich-en. * 2020-02-01 * Bitreich FOSDEM 2020 Meeting. * 2020-03-14 * biniar finally sent in his key and became a member of bitreich. * 2020-03-14 * Biniar becomes a bitreich member. * 2020-03-21 * 1«10 meme party happened. * 2020-04-18 * KatolaZ becomes a bitreich member. * 2020-04-22 * friendless social network now on bitreich.org. * 2020-04-23 * xml2tsv becomes a bitreich project. * 2020-05-01 * Bitreichcon 2020 happened online due to corona pandemic. * 2020-05-23 * New World Order support added to annna. * 2020-05-31 * Privacy Hater project now at bitreich. * 2020-06-02 * Rocks library now at bitreich. * 2020-06-10 * Bitreich (code) Style project was born. * 2020-07-01 * Web service checker at bitreich.org. * 2020-07-11 * Hazmat Party vol.2 (1«11 party) happened on #bitreich-en. * 2020-07-14 * sfeed 0.9.18 released. * 2020-07-22 * Bithub intellectual porn hole goes online. * 2020-07-24 * bitreich-httpd now a bitreich project. * 2020-07-31 * Annna was mentioned on a linguistics magazine for her profoundness. * 2020-08-28 * adc becomes a bitreich member. * Gopher Lawn 1.2 relaunch. * Bitreich TV is born. * 2020-09-04 * Bitreich Snowmen Programme started. * 2020-09-19 * Bitreich Radio available over gopher. * 2020-09-26 * ECTS Credits For Free programme started. * 2020-09-29 * New geomyidae licensing model. * 2020-10-14 * gramscii(1) now a bitreich project. * 2020-10-15 * Ransomware Attack Day celebrated. * 2020-11-03 * Bitreich TV extended to different new theme channels. * 2020-11-23 * Meme Degree programme started. * 2020-12-20 * Bitreich members push gophers support into curl. * catpoint 0.2 release * 2020-12-29 * Bitreich Italiano now part of the project. * 2020-12-29 * Bitreich Lawn Maintainer Badge and instruction video now available. * 2020-12-30 * reed-alert 1.05 release ## 2021 * 2021-01-01 * Bitreich OneLine goes online * 2021-01-17 * Bitreich people push gopher support into luakit. * 2021-01-24 * sfeed 0.9.21 and sfeed_curses 0.9.8 release. * 2021-02-06 * Bitreich TV gets dimensions. * 2021-02-19 * Bitreich Tardis, the Bitreich TV travel helper, gets released. * 2021-03-12 * Bitreich Meme project comes alive. * 2021-03-13 * sfeed 0.9.22 and sfeed_curses 0.9.9 release. * 2021-03-14 * stagit 0.9.5 release * 2021-03-27 * Bitreich Cloud Cancel service goes online. * 2021-03-31 * sfeed_curses 0.9.10 released * 2021-04-03 * 1st BAN (Bitreich Area Network) party happens * 2021-05-02 * Bitreich now has tracking support * 2021-05-07 * First Strip Club in gopherspace opens as Bitreich XML Strip Club. * 2021-05-21 * Bitreich Penis Extension Service launched * 2021-05-23 * New game in Gameroom: Vaccinewars * 2021-05-29 * VLA Agreement now mandatory for contributions. * 2021-05-30 * irc.bitreich.org is online * All Bitreich IRC activity is migrated to irc.bitreich.org. * #bitreich-books comes online with daily book recommendations. * 2021-05-31 * New game in Gameroom: Gomoku * 2021-06-05 * New game in Gameroom: Conway Game Of Life * Bitreich gets support by the Perl Republic * 2021-06-08 * Bitreich Ideas Project comes online * Bitreich Dance Move Project comes online * 2021-06-09 * Ed Cloud Service goes online * 2021-06-13 * Pointtools gets pptx support * 2021-06-14 * Brcon2021 begins for one week * 2021-06-25 * Bitreich Dating goes online * 2021-06-30 * Bitreich Pilot service goes online * 2021-07-06 * Chicken Intelligence was used for Football European Championship predictions * 2021-07-07 * Bitreich University professor club opens * 2021-07-09 * Bitreich Turtle Intelligence (TI) Research Lab opens * 2021-07-09 * annna whatsapp support * 2021-07-09 * Bitreich Cancelman hiring service goes online * 2021-07-10 * 3rd Bitreich BAN party * 2021-07-20 * potcasse potcast application released * 2021-08-07 * sfeed_curses 1.0 and sfeed 1.0 release * 2021-08-08 * 4th BAN party * 2021-08-16 * Bitreich only fans goes online * 2021-08-19 * Bitreich gets an official IRC song * 2021-08-19 * git-theologist released * 2021-08-27 * empty the fridge cooking recipe search goes online * 2021-08-28 * 5th BAN party * 2021-09-07 * Digitalisation Addicts Anonymous opens * 2021-09-09 * Stop Scrum initiative is formed * 2021-09-11 * 6th BAN party * 2021-10-03 * 7th BAN party * 2021-10-10 * Bitreich gets analgram authentication support * 2021-10-23 * First release of THe Gopher Times * 10k memes reached * 2021-10-31 * 8th BAN party * 2021-11-27 * sfeed 1.1 was released * 2021-11-28 * sacc v1.05 release * 2021-12-01 * stagit and stagit-gopher 1.0 release * 2021-12-19 * Bitreich End Year Meeting * 2021-12-31 * 9th BAN party ## 2022 * 2022-01-09 * 10th BAN party * 2022-01-13 * BitLeaks goes online * 2022-01-14 * BitLeeks goes online * 2022-01-16 * BitTwiddle goes online * 2022-01-23 * 11th BAN party * 2022-02-04 * Bitreich gameroom extended to 27 games. * 2022-02-05 * BitreichNFT released * free BitreichCoin mining now available on IRC * 2022-02-06 * sfeed 1.2 released * 2022-02-13 * Gopher Vulture Standard released * 2022-03-05 * sfeed 1.3 released * 2022-03-06 * 12th BAN party * 2022-03-25 * new bitreich project: rfcommd * 2022-03-27 * 13th BAN party * 2022-04-02 * release of sfeed 1.4 * release of stagit and stagit-gopher 1.1 * release of json2tsv 0.9 * 2022-04-03 * geomyidae v0.50 beta release * 2022-04-05 * Gopher Blue Seal introduced * 2022-04-08 * geomyidae v0.50 release * bitreich conference script repository now online * Bitreich T-R-U-S-T programme starts * geomyidae v0.50.1 fix release * 2022-04-10 * english_knight project on bitreich * 2022-05-13 * onlyturtlefans.com goes online * 2022-05-21 * sfeed 1.5 released * 2022-07-01 * annna gets DALL-E text2img support * 2022-07-25 * brcon2022 begins * 2022-07-30 * We had a great brcon with hackathons, fun at Belgrade. * 2022-07-30 * zuccless.org goes online. * 2022-08-02 * The Gopher Oninon Initiative gets a redesign. * 2022-08-04 * libgcgi becomes a bitreich project. * first GPU-powered REST service goes online. * 2022-08-06 * gopher protocol extension project is official * geomyidae v0.51 release with new escape codes developed at brcon * 2022-08-07 * new stagit and stagit-gopher release * manifesto generator goes online. * 2022-08-10 * GIF-MEME was founded. * 2022-08-16 * Bitreich gets its own band: BROOD BREAD PAIN * 2022-08-17 * sfeed 1.6 release * 2022-08-19 * Bitreich at FrOSCon 2022 * 2022-08-30 * GangBAN party * 2022-08-31 * irc.bitreich.org has over 50 users and is registered at netsplit.de * 2022-09-01 * json2tsv 1.0 released * 2022-09-03 * Bitreich homeless project started. * 2022-09-11 * SLICER movement against cheese cruelyt formed. * 2022-09-29 * GangBAN * 2022-09-30 * Bitreich at HCCP Prague * 2022-10-10 * The Gopher Times Opus 6 released. * 2022-10-26 * A billion gopher project goes online. * 2022-10-31 * Blue Gopher Premium programme started. * 2022-11-10 * geomyidae v0.52 'billion gophers' release * 2022-11-19 * geomyidae v0.69 'I believe I can vla-ai' release * 2022-12-10 * First Multiplayer Coding GangBan. * Bulletball at bitreich goes online. * 2022-12-11 * Bitreich organigramm goes online. * 2022-12-22 * Cat Abuser Anonymous (CAA) founded. * 2022-12-23 * Bitreich End Year Meeting * Bitreich gets support for captchas and clownflare. * get-it-script-ed(1) event * 2022-12-25 * ed(1) cloud gets quiz mode * 2022-12-27 * ed(1) cloud gets guestbook * bitreich fireworks service goes online. * ed(1) telegram service online * 2022-12-29 * USSR 100 year GangBAN * 2022-12-31 * Bitflix goes online ## 2023 * 2023-01-03 * Chess fight in cooperation with ircnow. * 2023-01-18 * marquee support for gopher announced. * 2023-01-21 * Chinese New Year celebrated with special scripts. * 2023-01-28 * GangBAN * 2023-02-01 * Bitreich at FOSDEM 2023 * 2023-02-11 * Bitreich Telemetry Service goes online. * 2023-02-18 * memecache gets pointer support. * 2023-02-19 * deep pointer support in memecache * 2023-02-20 * reverse pointer support in memecache * 2023-02-25 * Ground Hog Day now part of bitreich schedule. * 2023-02-25 * sfeed 1.7 released * donkey meter for bandwidth measurement goes online * 2023-02-26 * C Thaumaturgy Center at Bitreich opened. * Library of Babel now available at Bitreich. * 2023-03-05 * Gopher Pearl 2007 Project at Bitreich opened. * 15k memes in memecache. * 2023-03-18 * GangBAN * 2023-04-09 * First bar on Gopherspace: Progress Bar opens. * Second bar on Gopherspace: Spacebar opens. * 2023-04-10 * Wikipedia guessing game now on Bitreich. * 2023-04-12 * Absurd OSS launches on Bitreich. * 2023-04-20 * GangBAHN * 2023-04-23 * sfeed 1.8 released * 2023-05-25 * ASCII graphing calculatur now in gameroom. * json2tsv 1.1 released * Bitreich Dateing service now online. * 2023-06-17 * Bitreich Political Movement Generator online. * 2023-06-25 * Bitreich Glass (Vitre) Meeting happened. * 2023-07-08 * DoIHaveInternet service at Bitreich online. * 2023-07-09 * zerous becomes bitreich member. * adc becomes council member. * 2023-07-14 * Dreadlock-NG service now available at bitreich. * 2023-07-16 * GangBAN * 2023-07-22 * Bitreich Comic Chat online. * geomyidae-tests project online. * 2023-07-30 * New project deodorant at bitreich. * three new games at gameroom: typing, memwatch and asciijump * 2023-07-31 * sacc v1.07 released * 2023-08-06 * new radio system based on teed(8) goes online. * new teed(8) projects online. * 2023-08-07 * brcon2023 begins * 2023-08-18 * Athas becomes a bitreich member * sfeed 1.9 released * 2023-08-21 * Annne becomes GPT2 text generation feature * 2023-08-22 * vtv-tools now a bitreich project * 2023-08-23 * sfeed-tools is now a bitreich project * 2023-08-26 * gemini2gopher proxy goes online at bitreich * geomyidae v0.96 release * meme-tools now a project at bitreich * 2023-08-27 * #bitreich-idle IdleRPG goes online * 2023-08-29 * The Gopher Times opus 7 is out with first print edition * 2023-08-30 * Gopher fediverse index goes online at bitreich * Gopher lawn hark is now online * 2023-09-07 * 1st 30 year Eternal September GangBAN * 2023-09-14 * 2nd 30 year Eternal September GangBAN * 2023-09-17 * 3rd 30 year Eternal September GangBAN * 2023-09-21 * 4th 30 year Eternal September GangBAN * 2023-09-28 * 5th 30 year Eternal September GangBAN * 2023-10-15 * Bitreich Nerd Physicial Training goes online * 2023-10-17 * Bitreich /home keepers association was founded * 2023-10-18 * git-porno(1) becomes a bitreich project * 2023-10-21 * annna gets dynamic emoji generation * 2023-12-22 * SuperTuxKart GangBAN happened * 2023-12-25 * 5 years of memes in annna. * 2023-12-30 * 1st Bitreich Masquerade * 1st Bitreich PEBCAK emoji generation contest * End Year Meeting ## 2024 * 2024-01-01 * crossword-generator now a Bitreich project * 2024-01-20 * ROYGBYTE becomes Bitreich member * 2024-02-01 * bitreich-ed - ed with ads - now a Bitreich project * 2024-02-05 * fosdem-client now a Bitreich project * 2024-02-13 * Bitreich Valentine's Special happened * 2024-03-23 * GangBAN happened * bitreich-gaming-link now a Bitreich project * 2024-04-02 * Bitreich STRUCT founded * Bitreich UNION founded * 2024-04-06 * GangBAN happened * 2024-04-07 * Gopher goes nuclear with tzip bomba * RAM downloader goes online at Bitreich * 2024-04-17 * Video search integrated into annna * Bitreich adc service next do ads service goes online * 2024-04-28 * GangBAN happened * 2024-04-29 * Bitreich /bin/true|false service goes online * 2024-05-03 * #bitreich-brainrip now IRC channel * 2024-06-29 * Bitreich UltraMegaMind AI goes online * 2024-07-17 * Bitreich suport We Are Working On It philosophy * 2024-07-21 * bitreich-httpd gets fortune cookie support * 2024-07-22 * Bitreich now protected by Fall-Con of Clownstrike * 2024-07-24 * Bitreich has Bitlocker support * 2024-07-31 * Stable Diffusion beautifier for annna online * web-allergy now a Bitreich project * xml strip club now with backrooms and live stripping * 2024-08-01 * Bitreich empathy service goes online * Bitreich radio gets graphical visualizer * 2024-08-03 * Brcon2024 begins with OpenTTD GangBAN * Bitreich Gym/Training Center for hackathons goes online