## 1st PEBCAK Competition 1st Prompt Execution Bitreich Competition Art King People generated proposals. We had over 100 proposal during one week, due to auto generation. Thanks for everyone in participating! ## 1st PEBCAK Competition :: Winner ...;c.,Oo,Kd.dlc ..... ..ox''x.....:O' ..'k ....lo:Ox:XklWd:XO'lOl....... .. ......'..'dc';,....;, .:kklkXxXK0kdKc0XlXXl;do:'.................:0o'.''.....;kccl xOlkXkxKOkxXXdcXxKOckX0kc'.................,..','oOl',:xdlx0 xk00xk0KxclNO;ookKOdddoxxo;..................kc,d0,..lkoccdx NXKxxdcxkololxccc';xKNK000kl'................clk;',,.xk;,xl, kxx0klxoldc::; 'lddkOOxc..................o;'x;.,:,',:,; odkdool::;:l, ..lccllc'.... .. .........oo.,x..,:..' KkdkOdcloKld' ....''...',..... ...........do..do.:, c:kkoo0olc:c; ....;...''''Od;.,........'......'.''.ld NXOlcol:l:xcc, .. .....'';',,:................l.....' Olo0KdoXxoOcl:. .....''';c; ..,;:,...............c;..... l0WXllKO:kdo;. .''.'',.....,,,'.;o0X0xl,..''.........':..... oKO:xNx;0kO:..','.',,. ...',;:::odxO0okx;...'.........;..... ;;'xNO:dNo0c...'',;;'. ...;;:x0Ol'...........''..', '''oc;,0l:0d,....'','''. .....'. ckxdxkko..........'.','.. ''',,;:dodkxk:....'''''''...,;,;:oOkkxdxd.......'''''..,. '',,;cddxkk0x:. ..',,;;;;;:loOkkOkxxoc:,......''..',''',. ;,;;codOxk0: .';:lodxkKXNXKOo:........ .....'''. ;;;;clol',. ........,:lodOKWMNKO:,'..... ,:ccco; ....,',,,,;::lloOdlc;,:::... ...cooo. ..',,,;;::clc:0NO,',;:c:'. .. . '..:ol, .'';;;:ccl''0Wd;',,,,'... . .. ... .,;;;;:cl.:NKl,'.''. .. ..... .; .'::::c,xWx;..;l:....... .. .. ' .'oOc:,;,,....... . '. ......... . .',. ... .. ..'.. .... ..... ...''. . ## 1st PEBCAK Competition :: Winner gophers://bitreich.org/I/emoji/photograph-of-a-gopher-lighting-a-rocket-fuse--face-closeup--smi.png Thanks adc, you are the winner! You receive the book: The UNIX Philosophy by Mike Gancarz Have fun! ## Bitreich End Year Meeting 2022 Bitreich End Year Meeting 2023 We have come a long way. by Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> ## State of Bitreich 2023 * First see my talk from bitreichcon 2023 * gophers://bitreich.org/0/con/2023/rec/state-of-bitreich.md ## Bitreich Member Statistics * Athas is a new member! * Members: 15 (+1) * Council: 5 We all are working on new inspiring fun technology. See the organigram for people in positions: gophers://bitreich.org/1/organigram Thanks all! ## IRC Netsplit.de max_users has grown to 64 from 52! ## Bitreich IdleRPG #bitreich-idle Join in and become a hacker striving between quests in groups to for example defeat the end boss of the Internet! Will you win or flee in despair? 14:34 The group \subline, adc, ROYGBYTE, parazyd, Yonle, test_, test__, stilbruch, surrounder went to Bitreich Con. They succeeded. Their idle time changed by 400. 17:45 Yonle attacked test__ with a soldering_iron, but test__ defended so well with hardened_patches, that no damage occured. ## Bitreich IdleRPG # .hacker .idletime.class .hardware .shield .weapon .level. 1 .adc . 4.4M.dos_developer .android_phone .hardened_patches .annna . 10.1 2 .Yonle . 4.4M.squirrel_programmer .thinkpad_R_laptop.snakeoil .soldering_iron . 10.1 3 .surrounder. 4.4M.gemdos_developer .purism_librem_13 .cloud_security .phrack_magazine. 10.1 4 .__20h__ . 4.4M.applescript_programmer.thinkpad_T_laptop.unix_permissions .oscilloscope . 10.1 5 .parazyd . 4.4M.symbian_os_developer .system76_adder .cloud_security .annna . 10.1 6 .\subline . 4.4M.javascript_programmer .purism_librem_15 .chroot .vim(1) . 10.1 7 .stilbruch . 3.4M.sh_programmer .fairphone .hardened_patches .oscilloscope . 8.1 8 .ROYGBYTE . 3.0M.ttcn3_programmer .fairphone .laughable_programming_style.joe(1) . 7.0 9 .moth . 924K.simula_programmer .pinebook_pro .pledge .ethernet_cable . 2.0 ## Newyeard is better 20:30 🎆 💣 🎆 ☃ Happy 28th December to Kabul! ☃ 🎆 💣 🎆 20:32 gophers://bitreich.org/I/emoji/Very-Beautiful-Cubism-Painting-28th-December-in-Kabul--with-happ.png ## IRC Thanks to everyone joining in and giving interesting topics! ## Memes annna meme count (total on 2023-12-27: 19456) 20000 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | + + + + TTT +| 18000 |-+total ***T*** TTTTMM +-| | memes ###M### TTTMMMMM | 16000 |-emojis $$$E$$$ TTMMMM +-| 14000 |filters %%%F%%% TTMMMM +-| | TMMMMM | 12000 |-+ TTMMM +-| | TMMMMM | 10000 |-+ TMMMM +-| | MMMM | 8000 |-+ MMMM +-| | MMM | 6000 |-+ MMM +-| 4000 |-+ MMM +-| | MMM | 2000 |-+ MMM +-| | + MMM + + FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF +| 0 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2018-12 2019-12 2020-12 2021-12 2022-12 2023-12 2024-12 ## Memes +----- statistics (2023-12-27) ------+ | number of images: 9473 | | number of movies: 7804 | | number of emojis: 633 | | number of filters: 1219 | | average movie length: 76.1 s | | total image viewing time: 14.0 h | | (assuming 5 s per image) | | total movie length: 1375.7 h | +------------------------------------+ ## Memes annna meme count (total on 2023-12-27: 19456) set log y 100000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |+ + + + + + +| |+ total ***T*** +| |+ memes ###M### TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM +| 10000 |-emojis $$$E$$$ MMMMMMMMMMMMM +-| |filters %%%F%%% MMMMMM +| |+ MMM +| 1000 |-+ MMM FFFFFFFFFF +-| |+ MM FFFFFFFFFFF EE +| |+ MMMMMM FFFFF E +| |+ MMMM FF EE +| 100 |-MMM FFF E +-| |MM F E +| |M FF $ +| 10 |M+ F E +-| |# +| |M +| |+ + + + + + +| 1 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 2018-12 2019-12 2020-12 2021-12 2022-12 2023-12 2024-12 ## Meme Development We increased growth rate again! See the curve! +5227 memes/filters/emojis in one year! Thanks to all contributors! ## The Gopher Times We are now at opus7! Thanks josuah for redacting this. And we had our first printed edition Everyone is welcome to contribute. It is as simple as a git commit. We made it even simpler this year. ## Project Development 61 (+11) repositories are now hosted on bitreich. Examples: * git-porno(1) * git(1) as it should have been. * vtv-tools * revolutionzing ads at brcon2024! * sfeed-tools * pushing the sfeed revolution * meme-tools * memes are the world * teed(8) * our new media multiplexing system * deodorant(1) * get clean, do not suck much more ... ## New Services * Nerd physical training programme * Bitreich /home keepers association * Gopher fediverse aggregator * gemini2gopher proxy * GPT2 and stable diffusion for annna ## GangBAN parties We tried out new games, like go. We had many of them -- four in 30 years Eternal September! We had new game modes. We had so much fun. :D ## Bitreichcon 2023 * First see my talk at bitreichcon 2023 for a summary * gopher://bitreich.org/0/con/2023/rec/closing.md We had so much fun: * Talks * Drone flying * Live Acupuncture * Live Geo Hacking with adc * Live vtv 3d hacking * So many hackathons that brought us forwards It activated the community again. ## Bitreichcon 2024 * Planned in Vitre, France. * Thanks Josuah! * Perfect connection via TGV high speed train directly next to the venue. * Beautiful French medieval town. * Will be in August. * Best is first or third week. Any proposals or objections? ## People are moving towards gopher. https://events.ccc.de/congress/2023/hub/de/wiki/Filesharing/ * Two gopher servers! * emacs(1) will get gophers:// support! ## Future Plans For Bitreich * Keep the fun in bitreich. * Keep it unique to be at bitreich. * Have a reason to come back to bitreich. * Keep bitreich the distraction from some reality as it is. * Allow fast adaptation through simplicity. * stable diffusion emojis as example What are your plans for bitreich? ## Unix Philosophy git://bitreich.org/bitreich-documents/unix-philosophy-*.txt ## Thanks! Thank you for listening! I wish everyone a successful and healthy year 2024. Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Community Manager (CCM)