
                       One Hundred Third Congress

                                 of the

                        United States of America

                          AT THE SECOND SESSION

          Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday,
 the twenty-fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-

                                 An Act

  To amend the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental 
Reorganization Act to reauthorize the annual Federal payment to the 
District of Columbia for fiscal year 1996, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Payment Reauthorization Act 
of 1994''.
    Section 503 of the District of Columbia Self-Government and 
Governmental Reorganization Act (sec. 47-3406.1, D.C. Code) is amended 
by adding at the end the following new subsection:
    ``(c) There is authorized to be appropriated as the annual Federal 
payment to the District of Columbia for fiscal year 1996 
    (a) In General.--Subpart 2 of part D of title IV of the District of 
Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act is 
        (1) in the heading for such subpart, by striking ``Audit'' and 
    inserting ``Audits and Accountability Requirements''; and
        (2) by adding at the end the following new section:

                ``performance and financial accountability

    ``Sec. 456. (a) Performance Accountability Plan.--
        ``(1) Submission of annual plan.--Not later than March 1 of 
    each year (beginning with 1995), the Mayor shall develop and submit 
    to the Committee on the District of Columbia of the House of 
    Representatives, the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the 
    Senate, the Committees on Appropriations of the House of 
    Representatives and the Senate, and the Comptroller General a 
    performance accountability plan for all departments, agencies, and 
    programs of the government of the District of Columbia for the 
    subsequent fiscal year.
        ``(2) Contents of plan.--The performance accountability plan 
    for a fiscal year shall contain the following:
            ``(A) A statement of measurable, objective performance 
        goals established for all significant activities of the 
        government of the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 
        (including activities funded in whole or in part by the 
        District but performed in whole or in part by some other public 
        or private entity) that describe an acceptable level of 
        performance by the government and a superior level of 
        performance by the government.
            ``(B) A description of the measures of performance to be 
        used in determining whether the government has met the goals 
        established under subparagraph (A) with respect to an activity 
        for a fiscal year. Such measures shall analyze the quantity and 
        quality of the activities involved, and shall include measures 
        of program outcomes and results.
            ``(C) The title of the District of Columbia management 
        employee most directly responsible for the achievement of each 
        goal and the title of such employee's immediate supervisor or 
        ``(3) Description of activities subject to court order.--In 
    addition to the material included in the performance accountability 
    plan for a fiscal year under paragraph (2), the plan shall include 
    a description of the activities of the government of the District 
    of Columbia that are subject to a court order during the fiscal 
    year and the requirements placed on such activities by the court 
    ``(b) Performance Accountability Report.--
        ``(1) Submission of report.--Not later than March 1 of each 
    year (beginning with 1997), the Mayor shall develop and submit to 
    the Committee on the District of Columbia of the House of 
    Representatives, the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the 
    Senate, the Committees on Appropriations of the House of 
    Representatives and the Senate, and the Comptroller General a 
    performance accountability report on activities of the government 
    of the District of Columbia during the fiscal year ending on the 
    previous September 30.
        ``(2) Contents of report.--The performance accountability 
    report for a fiscal year shall contain the following:
            ``(A) For each goal of the performance accountability plan 
        submitted under subsection (a) for the year, a statement of the 
        actual level of performance achieved compared to the stated 
        goal for an acceptable level of performance and the goal for a 
        superior level of performance.
            ``(B) The title of the District of Columbia management 
        employee most directly responsible for the achievement of each 
        goal and the title of such employee's immediate supervisor or 
            ``(C) A statement of the status of any court orders 
        applicable to the government of the District of Columbia during 
        the year and the steps taken by the government to comply with 
        such orders.
        ``(3) Evaluation of report.--The Comptroller General, in 
    consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and 
    Budget, shall review and evaluate each performance accountability 
    report submitted under this subsection and not later than April 15 
    of each year shall submit comments on such report to the Committee 
    on the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives, the 
    Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and the Committees 
    on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
    ``(c) Financial Accountability Plan and Report.--
        ``(1) Development and submission.--Not later than March 1 of 
    each year (beginning with 1995), the Mayor shall develop and submit 
    to the Committee on the District of Columbia of the House of 
    Representatives, the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the 
    Senate, the Committees on Appropriations of the House of 
    Representatives and the Senate, and the Comptroller General a 5-
    year financial plan for the government of the District of Columbia 
    that contains a description of the steps the government will take 
    to eliminate any differences between expenditures from, and 
    revenues attributable to, each fund of the District of Columbia 
    during the first 5 fiscal years beginning after the submission of 
    the plan.
        ``(2) Report on compliance.--
            ``(A) Submission of report.--Not later than March 1 of 
        every year (beginning with 1997), the Mayor shall submit a 
        report to the Committee on the District of Columbia of the 
        House of Representatives, the Committee on Governmental Affairs 
        of the Senate, the Committees on Appropriations of the House of 
        Representatives and the Senate, the Comptroller General, and 
        the Director of the Congressional Budget Office on the extent 
        to which the government of the District of Columbia was in 
        compliance during the preceding fiscal year with the applicable 
        requirements of the financial accountability plan submitted for 
        such fiscal year under this subsection.
            ``(B) Evaluation of report.--The Comptroller General, in 
        consultation with the Director of the Congressional Budget 
        Office, shall review and evaluate the financial accountability 
        compliance report submitted under subparagraph (A) and not 
        later than April 15 of each year shall submit comments on such 
        report to the Committee on the District of Columbia of the 
        House of Representatives, the Committee on Governmental Affairs 
        of the Senate, and the Committees on Appropriations of the 
        House of Representatives and the Senate.
    ``(d) Quarterly Financial Reports.--
        ``(1) Submission of quarterly financial reports.--Not later 
    than fifteen days after the end of every calendar quarter 
    (beginning with a report for the quarter beginning October 1, 
    1994), the Mayor shall submit to the Committee on the District of 
    Columbia of the House of Representatives, the Committee on 
    Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and the Subcommittees on the 
    District of Columbia of the Committees on Appropriations of the 
    House of Representatives and the Senate, a report on the financial 
    and budgetary status of the government of the District of Columbia 
    for the previous quarter.
        ``(2) Contents of report.--Each quarterly financial report 
    submitted under paragraph (1) shall include the following 
            ``(A) A comparison of actual to forecasted cash receipts 
        and disbursements for each month of the quarter, as presented 
        in the District's fiscal year consolidated cash forecast which 
        shall be supported and accompanied by cash forecasts for the 
        general fund and each of the District government's other funds 
        other than the capital projects fund and trust and agency 
            ``(B) A projection of the remaining months cash forecast 
        for that fiscal year.
            ``(C) Explanations of (i) the differences between actual 
        and forecasted cash amounts for each of the months in the 
        quarter, and (ii) any changes in the remaining months forecast 
        as compared to the original forecast for such months of that 
        fiscal year.
            ``(D) The effect of such changes, actual and projected, on 
        the total cash balance of the remaining months and for the 
        fiscal year.
            ``(E) Explanations of the impact on meeting the budget, how 
        the results may be reflected in a supplemental budget request, 
        or how other policy decisions may be necessary which may 
        require the agencies to reduce expenditures in other areas.
            ``(F) An aging of the outstanding receivables and payables, 
        with an explanation of how they are reflected in the forecast 
        of cash receipts and disbursements.
            ``(G) For each department or agency, the actual number of 
        full-time equivalent positions, the actual number of full-time 
        employees, the actual number of part-time employees, and the 
        actual number of temporary employees, together with the source 
        of funding for each such category of positions and 
    (b) Clerical Amendments.--The table of contents of the District of 
Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act is 
        (1) in the item relating to subpart 2 of part D of title IV, by 
    striking ``Audit'' and inserting ``Audits and Accountability 
    Requirements''; and
        (2) by inserting after the item relating to section 455 the 
    following new item:
``Sec. 456. Performance and financial accountability.''.

                               Speaker of the House of Representatives.

                            Vice President of the United States and    
                                               President of the Senate.