                       One Hundred Third Congress

                                 of the

                        United States of America

                          AT THE FIRST SESSION

          Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday,
  the fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three

                                 An Act

  To authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey 
certain lands in

           Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) In General.--Subject to the limitations set forth in this 
section, the Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter in this Act referred 
to as the ``Secretary'') is directed to convey by quitclaim deed and 
without monetary consideration, all right, title, and interest of the 
United States in and to certain lands located in Cameron Parish, 
Louisiana, described as section 32, Township 15 south, Range 10 West, 
Louisiana Meridian, as depicted on the official plat of survey on file 
with the Bureau of Land Management, to the West Cameron Port Commission 
for use as a public port facility or for other public purposes. As used 
in this subsection, the term ``other public purposes'' means 
governmental or public welfare purposes (including, but not limited, to 
schools and roads) within the authority of a unit of local government 
under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and includes a commercial use 
by the West Cameron Port Authority of lands conveyed by the United 
States pursuant to this Act so long as the revenue from such use is 
devoted to such governmental or public welfare purposes.
    (b) Reservation of Minerals.--The United States hereby excepts and 
reserves from the provisions of subsection (a) all minerals underlying 
the lands, including the right to enter and remove same.
    (c) Reversion to the United States.--If the lands conveyed by the 
United States pursuant to this Act cease to be operated by the West 
Cameron Port Authority for use as a public port facility or for other 
public purposes, such lands shall revert to the United States: Provided, 
That the lands shall not revert if the Secretary determines that such 
lands, or any portion thereof, have become contaminated with hazardous 
substances (as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, 
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601 and following)).
    (d) Retention of Property for Coast Guard.--The Secretary, after 
consultation with the Coast Guard and the West Cameron Port Authority, 
shall except and reserve from such conveyance all right, title, and 
interest to approximately 3.0 acres of land known as the Calcasieu Pass 
Radio Beacon Site used by the Coast Guard, along with any improvements 
thereon, for the continued use and benefit of the Coast Guard.
    (e) Retention of Other Encumbrances.--(1) The Secretary shall not 
convey any right, title, or interest held by the United States on the 
date of enactment of this Act in or to the following encumbrances, as 
identified on the map referred to in section 2--
        (A) a permit granted to the United States Army to install and 
    maintain an automatic tide gauge for recording storm and hurricane 
    tides; and
        (B) height restrictions in relation to the radio beacon tower.
    (2) The Secretary, after consultation with the Coast Guard, may 
include in the deed of conveyance any other restrictions the Secretary 
determines necessary for the benefit of the Coast Guard, including, but 
not limited to restrictions on height of structures, and requirements to 
shield seaward facing lights.


    The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to negotiate and enter 
into leases, at fair market rental and without regard to section 321 of 
chapter 314 of the Act of June 30, 1932 (40 U.S.C. 303b), for all or 
part of the Letterman-LAIR complex at the Presidio of San Francisco to 
be used for scientific, research or educational purposes. For 5 years 
from the date of enactment of this section, the proceeds from any such 
lease shall be retained by the Secretary and used for the preservation, 
restoration, operation and maintenance, improvement, repair and related 
expenses incurred with respect to Presidio properties. For purposes of 
any such lease, the Secretary may adjust the rental by taking into 
account any amounts to be expended by the lessee for preservation, 
maintenance, restoration, improvement, repair and related expenses with 
respect to the leased properties.

                                Speaker of the House of Representatives.

                             Vice President of the United States and    
                                                President of the Senate.