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  1st Session
                                H. R. 649

  To direct the Secretary of the Army to lease land at the Richard B. 
  Russell Dam and Lake project, South Carolina, to the South Carolina 
            Department of Commerce, and for other purposes.



                           February 14, 2001

  Mr. Graham introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
             Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure


                                 A BILL

  To direct the Secretary of the Army to lease land at the Richard B. 
  Russell Dam and Lake project, South Carolina, to the South Carolina 
            Department of Commerce, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Lease Authority.--Not later than 120 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army shall terminate 
Department of the Army leases DACW 21-1-92-0500 and DACW 21-1-97-0134, 
covering approximately 1,798 acres of land at the Richard B. Russell 
Dam and Lake project, South Carolina, authorized by section 203 of the 
Flood Control Act of 1966 (80 Stat. 1420), and enter into a single 
lease with the lessee, the South Carolina Department of Commerce, 
covering the same approximately 1,798 Acres.
    (b) Terms and Conditions.--The lease entered into under subsection 
(a) shall be for a term of not to exceed 111 years and shall allow for 
development activities that will enhance the recreational opportunities 
available on the Savannah River and at the project.
    (c) Development Activities.--
            (1) Types of development activities.--Development 
        activities undertaken on the land covered by the lease may 
        include the construction of cottages, golf courses and related 
        facilities, a hotel and restaurant, a marina, a boat ramp and 
        dry board storage facility, and such other facilities as are 
        approved by the Secretary. Such facilities may be publicly or 
        privately owned.
            (2) Cost of development activities.--Development activities 
        on the land covered by the lease shall be undertaken at no cost 
        to the Federal Government.
            (3) Rental of cottages.--Cottages constructed on the land 
        covered by the lease shall be available for public rental at 
        least 245 days per year, including a minimum of 90 days during 
        the months of March through July.
            (4) Public use of facilities.--Any floating or stationary 
        board or courtesy dock placed on the waters of Richard B. 
        Russell Lake in conjunction with the lease shall be available 
        for use by the general public and may not be managed for 
        private exclusive use by any individual or entity.
            (5) Facilities not to interfere with project.--Facilities 
        constructed on the land covered by the lease may not interfere 
        with operation of the project by the Federal Government in 
        accordance with the authorized project purposes.
    (d) Inclusion of Additional Parcel.--
            (1) In general.--The lease entered into under subsection 
        (a) may include, in addition to the 1,798 acres specified in 
        subsection (a), an additional parcel of land known as Parcel G, 
        as identified in the Pickney Report commissioned by the South 
        Carolina Savannah Valley Authority and dated August 1991. If 
        Parcel G is included in the lease, the lease shall provide for 
        conversion of the designated use of the parcel from undisturbed 
        collar land to recreational collar land.
            (2) Terms and conditions.--As a condition for the inclusion 
        of Parcel G in the lease entered into under subsection (a), the 
        Secretary shall require the State of South Carolina to transfer 
        to the Secretary a parcel of land that is similar to Parcel G 
        in ecological values, functions, and habitat for the purpose of 
        mitigating against losses resulting from the conversion 
        referred to in paragraph (1).