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  1st Session
H. CON. RES. 3

  Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding a Federal holiday to 
              commemorate the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez.



                            January 3, 2001

  Mr. Filner submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was 
             referred to the Committee on Government Reform


                         CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

  Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding a Federal holiday to 
              commemorate the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez.

Whereas Cesar E. Chavez was born March 31, 1927, on a small farm near Yuma, 
        Arizona, and died on April 23, 1993;
Whereas the State of California and the city of San Diego, California, has each 
        established a holiday to recognize the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez;
Whereas numerous holidays, schools, parks, libraries, and other structures and 
        events have been named after Cesar E. Chavez, internationally and in 
        Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, 
        Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, and Texas, with 
        many more planned;
Whereas Cesar E. Chavez was a recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Peace 
        Prize during his lifetime and was awarded the Presidential Medal of 
        Freedom by President Clinton on August 8, 1994;
Whereas as the grandson of a Mexican immigrant and settler, he grew up working 
        with migrant farm workers, himself picking grapes, melons, beans, and 
        other staple crops at low wages and for long hours, during which time he 
        developed a strong work ethic and respect for the farm workers his 
        father called ``the children of God'';
Whereas at the age of 18, Cesar E. Chavez entered the United States Navy and 
        served his country with distinction for 2 years;
Whereas as early as 1949, Cesar E. Chavez committed himself to organizing farm 
        workers to campaign for safe and fair working conditions, reasonable 
        wages, decent housing, and the outlawing of child labor;
Whereas in 1962, Cesar E. Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association, 
        predecessor of the United Farm Workers of America, which brought hope to 
        farm workers that they might one day realize the basic protections and 
        workers' rights to which all Americans aspire;
Whereas through his commitment to nonviolence, Cesar E. Chavez brought dignity 
        and respect to the farm workers who organized themselves and became an 
        inspiration and a resource to other Americans and people engaged in 
        human rights struggles throughout the world;
Whereas Cesar E. Chavez was an advocate for nonviolence at a time when violence 
        penetrated every level of our society;
Whereas Cesar E. Chavez and his family also dedicated themselves to the 
        education of farm workers' children through migrant schools, many of 
        whom graduated and worked as teachers, doctors, nurses, and in other 
        professional occupations;
Whereas the legacy of Cesar E. Chavez includes healthy working conditions that 
        yield uncontaminated food for America's tables and the enforcement of 
        employer sanctions for those who hire illegal immigrants;
Whereas Cesar E. Chavez's influence extends far beyond agriculture and provides 
        inspiration for those working to better human rights through his example 
        of organizing voter registration drives in urban and farm areas, 
        initiating complaints against mistreatment by police and welfare 
        officials, and empowering everyday workers to seek advancement in 
        education and politics; and
Whereas Cesar E. Chavez lived alongside his campesino brothers and sisters in 
        humble surroundings and upon his passing was laid to rest where he lived 
        and worked for 23 years on the grounds of the headquarters of the United 
        Farm Workers of America, known as Nuestra Senora de La Paz (Our Lady of 
        Peace), located in the Tehachapi Mountains at Keene, California: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), 
That it is the sense of the Congress that--
            (1) a Federal holiday should be established to honor Cesar 
        E. Chavez for his tireless commitment to improve the plight of 
        farm workers and the poor throughout the United States and for 
        the inspiration his heroic efforts gave to so many Americans to 
        work nonviolently for justice in their communities; and
            (2) all Americans should commit themselves to working for 
        justice through nonviolence in their communities and remind 
        themselves of the work of the people who put food on the tables 
        of America.