[DOCID: f:hr5eh.txt]
H. Res. 5

                 In the House of Representatives, U.S.,

                                                       January 3, 2001.
    Resolved, That the Rules of the House of Representatives of the One Hundred 
Sixth Congress, including applicable provisions of law or concurrent resolution 
that constituted rules of the House at the end of the One Hundred Sixth 
Congress, are adopted as the Rules of the House of Representatives of the One 
Hundred Seventh Congress, with amendments to the standing rules, as provided in 
section 2, and with other orders as provided in section 3.


    (a) Publication of Documents.--
            (1) In clause 2(b) of rule II, strike ``printed and''.
            (2) In clause 2(c)(3) of rule II, strike ``printing and''.
            (3) In clause 2(c)(4) of rule II, strike ``printed''.
            (4) In clause 2(e) of rule II, strike ``printed and''.
            (5) In clause 2(f)(2) of rule II, strike ``or mail''.
            (6) In clause 2(f)(2) of rule II, strike ``, in binding of good 
    (b) Preparation of Enrolled Bills.--
            (1) In clause 2(d) of rule II, designate the existing text as 
        subparagraph (1) and insert thereafter the following new subparagraph:
    ``(2) The Clerk shall examine all bills, amendments, and joint resolutions 
after passage by the House and, in cooperation with the Senate, examine all 
bills and joint resolutions that have passed both Houses to see that they are 
correctly enrolled and forthwith present those bills and joint resolutions that 
originated in the House to the President in person after their signature by the 
Speaker and the President of the Senate, and report to the House the fact and 
date of their presentment.''.
            (2) In clause 4(d)(1) of rule X, strike subdivision (A), redesignate 
        the succeeding subdivisions accordingly (and conform the subdivision-
        reference in subdivision (C), as redesignated.
    (c) Responding to Subpoenas.--In rule VIII, strike ``subpoena or other 
judicial order'' in each of the nine places it appears and insert in lieu 
thereof (in each instance) ``judicial or administrative subpoena or judicial 
    (d) Renaming of Committee on Commerce; Establishment of Committee on 
Financial Services.--In clause 1 of rule X--
            (1) strike paragraph (d);
            (2) redesignate paragraph (e) as paragraph (d);
            (3) redesignate paragraph (g) as paragraph (e) and transfer that 
        paragraph before paragraph (f);
            (4) in paragraph (f)--
                    (A) strike ``Commerce'' and insert in lieu thereof ``Energy 
                and Commerce'' (and conform the reference in clause 3(c) of rule 
                X); and
                    (B) strike subparagraph (15) and redesignate the succeeding 
                subparagraph accordingly; and
            (5) insert the following new paragraph after paragraph (f):
    ``(g) Committee on Financial Services.
            ``(1) Banks and banking, including deposit insurance and Federal 
        monetary policy.
            ``(2) Economic stabilization, defense production, renegotiation, and 
        control of the price of commodities, rents, and services.
            ``(3) Financial aid to commerce and industry (other than 
            ``(4) Insurance generally.
            ``(5) International finance.
            ``(6) International financial and monetary organization.
            ``(7) Money and credit, including currency and the issuance of notes 
        and redemption thereof; gold and silver, including the coinage thereof; 
        valuation and revaluation of the dollar.
            ``(8) Public and private housing.
            ``(9) Securities and exchanges.
            ``(10) Urban development.''.
    (e) Enhanced Oversight Planning.--In clause 2(d)(1) of rule X, insert after 
subdivision (A) the following new subdivision (and redesignate the succeeding 
subdivisions accordingly):
            ``(B) review specific problems with federal rules, regulations, 
        statutes, and court decisions that are ambiguous, arbitrary, or 
        nonsensical, or that impose severe financial burdens on individuals;''.
    (f) Intelligence Oversight.--In clause 3 of rule X, add the following new 
paragraph at the end:
    ``(l) The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence shall review and study 
on a continuing basis laws, programs, and activities of the intelligence 
community and shall review and study on an exclusive basis the sources and 
methods of entities described in clause 11(b)(1)(A).''.
    (g) Oversight of Officers.--
            (1) In clause 4(d) of rule X, amend subdivision (A) (as 
        redesignated) to read as follows:
    ``(A) provide policy direction for the Inspector General and oversight of 
the Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chief Administrative Officer, and Inspector 
            (2) In clause 4(a) of rule II strike ``policy direction and''.
    (h) Size of Intelligence Committee.--In the second sentence of clause 
11(a)(1) of rule X--
            (1) strike ``not more than 16'' and insert in lieu thereof ``not 
        more than 18''; and
            (2) strike ``not more than nine'' and insert in lieu thereof ``not 
        more than 10''.
    (i) Preserving Majority Quorum Requirements.--In clause 2(h)(3) of rule XI, 
strike ``the reporting of a measure or recommendation'' and insert in lieu 
thereof ``one for which the presence of a majority of the committee is otherwise 
    (j) Clarification of Hearing Procedures.--In clause 2(k) of rule XI--
            (1) in the caption, strike ``investigative'';
            (2) in subparagraph (1)--
                    (A) strike ``an investigative hearing'' and insert in lieu 
                thereof ``a hearing''; and
                    (B) strike ``investigation'' and insert in lieu thereof 
            (3) in subparagraph (2), strike ``to each witness'' and insert in 
        lieu thereof ``to each witness on request'';
            (4) in subparagraph (3), strike ``investigative''; and
            (5) in subparagraph (5)--
                    (A) strike ``an investigative hearing'' and insert in lieu 
                thereof ``a hearing'';
                    (B) strike ``asserted'' and insert in lieu thereof 
                ``asserted by a member of the committee''; and
                    (C) strike ``any person'' and insert in lieu thereof ``any 
                person, or it is asserted by a witness that the evidence or 
                testimony that the witness would give at a hearing may tend to 
                defame, degrade, or incriminate the witness''.
    (k) Certain Supplemental Reports Without Additional Layover.--In clause 
3(a)(2) of rule XIII, add the following new sentence at the end: ``A 
supplemental report only correcting errors in the depiction of record votes 
under paragraph (b) may be filed under this subparagraph and shall not be 
subject to the requirement in clause 4 concerning the availability of 
    (l) Performance Goals and Objectives.--
            (1) In clause 3(c) of rule XIII, amend subparagraph (4) to read as 
            ``(4) A statement of general performance goals and objectives, 
        including outcome-related goals and objectives, for which the measure 
        authorizes funding.''.
            (2) In clause 4(c)(2) of rule X, strike ``matter involved'' and all 
        that follows and insert in lieu thereof ``matter involved.''.
    (m) Report Detail on Unauthorized Appropriations.--In clause 3(f)(1) of rule 
XIII, amend subdivision (B) to read as follows:
            ``(B) a list of all appropriations contained in the bill for 
        expenditures not currently authorized by law for the period concerned 
        (excepting classified intelligence or national security programs, 
        projects, or activities), along with a statement of the last year for 
        which such expenditures were authorized, the level of expenditures 
        authorized for that year, the actual level of expenditures for that 
        year, and the level of appropriations in the bill for such 
    (n) Corrections Calendar.--
            (1) In clause 4(a)(2) of rule XIII, insert after subdivision (B) the 
        following new subdivision (and redesignate the succeeding subdivisions 
            ``(C) a bill called from the Corrections Calendar under clause 6 of 
        rule XV;''.
            (2) In clause 6(a) of rule XV, strike ``that has been on the 
        Corrections Calendar for three legislative days'' and insert in lieu 
        thereof ``that is printed on the Corrections Calendar''.
    (o) Objections to Exhibits.--In clause 6 of rule XVII, strike ``its use 
shall be decided without debate by a vote of the House'' and insert in lieu 
thereof ``the Chair, in his discretion, may submit the question of its use to 
the House without debate''.
    (p) Postponing Requests for Recorded Votes on Amendments in Committee of 
Whole.--In clause 6 of rule XVIII, add the following new paragraph at the end:
    ``(g) The Chairman may postpone a request for a recorded vote on any 
amendment. The Chairman may resume proceedings on a postponed request at any 
time. The Chairman may reduce to five minutes the minimum time for electronic 
voting on any postponed question that follows another electronic vote without 
interviewing business, provided that the minimum time for electronic voting on 
the first in any series of questions shall be 15 minutes.''.
    (q) Naming of Public Works.--In rule XXI, add the following new clause at 
the end:
``Designation of public works
    ``6. It shall not be in order to consider a bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for the designation or 
redesignation of a public work in honor of an individual then serving as a 
Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, or Senator.''.
    (r) Motions Instructing Conferees.--
            (1) In clause 7 of rule XXII, in subparagraph (c)(1), strike ``first 
            (2) In clause 7 of rule XXII, in subparagraph (c)(1)--
                    (A) strike the dash after ``privileged'';
                    (B) strike the designations of subdivisions (A) and (B); and
                    (C) strike ``; and'' and insert in lieu thereof ``, but 
            (3) In clause 7 of rule XXII, after paragraph (c), redesignate 
        paragraph (d) as paragraph (e) and insert the following new paragraph 
        after paragraph (c):
    ``(d) Instructions to conferees in a motion to instruct or in a motion to 
recommit to conference may not include argument.''.
    (s) Repeal of Automatic Public-debt Measure.--
            (1) Strike rule XXIII and redesignate the succeeding rules 
            (2) In clause 4(f)(2) of rule X, strike ``budget'' and all that 
        follows and insert in lieu thereof ``budget.''.
            (3) In clause 9(b)(2) of rule X, strike ``rule XXIV'' and insert in 
        lieu thereof ``rule XXIII''.
            (4) In clause 3(a)(5) of rule XI, strike ``rule XXIV'' and insert in 
        lieu thereof ``rule XXIII''.
            (5) In clause 4 of rule XXIII (as redesignated), strike ``rule 
        XXVI'' and insert in lieu thereof ``rule XXV''.
            (6) In clause 5 of rule XXIII (as redesignated), strike ``rule 
        XXVI'' and insert in lieu thereof ``rule XXV''.
            (7) In clause 12(a) of rule XXIII (as redesignated), strike ``rule 
        XXVII'' and insert in lieu thereof ``rule XXVI''.
    (t)  Prohibition on Paid Employment of Spouse.--In clause 8 of rule XXIII 
(as redesignated), add the following new paragraph at the end:
    ``(c)(1) Except as specified in subparagraph (2)--
            ``(A) a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not retain 
        his spouse in a paid position; and
            ``(B) an employee of the House may not accept compensation for work 
        for a committee on which his spouse serves as a member.
    ``(2) Subparagraph (1) shall not apply in the case of a spouse whose 
pertinent employment predates the One Hundred Seventh Congress.''.
    (u) Oaths Concerning Classified Information.--In clause 13 of rule XXIII (as 
redesignated), add the following new sentence at the end: ``The Clerk shall make 
signatures a matter of public record, causing the names of each Member, 
Delegate, or Resident Commissioner who has signed the oath during a week (if 
any) to be published in a portion of the Congressional Record designated for 
that purpose on the last legislative day of the week and making cumulative lists 
of such names available each day for public inspection in an appropriate office 
of the House.''.
    (v) Activities of Consultants.--In clause 14(b) of rule XXIII (as 
redesignated), add the following new sentences at the end: ``An individual whose 
services are compensated by the House pursuant to a consultant contract may not 
lobby the contracting committee or the members or staff of the contracting 
committee on any matter. Such an individual may lobby other Members, Delegates, 
or the Resident Commissioner or staff of the House on matters outside the 
jurisdiction of the contracting committee.''.
    (w) Clarification of Terms in Gift Rule.--
            (1) In clause 4(a)(1) of rule XXV (as redesignated), strike ``; 
        and'' and insert in lieu thereof a period.
            (2) In clause 4(a)(2) of rule XXV (as redesignated), strike ``(2) 
        when'' and insert in lieu thereof ``(2)(A) When''.
            (3) After clause 4(a)(2)(A) of rule XXV (as redesignated), insert 
        the following subdivision:
                    ``(B) When used in clause 5 of this rule, the terms 
                `officer' and `employee' have the same meanings as in rule 
            (4) In clause 5(e)(1) of rule XXV (as redesignated), strike ``and'' 
        after subparagraph (1).
            (5) At the end of clause 5(e)(2) of rule XXV (as redesignated), 
        strike the period and insert in lieu thereof ``; and''.
            (6) After clause 5(e)(2) of rule XXV (as redesignated), insert the 
        following new subparagraph:
            ``(3) the terms `officer' and `employee' have the same meanings as 
        in rule XXIII.''.
    (x) Technical Corrections in Recodification.--
            (1) In clause 3(a) of rule VII, strike ``paragraph (b), clause 4,'' 
        and insert in lieu thereof ``clause 4(b)''.
            (2) In clause 5(a) of rule VII, strike ``clause 9'' and insert in 
        lieu thereof ``clause 11''.
            (3) In clause 7(b) of rule X, strike ``under this paragraph''.
            (4) In clause 7(d) of rule X, strike ``this paragraph'' and insert 
        in lieu thereof ``this clause''.
            (5) In clause 7(e) of rule X, strike ``this paragraph'' and insert 
        in lieu thereof ``this clause''.
            (6) In clause 7(f)(1) of rule X, strike ``this paragraph'' and 
        insert in lieu thereof ``this clause''.
            (7) In clause 7(f)(2) of rule X, strike ``this paragraph'' and 
        insert in lieu thereof ``this clause''.
            (8) In clause 9(g) of rule X, strike ``paragraph (a) of clause 6'' 
        and insert in lieu thereof ``clause 6(a)''.
            (9) In clause 11(d)(1) of rule X, strike ``clauses 6(a), (b), and 
        (c) and 8(a), (b), and (c) of this rule'' and insert in lieu thereof 
        ``clauses 8(a), (b), and (c) and 9(a), (b), and (c) of this rule''.
            (10) In clause 2(m)(1) of rule XI, strike ``subparagraph (2)(A)'' 
        and insert in lieu thereof ``subparagraph (3)(A)''.
            (11) In clause 7(a) of rule XII, strike ``All other bills'' and 
        insert in lieu thereof ``Bills''.
            (12) In clause 1 of rule XIV, strike ``clause 9(a)'' and insert in 
        lieu thereof ``clause 8''.
            (13) In clause 3 of rule XIV, strike ``clause 9'' and insert in lieu 
        thereof ``clause 8''.
            (14) In clause 2(c) of rule XV, strike ``printed with the 
        signatures'' and insert in lieu thereof ``published with the 
            (15) In clause 8(c) of rule XVIII, strike ``this rule'' and insert 
        in lieu thereof ``this clause''.
            (16) In clause 8(b) of rule XXIII (as redesignated), strike ``clause 
        7'' and insert in lieu thereof ``clause 9'' in both places where it 


    (a) Standards Committee Rules.--For the One Hundred Seventh Congress, each 
provision of House Resolution 168 of the One Hundred Fifth Congress that was not 
executed as a change in the standing rules is hereby reaffirmed (except that, 
notwithstanding section 13 of that resolution, the chairman and ranking minority 
member of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct may consult with an 
investigative subcommittee either on their own initiative or on the initiative 
of the subcommittee, shall have access to information before a subcommittee with 
which they so consult, and shall not thereby be precluded from serving as full, 
voting members of any adjudicatory subcommittee).
    (b) Budget Enforcement.--
            (1) During the One Hundred Seventh Congress, references in section 
        306 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to a resolution shall be 
        construed in the House of Representatives as references to a joint 
            (2) During the One Hundred Seventh Congress, in the case of a 
        reported bill or joint resolution considered pursuant to a special order 
        of business, a point of order under section 303 of the Congressional 
        Budget Act of 1974 shall be determined on the basis of the text made in 
        order as an original bill or joint resolution for the purpose of 
        amendment or to the text on which the previous question is ordered 
        directly to passage, as the case may be.
            (3) During the One Hundred Seventh Congress, a provision in a bill 
        or joint resolution, or in an amendment thereto or a conference report 
        thereon, that establishes prospectively for a Federal office or position 
        a specified or minimum level of compensation to be funded by annual 
        discretionary appropriations shall not be considered as providing new 
        entitlement authority within the meaning of the Congressional Budget Act 
        of 1974.
    (c) Certain Subcommittees.--Notwithstanding clause 5(d) of rule X, during 
the One Hundred Seventh Congress--
            (1) the Committee on Government Reform may have not more than eight 
            (2) the Committee on International Relations may have not more than 
        six subcommittees; and
            (3) the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure may have not 
        more than six subcommittees.
    (d) Numbering of Bills.--In the One Hundred Seventh Congress, the first 10 
numbers for bills (H.R. 1 through H.R. 10) shall be reserved for assignment by 
the Speaker to such bills as he may designate when introduced during the first 
