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  1st Session
S. CON. RES. 5

  Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the United States Army Nurse 



                            January 30, 2001

  Mr. Inouye submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was 
               referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


                         CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

  Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the United States Army Nurse 

Whereas since the War of American Independence, nurses have served the Armed 
        Forces of the United States in peace and in war;
Whereas on February 2, 1901, Congress authorized the establishment of a 
        permanent nurse corps;
Whereas for the past 100 years the United States Army Nurse Corps has served 
        with distinction at home and on distant battlefields;
Whereas over 21,000 Army nurses served in World War I, and many of them were 
        noted in British Army dispatches for their meritorious service;
Whereas in World War II, over 57,000 Army nurses again served with distinction, 
        including 67 who were captured in the Philippines and held as prisoners 
        of war for 3 years before their liberation in February 1945;
Whereas Army nurses served in hostilities in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, 
        Kuwait, and Somalia;
Whereas Army nurses were there to care for United States soldiers, wherever 
        those soldiers were fighting, thereby winning extraordinary distinction 
        and respect for the Nation and the United States Army;
Whereas on this 100th Anniversary of the United States Army Nurse Corps, nurses 
        in the Army Reserve, the Army National Guard, and the Regular Army are 
        deployed to over 15 countries, including to Bosnia-Herzegovina and 
Whereas the motto of Army nurses, ``Ready, Caring, Proud'' is more than mere 
        words, it is the creed by which the Army nurse lives and serves;
Whereas it is certain that Army nurses, selflessly serving the Nation, will 
        continue to be the credentials of our Army, even though no one can 
        predict the cause, location, or magnitude of future battles; and
Whereas the United States Army Nurse Corps is committed to providing quality 
        care in peace and war, at anytime and in any place: Now, therefore, be 
    Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), 
That Congress--
            (1) recognizes the valor, commitment, and sacrifice that 
        United States Army nurses have made throughout the history of 
        the Nation;
            (2) commends the United States Army Nurse Corps for 100 
        years of selfless service;
            (3) requests that the President issue a proclamation 
        recognizing the 100th anniversary of the United States Army 
        Nurse Corps on February 2, 2001; and
            (4) calls upon the people of the United States to observe 
        that anniversary with appropriate ceremonies and activities.