Usenet Oldnews Copyright © Notice This archive of Usenet News articles represents the resources and energy of many people. Therefore, it is under compilation copyright © by Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, and David Wiseman, (and the Universities of California, Toronto, and Western Ontario). The articles contained herein may be copied and distributed freely, provided: 1. There is no money collected for the text(s) of the articles. 2. The following notice is appended to each article: The Usenet Oldnews Archive: Compilation Copyright© 1981, 1996 Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, David Wiseman. The History of the Usenet Oldnews Archive The Oldnews Usenet News Archive was originally compiled on 144 nine-track mag tapes by Henry Spencer, [1], at the University of Toronto, Department of Zoology. Those tapes were borrowed by David Wiseman, [2] of the University of Western Ontario's Computer Science Department in late 1991. In June of 1992, Bruce Jones traveled to UWO and spent the better part of two weeks and the patience of many UWO folks, scraping the bits off those tapes and getting the files onto disk. Special Notes of Thanks To Henry Spencer, for having the forsight to archive Usenet in the first place, and for graciously making his tapes available to David Wiseman and myself. To David and Cheryl Wiseman, for their hospitality during the two weeks of my stay in London. To Lance Bailey for the use of his VAX, his 9-track drive, and a 300mb drive that looked, sounded, and danced like an out-of-balance washing machine, but held the bits just fine. _________________________________________________________________ The World Wide Web iteration of the Usenet Oldnews Archive Created by Bruce Jones [3] Department of Communication University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0503 (619) 534-0417/4410 FAX (619) 534-7315 Communication at UCSD: [4] Bruce Jones: [5] References 1. 2. file://localhost/home/jgoerzen/data/usenet-gopher2/ 3. file://localhost/home/jgoerzen/data/usenet-gopher2/ 4. 5.