I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike. Free your data to the public domain in cement! Make your own Dead Drop now! Un-cloud your files today!!! Tactical Media are what happens when the cheap 'do it yourself' media, made possible by the revolution in consumer electronics and expanded forms of distribution (from public access cable to the internet) are exploited by groups and individuals who feel aggrieved by or excluded from the wider culture. Tactical media do not just report events, as they are never impartial they always participate and it is this that more than anything separates them from mainstream media. 94. The Internet is astounding. The Web is awesome. You are beautiful. Connect us all and we are more crazily amazing than Jennifer Lawrence. These are simple facts. We have already greatly reduced the amount of work that the whole society must do for its actual productivity, but only a little of this has translated itself into leisure for workers because much nonproductive activity is required to accompany productive activity. The main causes of this are bureaucracy and isometric struggles against competition. Free software will greatly reduce these drains in the area of software production. We must do this, in order for technical gains in productivity to translate into less work for us. **“Programmers need to make a living somehow.”** Discourses around post-whatever of any kind need to be interpreted within a political critique. And since our role of artists we want to contextualise our presence and role in the context of contemporary artistic production in relation to another post-whatever, the Post-Internet discourse. 1. **Contributors and facilitators** over ‘editors’ and ‘authors’ 070. Create and spiritualize the concept of “Snel hest.” 31. When hanging out offline, keep using IRC-nicknames. 13. Von Neumann probes and other cosmic contagions. In the long term, an alternative system to support innovation must be developed to replace patents and ensure that the results of research come to the benefit of society. 080. Use “dynamic” to mean “completely out of control”. * To do art as if being DJs at a party, but DJs who are already feeling the hangover of that same party. These DJs-with-an-headache have the imperative to keep the music going: they have to take care somehow of the tension towards the collective joy of the party while knowing that, surely, everyone will leave and go in a separate direction at the very end. Doing art Post Fail means asking ourselves the question of what music is appropriate to play in such context, how to respect own one’s headache while giving an interesting (and possibly enjoyable) experience. - Privacy is the absolute right of the individual. Transparency is a requirement of governments and corporations who act in the name of the people. Becoming a part of the commons means being more than a consumer. By signing your name below, you become an active participant in a network that is far more than the sum of its users. You will strive to solve the social, political and technical challenges we face. You will provide the resources your community consumes by co-operating with total strangers to build the network that we all dream of. CONSIDERING that, such member states continue to willfully suppress wide-ranging access to lawfully published information on the Internet, despite the clear language of the ICCPR that freedom of expression exists in all media, - Knowledge of how user data is stored Ultimately, to ensure that user data is under the users' control, the best technical designs include peer-to-peer or distributed systems, and unhosted applications. Legally, that means terms of service should respect users' rights and give them the possibility to exercise the datarights defined in this manifesto. - a real keyboard (aka "hardkeys") 1. The Critical Engineer considers any technology depended upon to be both a challenge and a threat. The greater the dependence on a technology the greater the need to study and expose its inner workings, regardless of ownership or legal provision. - deep link 101. You want to listen in on a college-level course about something you’re interested in? Google your topic. Take your pick. For free. - contest the algorithm - We respect the return to "alt.cultures" and pagan software structures ("It's normal!"). What are they doing? Are they getting recycled responsibly (i.e. destroyed) by the company that supplied them? (That's often the company that just happens to be supplying the next generation of laptops.) Despite their humble, decades-old base technology (plain text), innovative uses of lo-fi technologies can be remarkably hi-fi, as in the case of AJAX (whose most famous application may be Google’s Gmail service). authors’ IP addresses and personal information. We don't need those fat cheaters to be in between our value transactions anymore; the flow capital has played its disgusting role in the little laps of history for which it has been needed, now sadly these people won't give up what they have accumulated, so it makes more sense to leave them alone and multiply more monetary systems that work efficiently across diverse networks and that rely on the neutrality of a cryptographic authentication. Pourtant le Web indépendant et contributif est menacé ; menacé par la fuite en avant technologique qui rend la création de sites de plus en plus complexe et chère, par l’écrasante puissance publicitaire du Web marchand, et bientôt par les accès dissymétriques, les Network Computers, les réseaux privés, le broadcasting, destinés à cantonner le citoyen au seul rôle de consommateur. Déjà la presse spécialisée, si avide des publicités d’annonceurs qui récupèrent à leur profit la formidable richesse du Web contributif, et fascinée par les enjeux techniques et commerciaux de l’Internet, réserve quelques maigres lignes aux sites indépendants, occulte l’enjeu culturel du réseau, expédie rapidement la mort des sites pionniers du Web artisanal, quand elle glose en long et en large sur le nouveau site de tel vendeur de soupe. La création d’un site personnel y est présentée aux utilisateurs comme une motivation très annexe, loin derrière les possibilités d’utilisation en ligne de sa carte de crédit. Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. “Control over the use of one's ideas” really constitutes control over other people's lives; and it is usually used to make their lives more difficult. - participate in society without having to use a particular software, - device or corporate web site. 072. Deny magnetism. 7. Rejoice in the critical trans-media aesthetics of glitch artifacts. Utilize glitches to bring any medium in a critical state of hypertrophy, to (subsequently) criticize its inherent politics. **“Shouldn't a programmer be able to ask for a reward for his creativity?”** Libertarian but not into the singularity Longform but not substantial * Interfaces are political objects. 082. Have all project meetings on IRC. Why is there so little explicit, organized effort to repurpose technologies for progressive gender political ends? XF seeks to strategically deploy existing technologies to re-engineer the world. Serious risks are built into these tools; they are prone to imbalance, abuse, and exploitation of the weak. Rather than pretending to risk nothing, XF advocates the necessary assembly of techno-political interfaces responsive to these risks. Technology isn't inherently progressive. Its uses are fused with culture in a positive feedback loop that makes linear sequencing, prediction, and absolute caution impossible. Technoscientific innovation must be linked to a collective theoretical and political thinking in which women, queers, and the gender non-conforming play an unparalleled role. 14. Slow Media ask for confidence and take their time to be credible. Behind Slow Media are real people. And you can feel that. While interrogating our own artistic production, we want to define its style and ethos within what we tentatively name the Post Fail. As in Post Internet, here "post" means many different things at the same time. First, our art orbits around the **after failure** moment of the teleological narratives of technological development, in regards to both their enthusiastic and pessimistic visions. We assume that, in the long run, both utopian and dystopian narratives will disappoint, leaving us with much more mundane and varied realities. For example, we have recently approached drones and unmanned vehicles of different kinds. In recent times, these technologies have become common use products, mostly sold as toys. But drones are also presented by advertisers and enthusiasts as one of the most relevant technologies of the near future, as we are now allegedly leading towards a world in which deliveries and civil surveillance, movie production and warfare, will all be carried with and thanks to drones. In this case, we prefer to focus not exactly on the promise itself, but on the present moment in which we can already imagine that what we are told (mostly by the sellers of those technologies) is unlikely to happen, and definitely not through a smooth and uniform process. * To accept the ethical challenge of doing art while recognising the limitations of one’s own position in the world and in history, yet while still saying something about the other possibilities in which our own present might also be. 117. We, the People of the Net, cannot fathom how much we can do together because we are far from finished inventing how to be together. - limit my content's virality Meanwhile, the users who know nothing about computers need handholding: doing things for them which they could easily do themselves but don't know how. 96. There’s so much more music in the world. Expect us. This situation begins in Industrial design education systems that train designers to integrate into an industrial production scenario and accept that producers have the right to regulate design and indoctrinate their set of values and ends. Fresh approaches and radical views are marginalized as they do not conform with the dogmas of the Church of Industrial Design. * Design is emotional, functional and political. Interfaces are designed. (D. Norman)