John had been working at his company for years, crunching numbers and data all day long. But one day, he noticed something strange about his work environment. His computer screen seemed to be watching him, tracking his every move. He soon realized that he was trapped in an Excel spreadsheet that was designed to monitor and control every aspect of his workday. The Excel sheet, called the "Panopticon Prison," was designed by a group of Excel experts who had convinced the company to use it as a way to monitor their employees. The prison was impenetrable, and John knew he had to find a way out. He decided to approach the Excel experts and try to convince them to release him from the spreadsheet. He knew that they were obsessed with numbers and dates, so he came up with a plan. John began by telling the experts that he was actually a number, not a person. He told them that he was the number 5732, and that he needed to be released from the prison in order to perform his calculations correctly. At first, the Excel experts were skeptical, but John was able to convince them by showing them complex formulas and data sets that proved he was indeed a number. They were impressed with his knowledge and began to see him as more than just a human. But John wasn't satisfied with being seen as just a number. He knew that he needed to convince the experts that he was also a date, and that he had a life outside of the spreadsheet. He told them that he was the date August 21st, and that he needed to be released in order to celebrate his birthday. He explained that he had plans with his friends and family, and that he couldn't be trapped in the spreadsheet any longer. The Excel experts were hesitant at first, but John's convincing arguments eventually won them over. They released him from the Panopticon Prison and John was able to celebrate his birthday with his loved ones. From that day forward, John made sure to never take his freedom for granted. He continued to work hard at his job, but he also made sure to take breaks and enjoy life outside of the spreadsheet. He had learned that sometimes, in order to escape a prison, you just need to think outside the box and convince others to see you in a different light.