ChatGPT, please write a short story about a family flying in gopherspace, which begins with the dialog of the child saying "Mom, gopherspace is so boring, I want to go back home!" and the mother answers "There is no 'back home' my son. That is why we are here. Now eat your eat your protein bar and your vitamines!" "Mom, gopherspace is so boring, I want to go back home!" complained the child as the family flew through the vast network of interconnected computers and servers. "There is no 'back home' my son. That is why we are here," replied the mother, trying to hide her own anxiety. They were on a mission, a daring journey through the virtual world to reach a destination unknown even to them. "Now eat your protein bar and your vitamins!" she added, handing over the pouch containing the necessary nutrition for their long flight. The child grumbled but did as he was told. As they soared through the labyrinthine tunnels of Gopherspace, the family marveled at the strange and wonderful sights they encountered. They saw digital gardens and virtual museums, and they even passed by a bustling digital marketplace. But as the hours passed and the monotony of their journey began to take its toll, the child's complaints grew louder. "I don't like it here! I want to go back home!" he wailed. The mother tried to console him, but she knew that the only way to get through this was to keep moving forward. They had come too far to turn back now. Suddenly, they heard a strange noise ahead of them, and their hearts leapt with excitement. They had finally arrived at their destination! As they touched down in the virtual space station, the family let out a cheer of triumph. They had completed their mission, and they had done it together. The child's complaints had faded away, replaced by a sense of pride and wonder at the incredible journey they had undertaken. They looked out at the vast expanse of Gopherspace, and they knew that their adventure had only just begun.