# 2024-08-02 07:12:29.297728 UTC (+0000) Brcon2024: Scoring for the Memes and Hackathons. The practical side of brcon2024 is beginning. Like last year, we have a scoring system. Additionally to the hackathon contributions, you can earn score at the meme art contest: gophers://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2024-08-02T12-41-37-059627.md The prizes this year are simple and easy fibonacci sequence numbers: 1. 89 EUR Amazon coupon 2. 55 EUR Amazon coupon 3. 34 EUR Amazon coupon 4. 21 EUR Amazon coupon 5. 13 EUR Amazon coupon 6. 8 EUR Amazon coupon Hackathon rules stayed the same from last year. Please check out git://bitreich.org/1/brcon2024-hackathons and stay up to date about what can be contributed. The hackathons will change to be changed - recursive dependencies. Sent in a patch: 1 point Patch accepted: 5 points Per line added: 0.01 point Per line deleted: 0.02 point Useless patch sent in for ladder manipulation: -65536 points Let the fun begin! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Hackathon Officer (CHO)