# 2022-04-02 18:00:00.133769 UTC (+0000) ## New release of sfeed, stagit, stagit-gopher and json2tsv. The following software is released: sfeed 1.3 -> 1.4. stagit 1.0 -> 1.1. stagit-gopher 1.0 -> 1.1. json2tsv 0.8 -> 0.9. ## sfeed is a tool to convert RSS or Atom feeds from XML to a TAB-separated file. It can be found at: * git://git.codemadness.org/sfeed * gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/sfeed * https://codemadness.org/releases/sfeed/ * gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/sfeed/ sfeed 1.4, changes since 1.3: * Improve read and write error handling in streams in many programs. * sfeed_update: * Improve error handling and return a non-zero status if any feed fails. NOTE: this changes the way of using: sfeed_update && pkill -SIGHUP sfeed_curses * Separate errors to stderr and "OK" messages to stdout. * sfeed_curses: * Avoid processes becoming a zombie (plumb, pipe, yank). * Line editor: temporarily disable the mouse when searching with /. * Improved signal handling. * Improved waiting on processes and status handling. * sfeed_html/sfeed_frames: add dark mode support to the example stylesheet. * sfeed_opml_export: use a control-character separator for converting the list. * General code cleanup improvements. * Compatibility: reduce the assumption the builtin libc locale is ASCII-compatible noticed on OpenBSD 3.8 where iscntrl detected C1 as control-characters, breaking UTF-8. * General documentation improvements. * Makefile: rebuild sfeed_curses if the same theme changes. * README: improve error handling in downloader example when a feed fails. ## stagit is a static HTML page generator for git. It can be found at: * git://git.codemadness.org/stagit * gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/stagit * https://codemadness.org/releases/stagit/ * gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/stagit/ stagit 1.1, changes since 1.0: * Improve read and write error handling in streams. * Add dark mode for the example stylesheet. * libgit2 config opts: set the search to an empty path. This will not search outside the paths anymore and also not cause an unveil violation on OpenBSD (reported by Anton Lindqvist, thanks!). * Reduce percent-encoding a bit: do not percent-encode: ',' or '-' or '.' it looks ugly. ## stagit-gopher is a static Gopher page generator for git. It can be found at: * git://git.codemadness.org/stagit-gopher * gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/stagit-gopher * https://codemadness.org/releases/stagit-gopher/ * gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/stagit-gopher/ * gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/stagit-gopher stagit-gopher 1.1, changes since 1.0: * Improve read and write error handling in streams. * libgit2 config opts: set the search to an empty path. This will not search outside the paths anymore and also not cause an unveil violation on OpenBSD (reported by Anton Lindqvist, thanks!). * Add dark mode (just kidding, gopher supports all modes). ## json2tsv is a tool to convert JSON to TSV. It can be found at: * git://git.codemadness.org/json2tsv * gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/json2tsv * https://codemadness.org/releases/json2tsv/ * gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/json2tsv/ json2tsv 0.9, changes since 0.8: * Improve read and write error handling in streams. * Allow octal format for the separator and check the format a bit more strict. * Fix code that could have side-effects: nodes[--depth].index++ (This line found a bug in the scc compiler). * README: optimize the unescape() function. The scc compiler can now compile json2tsv, the main sfeed parser program and the format programs (except sfeed_curses) with a few minor changes! Thanks to Roberto (k0ga) for the nice progress and work on the scc compiler which you can find here: https://git.simple-cc.org/scc/ I want to also thank all people who gave feedback, Thanks, Hiltjo