B I T R E I C H  C O N  2 0 1 8
       The bitreichcon 2018 happened on 11th to 12th of August 2018, in Rodez,
       département Aveyron, South France, European Union.
   IMG Bitreichcon 2018 Logo (PNG)
   IMG Bitreichcon 2018 Logo (SVG)
  TEXT (Logo description for the blind.)
       Thanks to all who have come all the way to Rodez!
       Thanks to all people who participated in the conference!
       Due to the sad circumstance of a 21st century without communism, teleportation
       or cheap supersonic flight it is not possible for everyone around the world to
       It was possible to see all slides via ssh, join the discussion on IRC and
       hear the audio via some stream. All in all one client is less than 60Kb/s and
       so follows the bitreich manifesto. We keep on optimizing this for the next
       All times are in CEST.
       Here you see the schedule, how it happened. Inbetween the talks you see the
       links to the slides.
       You can view the slides, if it is a md file by using the pointtools md2point
       and then catpoint. For the tgz files, just use catpoint. For audio, use your
       favourite audio player.
       * 2018-08-11
           * 09:00 – Welcome / Keynote (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 09:10 – State Of Bitreich (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 09:45 – Bitreich IRC Infrastructure (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 10:05 – Joke Session #1
   BIN               mp3 recording
   BIN               mp3 recording question ftp
           * 10:10 – Reed-Alert (Solene Rapenne)
   BIN               tgz slides
   BIN               mp3 recording talk
   BIN               mp3 recording qa
           * 11:00 – Pointtools in Action (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 11:25 – Drist (Solene Rapenne)
   BIN               tgz slides
   BIN               mp3 recording talk
   BIN               mp3 recording qa
           * 11:55 – Joke Session #2
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 12:00 – Heads, The Libre Privacy Distribution (Ivan)
   BIN               tgz slides
   BIN               mp3 recording talk
   BIN               mp3 recording qa
           * 12:30 – Lunch Break (Quentin)
           * 13:45 – Metadata (Manu Raster)
   BIN               tgz slides
   BIN               mp3 recording talk
   BIN               mp3 recording quotes
   BIN               mp3 recording qa
           * 14:15 – Bitreich Fun (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 14:45 – Discussion on Bitreich (Christoph Lohmann, all)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 15:40 – Culture
           * 19:00 – Bitreichcon Chillout Party
       * 2018-08-12
           * 09:00 – Gopherproject Status (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 10:00 – Migrating the Web to Gopher (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 11:00 – Panel Discussions on Gopher (Christoph Lohmann=
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 12:00 – End / Next Location (Christoph Lohmann)
  TEXT               md slides
   BIN               mp3 recording
           * 12:30 – Lunch Break / Culture
       During the conference there were fun ads shown on the slide stream. For
       future reference, you can see them here.
   DIR All Bitreichcon 2018 Ads
       * UNIX principles
       * applications (in every kind of programming language) following those principles
       * simplicity in programming
       * simple algorithms
       * how you removed 1000 sloc code a day and felt really good at doing it
       * revolutionary ideas of UI/GUI
       * commandline
       * gopher
       * goherspace
       * gopher applications
       There is and will be no conference fee. The organiser hates conference fees.
   IMG Bitreichcon 2018 1920x1080 desktop background (PNG)
   IMG Bitreichcon 2018 1920x1080 desktop background (SVG)
       If you have made some other propaganda material, please let us know.
       See you next year!
       Have fun!
   DIR << back