B I T R E I C H  C O N  2 0 2 0 
                               »C O R O N A   T E N N I S«
  TEXT See the Logo of the conference, fitting to our theme.
  TEXT Description of the logo for screen readers.
       The bitreichcon 2020 happened completely online due to the corona virus
       spreading all over the world. Travelling was not possible and it protected
       the health of the whole community.
         10:00 – Welcome Day 1, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         10:10 – Keynote, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         10:15 – State of Bitreich, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         10:30 – Sentience is close – Annna, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         11:00 – Cooking OpenBSD -stable packages, by solene
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
   BIN           ogg recording of qa
         11:45 – Energy efficient programming in science, by adc
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         12:15 – Lunch Break
         12:55 – Joke Session
   BIN           ogg recording
         13:00 – Corona, Open Source and a better future, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         13:45 – The state of Maemo Leste, by parazyd
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         14:30 – Discussion: Continuous Integration in a bitreich way, by parazyd
  TEXT           md slides
  TEXT           md takeways
   BIN           ogg recording
         15:14 – Reaction to Pulseaudio Joke
   BIN           ogg recording
         15:15 – End of Day 1, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
   IMG Conference attendee photo from Sunday.
         20:00 – 1<<11 meme party with DJ Slav
   BIN           party video with all the corona bling bling
         10:00 – Welcome Day 2, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         10:05 – State of Gopher, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         10:30 – Mass psychology and Open Source – Jitsi, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         11:00 – General Discussion on Bitreich/Gopher, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         11:30 – Foot Shootgun: Delivering Server Failure, by josuah
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
   BIN           ogg recording qa
         12:00 – Code Beauty – How I read and judge code, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         12:30 – Stopper of OSS in medical software in Germany, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
         13:00 – Closing, by 20h
  TEXT           md slides
   BIN           ogg recording
       There was an Ad contest for people sending in the best ads.
       Here are the winners:
  TEXT *5 votes: tcpip.vtv
  TEXT 4 votes: dictatorship.vtv
  TEXT *3 votes: nogopher.vtv
  TEXT 1 vote:  japanese-tennis.vtv
       Late comer:
  TEXT *justdoit.vtv
       All entries marked with * have won. That is due to dictatorship and
       japanese-tennis coming from just one author.
       The prize they won is a RPi4 4GB Kit with case, fan, charger, 32GB of SD card and
       dual HDMI!
  TEXT See the blog post with details of the prize.
   DIR Here you see all the ads shown during the conference.
       Please send in papers for the 2021 conference.
       * UNIX principles
       * applications (in every kind of programming language) following those principles
       * simplicity in programming
       * simple algorithms
       * how you removed 1000 sloc code a day and felt really good at doing it
       * revolutionary ideas of UI/GUI
       * commandline
       * gopher
       * goherspace
       * gopher applications
       There was and will be no conference fee. The organiser hates conference fees.
       Use your favourite IRC and gopher client to come online.
       Everyone can attend! We have fiber! Even modem is enough!
  HTML ircs://chat.freenode.org:6697/#bitreich-con
       If you have made some propaganda material, please let us know.
       Have fun!
   DIR << back