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                 D IGITALISATION                          |  |
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                 A DDICTS                    ,----.      /`-. \
                                            (      )    /-._|  \
                 A NONYMOUS                 |`----'|   |        |
                                            \      /   |`-...   |
          - bring an end to your craving -   `.  ,'    |'` . |  |
                                               ||      |`,'- |  |
                                             ,-||-.    |`-...|  |
                                      jrei  (  ''  )   |        |
                                             `----'     `-....-'
       ___[ Introduction ]
       More and more people feel the need to spread 'digitalisation' and
       'digitalize' everything. This has become an addiction, which interferes
       with families, lives and (mental) health. Organisations have formed around
       this with sect institutions, binding people into them without a possibility
       to leave.
       Digitalisation Addicts Anonymous (DAA) wants to help those people and
       spread information to prevent this to happen to others. We have doctors
       and other former addicts and sect members who help you with passion and
       ___[ Addiction Questionnaire ]
       * Do you think everything should be digital?
       * Do you say 'digitalisation' instead of 'digitisation'?
       * Do you feel the urge to use a computer instead of a sheet of paper?
       * Do you speak against fax machines?
       If one of the questions above was answered with 'yes', you need help.
       ___[ Chat ]
       Please contact us on IRC:
  HTML #bitreich-en on irc.bitreich.org
       We will help you.
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