,-----------.    _____
         |  M  |  E  |   |  |  |.----.-----.----.
         |-----+-----|   |     || -__|     | -__|
         |  M  |  E  |   |_|_|_||____|_|_|_|____|
         \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /    _____       _                     _ __
          \ Quentiam/    |  |  |.---.|_|.-.-.----.---.----.|_| |_.-.-.
           \ Verum /     |  |  ||   || || | | -__|  _|__--|| |  _| | |
            '.   .'      |_____||_|_||_| \_/|____|_| |____||_|___|__ |
              '.'                                                |___|
               !!![[ 100% EMPLOYMENT RATE ]]!!!
       Welcome, dear student, to the prestigious Meme University of
       Gopherspace.  Your wealthy parents have enrolled you in the "Meme
       Degree Programme" in order to prepare you for a high-paying job in
       modern society.
       You arrive at the beautiful campus and prepare for the first semester.
       As a new experiment at the university, you are asked to complete a
       ttest to assess your prior meme knowledge.  Rumors tell of a student
       tthat became appointed to "Meme Professor" based on her outstanding
       In your eagerness you spent all summer studying Bitreich TV and hope
       tto impress your rich parents, peers, and professors.
   DIR See what our professors are doing.
   DIR Join into the meme seminar for meme creativity.
       ___ IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING MEME _________________________________
   GIF Show meme
       What is the correct tag for the above meme?
   DIR   #depressed
   DIR   #you-fuck
   DIR   #intel-helleron
   DIR   #bitreich-fight
       Total score: 0 points
   DIR << Back to bitreich.org