Add annna-meme-atom-feed script. - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 3ff8f990a45f0b76937012ada464b28c1a59623f
   DIR parent ebba2beff2b924d17de903e356a160f385a0e123
  HTML Author: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
       Date:   Sat, 26 Mar 2022 20:54:21 +0100
       Add annna-meme-atom-feed script.
       Thanks Evil_Bob, for the idea!
         A annna-meme-atom-feed                |      26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/annna-meme-atom-feed b/annna-meme-atom-feed
       @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
       +list() {
       +git blame --since 3.weeks -p modules/hashtags/hashtags.txt | \
       +LC_ALL=C awk -F '[ ]' '
       +$1 == "committer-time" {
       +        ts = $2;
       +/^        / {
       +        memeline = substr($0, 2);
       +        idx = index(memeline, " ");
       +        if (idx) {
       +                hashtag = substr(memeline, 1, idx);
       +                url = substr(memeline, idx + 1);
       +                print ts "\t" hashtag "\t" url;
       +        }
       +' | \
       +sort -t '        ' -k1,1rn
       +view() {
       +        list | sfeed_atom