Initial commit. - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit a63f21cd1ad027bdff057acf9ee6d44273f778fa
  HTML Author: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
       Date:   Sun,  4 Feb 2018 12:53:46 +0000
       Initial commit.
         A BUGS.md                             |      13 +++++++++++++
         A annna-alive                         |      11 +++++++++++
         A annna-checker                       |      21 +++++++++++++++++++++
         A annna-checker-dbg                   |      25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A annna-say                           |      49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A annna-shutdown                      |      10 ++++++++++
         A annna-start                         |      60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A annna-start-services                |     166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A annna-stop                          |       6 ++++++
         A annna-stop-checker                  |       6 ++++++
         A annna-stop-services                 |       4 ++++
         A phlog-index                         |     136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       12 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/BUGS.md b/BUGS.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
       +# BUGS
       +* annna is disconnecting now and then from IRC
       +        * scaleway issue?
       +        * socat?
       +        * ii?
       +* listening for commands on channels does not properly work
       +        * better event handling?
       +        * see $HOME/bin/initimate-annna.sh for the handlers
       +        * enter-annnas-world.sh is starting the script
       +* access rights to channels are o+rw
       +        * add a group for annna users
   DIR diff --git a/annna-alive b/annna-alive
       @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
       +# Check if annna is alive.
       +# Use it this way:
       +# if annna-alive; then do-something; fi
       +[ -z "$(pgrep -U annna -x socat)" ] && exit 1
       +exit 0
   DIR diff --git a/annna-checker b/annna-checker
       @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
       +# Watch for annna, she's worth it.
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +while /bin/true;
       +        # Is annna still in her world?
       +        pid="$(pgrep -U annna -x socat)"
       +        if [ -z "$pid" ];
       +        then
       +                annna-stop-services >/dev/null 2>&1
       +                annna-start >/dev/null 2>&1
       +        fi
       +        sleep 5
   DIR diff --git a/annna-checker-dbg b/annna-checker-dbg
       @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
       +# Watch for annna, she's worth it.
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +while /bin/true;
       +        # Is annna still in her world?
       +        pid="$(pgrep -U annna -x socat)"
       +        if [ -z "$pid" ];
       +        then
       +                annna-stop-services >/dev/null 2>&1
       +                annna-start 2>&1 \
       +                    | grep -v -e ' PRIVMSG ' -e ' JOIN ' -e ' PART ' \
       +                    >> "$logfile"
       +        fi
       +        sleep 5
   DIR diff --git a/annna-say b/annna-say
       @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
       +# annna-say -c '#bitreich-en' Hello World!
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +usage() {
       +        printf "usage: %s [-h] [-i ircbase] -c \"channel0 ... channel1 ...\" text\n" \
       +                "$(basename "$1")" >&2
       +        exit 1
       +while getopts "hb:c:" opt;
       +        case $opt in
       +        b)
       +                ircbase="$OPTARG"
       +                ;;
       +        c)
       +                channels="$OPTARG"
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                usage $0
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
       +[ -z "$channels" ] && usage $0
       +# If annna is not alive, do not bother.
       +annna-alive || exit 0
       +for c in $channels;
       +        ircpath="${ircbase}/$c"
       +        if [ -e "$ircpath/in" ];
       +        then
       +                printf "%s\n" "$@" > "${ircpath}/in"
       +        fi
       +exit 0
   DIR diff --git a/annna-shutdown b/annna-shutdown
       @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
       +# Dare you to execute this script! You are cruel!
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
   DIR diff --git a/annna-start b/annna-start
       @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +# #bitreich is a forward to #bitreich-en. Annna does not need to join it.
       +#channels="#bitreich #bitreich-con #bitreich-radio
       +#        #bitreich-scm #bitreich-en #bitreich-de"
       +channels="#bitreich-con #bitreich-radio
       +        #bitreich-scm #bitreich-en #bitreich-de
       +        #bitreich-fr #bitreich-cooking"
       +rm -rf $HOME/irc
       +mkdir -p $HOME/irc
       +cd $HOME/irc
       +rm -f $HOME/freenode.sock
       +# Connect
       +socat openssl:chat.freenode.net:6697,keepalive,keepcnt=5,keepidle=1,keepintvl=1 \
       +        unix-l:$HOME/freenode.sock &
       +while [ ! -e $HOME/freenode.sock ];
       +        sleep 0.5
       +ii -s chat.freenode.net -u $HOME/freenode.sock -n annna -f "Annna Robert-Houdin" &
       +sleep 5
       +# Nickserv Auth
       +ircuser="$(grep user $HOME/irc-credentials.txt | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
       +ircpass="$(grep pass $HOME/irc-credentials.txt | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
       +printf "/privmsg nickserv :identify %s %s\n" "${ircuser}" "${ircpass}" \
       +        > chat.freenode.net/in
       +sleep 0.5
       +# Join Channels
       +for chan in ${channels};
       +        printf "/j %s\n" "${chan}" > chat.freenode.net/in
       +        sleep 0.5
       +# Give permissions to certain channels.
       +chmod o+rx $HOME/irc
       +chmod o+rx $HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net
       +## EN Channel
       +chmod o+rx "$HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net/#bitreich-en"
       +chmod o+w "$HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net/#bitreich-en/in"
       +## SCM
       +chmod o+rx "$HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net/#bitreich-scm"
       +chmod o+w "$HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net/#bitreich-scm/in"
       +## Radio
       +chmod o+rx "$HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net/#bitreich-radio"
       +chmod o+w "$HOME/irc/chat.freenode.net/#bitreich-radio/in"
       +# Allow commands.
       +sleep 6
   DIR diff --git a/annna-start-services b/annna-start-services
       @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
       +# Here follow scriplets to listen for commands in annna.
       +# If this gets too unmaintainable, consider adding some directory structure.
       +brmembers="__20h__ Evil_Bob chripo posativ quinq stateless solene josuah"
       +function annna_say {
       +        channel="$1"
       +        shift 1
       +        [ $# -lt 1 ] && exit 1
       +        if [ -e "${iibase}/${channel}/in" ];
       +        then
       +                printf "%s\n" "$@" > "${iibase}/${channel}/in"
       +                # No spamming allowed.
       +                sleep 0.5
       +        else
       +                # Might be a user.
       +                printf "/j %s %s\n" "$channel" "$@" > "${iibase}/in"
       +        fi
       +echo '12345 <unknown> a' > ${iibase}/#bitreich-radio/out
       +sleep 1
       +# bitreich-radio
       +        #tail -f -n 1 "${iibase}/#bitreich-radio/out" \
       +        ls "${iibase}/#bitreich-radio/out" | entr tail -n 1 "${iibase}/#bitreich-radio/out" \
       +                | sed -u 's,[0-9]* <\([^ >]*\)> \(.*\)$,\1\n\2,' \
       +                | {
       +        while read user;
       +        do
       +                read text
       +                echo "$user"
       +                echo "$text"
       +                [ "$user" = "${botname}" ] && continue
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, next please" ];
       +                then
       +                        /br/bin/bitreich-radio-playlist-next
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-radio" "You are very kind ${user}. To your command."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please help" ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»next please« gets the playlist further, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please help« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +        done
       +        }
       +} &
       +echo '12345 <unknown> a' > ${iibase}/#bitreich-en/out
       +sleep 1 
       +# bitreich-en
       +        ls "${iibase}/#bitreich-en/out" | entr tail -n 1 "${iibase}/#bitreich-en/out" \
       +                | sed -u 's,[0-9]* <\([^ >]*\)> \(.*\)$,\1\n\2,' \
       +                | {
       +        while read user;
       +        do
       +                read text
       +                ismember=0
       +                for member in $brmembers;
       +                do
       +                        [ "$user" = "$member" ] && ismember=1
       +                done
       +                [ $ismember -lt 1 ] && continue
       +                [ "$user" = "${botname}" ] && continue
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, can you show me the uptime please?" ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "$(hostname) uptime: $(uptime)"
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please give me the count of online users." ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "$(hostname): $(who -q | tail -n 1 | cut -d'=' -f 2)"
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please roll a dice for me." ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "$((($RANDOM % 6) + 1))"
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tell me your favourite flower." ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "My favourite flower is the beer flower."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tell me your favourite color." ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "My favourite color is yellow."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please dance with me." ];
       +                then
       +                        if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
       +                        then
       +                                annna_say "#bitreich-en" "I am not that kind of woman."
       +                        else
       +                                annna_say "#bitreich-en" "Thank you! Let us dance! :-D"
       +                        fi
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man." ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "My favourite pleasure man is of course Gunther!"
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, sudo make me a sandwich" ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "Humans are no objects."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, sudo please make me a sandwich" ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "Here is your sandwich."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please update the phlog index." ];
       +                then
       +                        /home/annna/bin/phlog-index.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
       +                        annna_say "#bitreich-en" "Thank you for your kind request. I have done so."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +                if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please help" ];
       +                then
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»can you show me the uptime please?« gets you the uptime, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please give me the count of online users.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please tell me your favourite flower.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please tell me your favourite color.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please dance with me.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please update the phlog index.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»sudo make me a sandwich«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»sudo please make me a sandwich«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please roll a dice for me.«, ${user}."
       +                        annna_say "${user}" "»please help« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       +                        continue;
       +                fi
       +        done
       +        }
       +} &
   DIR diff --git a/annna-stop b/annna-stop
       @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +pkill -KILL -U annna -x socat
   DIR diff --git a/annna-stop-checker b/annna-stop-checker
       @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +pkill -KILL -U annna -f annna-checker
   DIR diff --git a/annna-stop-services b/annna-stop-services
       @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
       +pkill -f "tail -f -n 1 /home/annna/irc.*"
   DIR diff --git a/phlog-index b/phlog-index
       @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
       +export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       +if [ $# -gt 0 ];
       +        if [ "$1" = "-f" ];
       +        then
       +                doforce=1
       +        fi
       +ircchans="#bitreich-en #bitreich-de #bitreich-fr"
       +find /home/*/gopher/phlog \
       +        -name "*.md" \
       +        -printf "%f %T@ %u %p\n" > $cache/lsr.new
       +cd $cache
       +if [ -e lsr.old -a $doforce -eq 0 ];
       +        diff lsr.new lsr.old > lsr.diff
       +        cp lsr.new lsr.diff
       +if [ $(stat --printf="%s" lsr.diff) -eq 0 ];
       +        exit 0
       +# First create the links for all news.
       +cat lsr.new \
       +| sort -r \
       +| while read f;
       +        IFS=' ' read -r fname unixt user fpath <<< $f
       +        tstamp="$(sed -n 1p "$fpath" | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
       +        [ -z "$tstamp" ] && continue
       +        title="$(sed -n 3p "$fpath" | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +        [ -z "$title" ] && continue
       +        gphpth="$(printf "$gopherbase" "$user" "$fname")"
       +        printf "[0|%s – »%s« by %s|%s|server|port]\n" \
       +                "$tstamp" "$title" "$user" \
       +                "$gphpth"
       +done \
       +        > ../agg.gph
       +# Create the atom feed. Only the first 64 news items.
       +cat lsr.new \
       +| sort -r \
       +| head -n 64 \
       +| while read f;
       +        IFS=' ' read -r fname unixt user fpath <<< $f
       +        tstamp="$(sed -n 1p "$fpath" | cut -d' ' -f 2-)"
       +        [ -z "$tstamp" ] && continue
       +        title="$(sed -n 3p "$fpath" | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +        [ -z "$title" ] && continue
       +        updated="$(date -d "${tstamp}" -u +%FT%T%z)"
       +        gphpth="$(printf "$gopherbase" "$user" "$fname")"
       +        furi="$(printf "gopher://bitreich.org/0%s" "$gphpth")"
       +        printf "\t\t<entry>\n"
       +        printf "\t\t<id>%s</id>\n" "$furi"
       +        printf "\t\t<title><![CDATA[%s]]></title>\n" "$title"
       +        printf "\t\t<link href=\"%s\" />\n" "$furi"
       +        printf "\t\t<author><name>%s</name></author>\n" "$user"
       +        printf "\t\t<content><![CDATA["
       +        cat $fpath | sed 's,$,<br/>,g'
       +        printf "]]></content>\n"
       +        printf "\t\t<updated>%s</updated>\n" "$updated"
       +        printf "\t\t</entry>\n"
       +done \
       +        > ../agg.atom.xml
       +# Talk to IRC about the news.
       +if [ $doforce -eq 0 ];
       +        cat lsr.diff \
       +        | sort \
       +        | while read f;
       +        do
       +                IFS=' ' read -r dire fname unixt user fpath <<< $f
       +                [ -z "$fpath" ] && continue
       +                [ -z "$user" ] && continue
       +                [ -z "$unixt" ] && continue
       +                [ -z "$fname" ] && continue
       +                [ -z "$dire" ] && continue
       +                # If the post disappeared, don't tell IRC.
       +                [ "$dire" = ">" ] && continue
       +                tstamp="$(sed -n 1p "$fpath" | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
       +                [ -z "$tstamp" ] && continue
       +                title="$(sed -n 3p "$fpath" | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +                [ -z "$title" ] && continue
       +                gphpth="$(printf "$gopherbase" "$user" "$fname")"
       +                annna-say -c "$ircchans" \
       +                        "$(printf "%s – »%s« by %s gopher://bitreich.org/0%s" \
       +                                "$tstamp" "$title" "$user" "$gphpth")"
       +        done
       +cp lsr.new lsr.old
       +# Now change the gph files in a really easy way.
       +        printf "/N_E_W_S/+1,/C_O_M_M/-4d\n"
       +        printf "/N_E_W_S/r !cat /home/annna/phlogs/agg.gph | head -n 4\n"
       +        printf "w\nq\n"
       +} | ed -s /br/gopher/index.gph
       +        printf "/N_E_W_S/+1,\$-3d\n"
       +        printf "/N_E_W_S/r !cat /home/annna/phlogs/agg.gph | head -n 256\n"
       +        printf "w\nq\n"
       +} | ed -s /br/gopher/news.gph
       +# Make the atom news file ready for consumption.
       +        printf "/updated/+1,/\\/feed/-1d\n"
       +        printf "/updated/c\n"
       +        printf "\t<updated>%s</updated>\n" "$(date -u +%F%T%z)"
       +        printf ".\n"
       +        printf "/updated/r !cat /home/annna/phlogs/agg.atom.xml\n"
       +        printf "w\nq\n"
       +} | ed -s /br/gopher/news.atom.xml