split channel-specific content to its own script - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit aea4bdf3acd506f2486022fac38f2cd7ea3d1c86
   DIR parent 943d44215057ce4f29d99c06c30be236fcfff065
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Mon,  8 Mar 2021 00:41:11 +0100
       split channel-specific content to its own script
       Signed-off-by: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
         A annna-message-common                |     765 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A annna-message-radio                 |      24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M annna-start-services                |     791 +------------------------------
       3 files changed, 791 insertions(+), 789 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/annna-message-common b/annna-message-common
       @@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
       +# If this gets too unmaintainable, consider adding some directory structure.
       +hashtags() {
       +        cat ${hashtagfile} 2>/dev/null
       +hashtagcount() {
       +        int2bit "$(wc -l ${hashtagfile} | cut -d' ' -f 1)"
       +regeximatch() {
       +        printf '%s' "$1" | grep -i -E -q "$2"
       +printf "%s %s %s %s\n" "${0##*/}" "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
       +[ "$user" = "${botname}" ] && exit
       +uri="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" \
       +        | sed -n '/.*\(https\{0,1\}:\/\/[^ ]\{1,\}\).*/s//\1/p')"
       +case "${text}" in
       +        ;;
       +        if [ -n "${uri}" ]
       +        then
       +                tmpf=$(mktemp)
       +                fetch-uri "${uri}" > "${tmpf}"
       +                urititle="$(grabtitle < "${tmpf}")"
       +                # Set below and annna will concatenate at the end.
       +                # Subtitle URI.
       +                sturi=""
       +                # Replacement URI.
       +                nuri=""
       +                # Replacement URI display string.
       +                nuris=""
       +                # html2text content.
       +                curi=""
       +                # Set to 0, if some URI content should be shown.
       +                nocuri=1
       +                # Screenshot.
       +                suri=""
       +                # titleend=1 will not output any further.
       +                titleend=0
       +                outputstr=""
       +                if [ -n "$urititle" ];
       +                then
       +                        case "${urititle}" in
       +                        *Gunther*|*GUNTHER*|*Günther*)
       +                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Oh Gunther! ❤  ❤  ❤  ${urititle}"
       +                                ;;
       +                        *\|\ Cloudflare*)
       +                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Mind your own business! We got clownflared: gopher://bitreich.org/0/ascii/clownflare.vt"
       +                                titleend=1
       +                                ;;
       +                        esac
       +                fi
       +                case "${uri}" in
       +                *youtube.com/*|*youtu.be/*)
       +                        nuri="https://invidious.13ad.de/${uri#https*://*/}"
       +                        fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       +                        urititle="$(curl-grabtitle "${nuri}")"
       +                        sturi="$(subtitle-paste "${uri}")"
       +                        nuris="invidious: ${nuri}"
       +                        nocuri=0
       +                        ;;
       +                *twitter.com*)
       +                        ninstance="$(nitter-instance | sed 's,\.,\\\.,g')"
       +                        nuri="$(printf "%s\n" "${uri}" | sed "s;\(mobile\.\)\{0,1\}twitter\.com;${ninstance};")"
       +                        fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       +                        urititle="$(curl-grabtitle "${nuri}")"
       +                        suri="$(screenshot-paste "${nuri}")"
       +                        nuris="nitter: ${nuri}"
       +                        nocuri=0
       +                        ;;
       +                *en.wikipedia.org/wiki*)
       +                        if ! regeximatch "$uri" '\.(jpg,bmp,gif,png,tiff,avi,mp4,webm,mkv,pdf,ps,eps)$';
       +                        then
       +                                nuri="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | sed -e "s;.*en.wikipedia.org/wiki;gopher://gopherpedia.com/0;" -e "s;#.*$;;")"
       +                                nuris="$(printf 'gopherpedia: %s\n' "${nuri}")"
       +                                fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       +                                nocuri=0
       +                        fi
       +                        ;;
       +                *www.reddit.com*)
       +                        nuri="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | sed "s;www.reddit.com;old.reddit.com;")"
       +                        nuris="old.reddit: ${nuri}"
       +                        fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       +                        if [ -n "${uri#*www.reddit.com/r/*}" ];
       +                        then
       +                                subreddit="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | cut -d / -f 5)"
       +                                post="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | cut -d / -f 7)"
       +                                if [ -n "${post}" ]; 
       +                                then
       +                                        guri="gopher://gopherddit.com/1/cgi-bin/reddit.cgi?view&${post}&${subreddit}&10"
       +                                else
       +                                        guri="gopher://gopherddit.com/1/cgi-bin/reddit.cgi?menu&${subreddit}&10"
       +                                fi
       +                                nuris="${nuri} ; gopherdit: ${guri}"
       +                        fi
       +                        nocuri=0
       +                        ;;
       +                *github.com/*/blob/*)
       +                        urltitle=""
       +                        nuris="$(printf '%s' "${uri}" | sed 's/blob/raw/')"
       +                        nocuri=0
       +                        ;;
       +                *www.npr.org/*)
       +                        post="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | cut -d / -f 7)"
       +                        if [ -n "${post}" ]; 
       +                        then
       +                                nuri="https://text.npr.org/s.php?sId=${post}"
       +                                nuris="text only: ${nuri}"
       +                        fi
       +                        ;;
       +                *)
       +                        mimetype="$(file -b --mime-type "${tmpf}")"
       +                        case "${mimetype}" in
       +                        text/*)
       +                                nocuri=0
       +                                ;;
       +                        esac
       +                        ;;
       +                esac
       +                if [ $titleend -eq 0 ];
       +                then
       +                        if [ $nocuri -eq 0 ];
       +                        then
       +                                if [ -z "${curi}" ];
       +                                then
       +                                        curi="$(9 htmlfmt < "${tmpf}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +                                fi
       +                                outputstr="${outputstr} content: ${curi} ;"
       +                        fi
       +                        [ -n "${nuris}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} ${nuris} ;"
       +                        [ -n "${urititle}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} title: ${urititle} ;"
       +                        [ -n "${suri}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} screen: ${suri} ;"
       +                        [ -n "${sturi}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} subtitles: ${sturi} ;"
       +                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${outputstr}"
       +                fi
       +                rm -f "${tmpf}"
       +        fi
       +        ;;
       +case "${text}" in
       +"${botname}, how can I phlog on bitreich?")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, please read: gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-04-02-482296.md and gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-27-40-281825.md"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, what is "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 16-)"
       +        case "$word" in
       +        *\?)
       +                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        case "${word}" in
       +        "love")
       +                puri="$(clippy-say "Baby don't hurt me no more!")"
       +                ;;
       +        "my horoscope")
       +                puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's my horoscope?_?")"
       +                ;;
       +        "my horoscope")
       +                puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's my future?_?")"
       +                ;;
       +        "up")
       +                puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's up?_?")"
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                puri=""
       +                dresult="$(dict -h parazyd.org "${word}" 2>/dev/null)"
       +                derr=$?
       +                if [ $derr -eq 20 ];
       +                then
       +                        dresult="$(dict -h parazyd.org "${word}" 2>/dev/null)"
       +                        derr2="$?"
       +                        [ $derr2 -ne $derr ] && derr=$derr2
       +                fi
       +                case "$derr" in
       +                0|21)
       +                        puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +                        ;;
       +                20)
       +                        puri="No matches found."
       +                        ;;
       +                1)
       +                        puri="Parse error."
       +                        ;;
       +                *)
       +                        puri="Parazyd destroyed the server. Nothing to see here."
       +                        ;;
       +                esac
       +        esac
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, cowsay "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 15-)"
       +        tmpf=$(mktemp)
       +        cowsayasaservice ${word} > ${tmpf}
       +        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
       +                curi="$(/br/bin/bitreich-paste < ${tmpf})"
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}: the cow said... ${curi}"
       +        fi
       +        rm ${tmpf} 2>/dev/null
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, play despacito plz.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, gopher://bitreich.org/9/memecache/despacito.mkv"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please give me a Chuck Norris fact.")
       +        chuck=$(chucknorris)
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${chuck}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please show me ip art.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, please see #bitreich-tv for the magic."
       +        {
       +                cd $HOME/bin/modules/ip-art;
       +                # Lock, so only one annna process manipulates eth0.
       +                flock $HOME/bin/modules/ip-art -c "./display-file.sh ip-art.ipart"
       +        } &
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, I feel stupid.")
       +        nuri=$(darwin)
       +        tmpf=$(mktemp)
       +        fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       +        curi="$(9 htmlfmt < "${tmpf}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, do not feel stupid, others are more stupid: ${curi}"
       +        rm ${tmpf} 2>/dev/null
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, I feel down.")
       +        postmortem="$(post-mortem | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, do not feel bad, others had worse days: ${postmortem}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, will you be my girlfriend?")
       +        rejection="$(girlfriend)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${rejection}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, who fights crime?")
       +        partner=$(echo $brmembers | awk '{for (i = 1; i < NF; i++) print $i}' | grep -v "^{$user}" | shuf -n 1)
       +        crimefighter="$(theyfightcrime ${user} ${partner})"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${crimefighter}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please give me a commit message.")
       +        commitmsg="$(whatthecommit)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${commitmsg}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, birp.")
       +        birdname="$(bird-name)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I heard a ${birdname} bird."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please oneline me.")
       +        randomoneliner="$(oneliner)"
       +        if [ -z "${randomoneliner}" ];
       +        then
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, the service failed. Please redial to your BOL account."
       +        else
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${randomoneliner}"
       +        fi
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, man "*|"${botname}, man "*)
       +        exp="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 12- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +        dresult="$(COLUMNS=80 man "${exp}" 2>/dev/null)"
       +        if [ "$dresult" ];
       +        then
       +                puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        else
       +                puri="No matches found."
       +        fi
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, wolfram is "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 19- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +        case "$word" in
       +        *\?)
       +                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        puri=""
       +        dresult="$(printf "/wolfram\t%s\r\n" "${word}" \
       +                | nc magical.fish 70 \
       +                | awk '/iAnswer:/,/iAsk/' \
       +                | grep -v '^i ' \
       +                | head -n -1 \
       +                | tail -n +2 \
       +                | sed 's,i\(.*\)fake\texample.com.*,\1,;s,[ \t]*$,,')"
       +        if [ -n "$dresult" ];
       +        then
       +                case "${dresult}" in
       +                b*)
       +                        dresult="$(printf "%s\n" "${dresult}" \
       +                                | tr '\n' ' ' \
       +                                | sed "s,^b',,;s,' $,," \
       +                                | sed 's,^b",,;s," $,,' \
       +                                | sed 's,\\n,\n,g;s,\\t,\t,g')"
       +                        ;;
       +                *)
       +                        dresult="$(printf "%s\n" "${dresult}" \
       +                                | sed 's,\([a-zA-Z]\)$,\1 ,' \
       +                                | tr -d '\n')"
       +                        ;;
       +                esac
       +                wcl="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | wc -l)"
       +                if [ $wcl -gt 1 ];
       +                then
       +                        puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +                else
       +                        puri="${dresult}"
       +                fi
       +        else
       +                puri="No matches found."
       +        fi
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, pray"*)
       +        # Emulate https://threats.kaspersky.com/en/threat/IRC-Worm.DOS.Septic/
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I Obey my master! long live satan"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, sacrifice"*)
       +        # Emulate https://threats.kaspersky.com/en/threat/IRC-Worm.DOS.Septic/
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, Your word is my command, Power to satan!"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, textsynth is "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 21- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +        case "$word" in
       +        *\?)
       +                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        # Do in background, because read is very slow.
       +        {
       +                dresult="$(textsynth-complete -r "${word}")"
       +                if [ -n "${dresult}" ];
       +                then
       +                        puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +                else
       +                        puri="Textsynth did not answer."
       +                fi
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "textsynth result: ${puri}"
       +        } &
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, how discriminating is "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 30- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       +        case "$word" in
       +        *\?)
       +                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        newword="$(discrimination-filter "${word}")"
       +        if [ "${newword}" = "${word}" ];
       +        then
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, it is ok."
       +        else
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, it should be: ${newword}"
       +        fi
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, are "*)
       +        case "${text}" in
       +        *" in love?")
       +                words="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*are \(.*\) and \(.*\) in love?,\1 \2,')"
       +                lovedistance="$(printf "%s * 100\n" "$(fstrcmp ${words})" | bc | cut -d'.' -f 1)"
       +                if [ $lovedistance -gt 15 ];
       +                then
       +                        annna-say -c "${channel}" 'Yes!!! Pure <3 <3'
       +                else
       +                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "No."
       +                fi
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        ;;
       +"Ok, ${botname}"*)
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I am not a consumer device."
       +        ;;
       +"ok, ${botname}"*)
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I am not a consumer device."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please shoot "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 21-)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${word}, pew pew."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please flip "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 20-)"
       +        updownword="$(updown "${word}")"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${word} -> ${updownword}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please give me a good band name.")
       +        bandname="$(bandname-gen | shuf | head -n 1)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${bandname}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, I am horny.")
       +        essaypaste="$(bithub-gen)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" \
       +                "Here is some intellectual porn for you: ${essaypaste}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please turn on "*)
       +        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 22-)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "☞ ⏻ ${word}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please turn me on.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "☞ ⏻ ${user}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, I'm game bored.")
       +        gamelink="$(abandonware-random-game)"
       +        if [ -z "${gamelink}" ];
       +        then
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, sorry I have found nothing for you."
       +        else
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, have you tried ${gamelink} ?"
       +        fi
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, I'm gopher bored.")
       +        randomlink="$(/br/bin/bitreich-lawn-random-link)"
       +        linktype="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f1 | cut -c2-)"
       +        linktext="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f2)"
       +        linksel="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f3)"
       +        linkserver="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f4)"
       +        linkport="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f5 | cut -d']' -f1)"
       +        outtext="$(printf "%s - gopher://%s" "$linktext" "$linkserver")"
       +        if [ "$linkport" != "70" -a "$linkport" != "port" ];
       +        then
       +                outtext="$(printf "%s:%s" "$outtext" "$linkport")"
       +        fi
       +        if [ -n "$linksel" ];
       +        then
       +                outtext="$(printf "%s/%s%s" "$outtext" "$linktype" "$linksel")"
       +        fi
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$outtext"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, wb.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ty! I am so happy to be here. :)"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, welcome back.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, thank you! I am so happy to be here. :)"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, what's up?")
       +        newsstr="$(ecl -shell /home/solene/gopher/bin/generator.lisp)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$newsstr"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, what's down?")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, we all love you."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, I feel sick.")
       +        newsstr="$(cd /br/gopher/hypochondria && ./hypochondria -s random)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "You could have ${newsstr}! Be careful!"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, oh hai!")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, hai! How is your sex life?"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please tech hype me.")
       +        techstr="$(${modbase}/markov_tech/markov)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${techstr}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, what's my horoscope?")
       +        horostr="$($HOME/scm/bullshit/horoscope)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${horostr}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, what's my future?")
       +        puri="$(sacc gopher://parazyd.org/0/tarot.cgi | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, your future is here: ${puri}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, how many memes do you know?")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "I know $(hashtagcount) memes: gopher://adamsgaard.dk/0/pub/memecount"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, how many people died of corona?")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, too many. :( Please see yourself: gopher://magical.fish/1/covid"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please show me your memes.")
       +        puri="$(printf "%s" "$(hashtags)" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here are my memes: ${puri}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please show me the victims.")
       +        puri="$(printf "%s" "$(hashtags)" | grep victim | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here are the victims: ${puri}"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please distro-hop with me.")
       +        ndistro="$(curl -s 'https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity' \
       +                | grep phr2 \
       +                | sed 's,.*href="\(.*\)".*,\1,' \
       +                | sort | uniq | shuf -n 1)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "How about https://distrowatch.com/${ndistro} ?"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please show me your Macron.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "gopher://bitreich.org/0/ascii/macron.vt"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, release the Kraken!")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here it is! gopher://bitreich.org/0/memecache/kraken.vt"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, release the Quacken!")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Quack Quack! gopher://bitreich.org/9/memecache/release-the-quacken.mkv"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, be cool.")
       +        case "$(($RANDOM % 4))" in
       +        0)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "(⌐■_■)"
       +                ;;
       +        1)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▰˘◡˘▰)"
       +                ;;
       +        2)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▀ Ĺ▀ )̄"
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▀Ĺ▀ )"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please cheer.")
       +        case "$(($RANDOM % 2))" in
       +        0)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '~\o/~'
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '✺◟( ° ʖ °)◞✺'
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, be cute.")
       +        case "$(($RANDOM % 4))" in
       +        0)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '    (\ /)'
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '    (. .)'
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  C(") (")'
       +                ;;
       +        1)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '   (\-/)'
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "  (='.'=)"
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (")-(")o'
       +                ;;
       +        2)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  ( ) ( )'
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (>•.•<)'
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (") (")'
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (\  (\'
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "  (=' :')"
       +                sleep 0.1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (, (") (")'
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please roll a dice for me.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$((($RANDOM % 6) + 1))"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please tell me your favourite flower.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite flower is the beer flower."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please tell me your favourite color.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite color is yellow."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please clap for me.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, *clap* *clap* *clap*"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please dance.")
       +        if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
       +        then
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" ',o/  o/_  _\o   _o_  \o\'
       +        else
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" '\o7 -o7 _o7 .o7 \o. \o_ \o- \o7'
       +        fi
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please dance with me.")
       +        if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
       +        then
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "I am not that kind of woman."
       +        else
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thank you! Let us dance! :-D"
       +        fi
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite pleasure man is of course Gunther!"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, sudo make me a sandwich")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Humans are no objects."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, sudo please make me a sandwich")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here is your sandwich."
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, bonjour !")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, bonjour !"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please help.")
       +        # Help Message.
       +        # TODO: Add multiple line support to annna-say -c(1) with sleep.
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»how many memes do you know?«gets you the number of memes annna knows, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please show me your memes.« gets you all memes anna knows, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please show me the victims.« gets you all victims anna knows, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»can you show me the uptime please?« gets you the uptime, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please show me the load, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please give me the count of online users.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please tell me your favourite flower.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please tell me your favourite color.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please dance with me.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please distro-hop with me.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please dance.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»what's up?«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»what's down?«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please update the phlog index.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»sudo make me a sandwich«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»sudo please make me a sandwich«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please roll a dice for me.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»I'm bored.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», be cool.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», be cute.«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», what is \$term?«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», please turn on \$term«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», please shoot \$term«, ${user}."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», turn me on."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», please tech hype me."
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "», bonjour !"
       +        sleep 0.5
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please help.« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       +        ;;
       +if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please meme meme meme me." ];
       +        randomtag=2
       +if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's the wheelchair shooter meme again?" ];
       +        tagname="#scrollby"
       +        tagline="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | grep "^${tagname} ")"
       +        tagname="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
       +        taguri="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +case "${text}" in
       +        ;;
       +        rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(rfc[0-9]*\).*,\1,')"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       +        ;;
       +        rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(RFC[0-9]*\).*,\1,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       +        ;;
       +if [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       +        while [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       +        do
       +                rtag="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | shuf -n 1)"
       +                tagname=""
       +                taguri=""
       +                for tag in ${rtag};
       +                do
       +                        [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       +                        taguri="${tag}"
       +                done
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +                randomtag=$(($randomtag - 1))
       +        done
       +        printf '%s' "$text" | awk -v taglimit="$printnhashtags" '
       +        $0 !~ /#nospoil/ {
       +                while (match($0, /#[^# "'\'',)?!$\001]+/)) {
       +                        tag = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
       +                        $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
       +                        sub(/[.]*$/, "", tag)
       +                        if (!uniq[tag]++ && taglimit-- > 0)
       +                                print tag
       +                }
       +        }' | while read -r tag;
       +        do
       +                if tagline="$(grep "${tag} " "${hashtagfile}")";
       +                then
       +                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagline% *}: ${tagline#* }"
       +                fi
       +        done
       +# Membership Level.
       +for member in $brmembers;
       +        [ "$user" = "$member" ] && ismember=1
       +[ $ismember -lt 1 ] && exit
       +case "${text}" in
       +"${botname}, can you show me the uptime please?")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) uptime: $(uptime)"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please show me the load.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) load: $(LANG=C uptime | sed 's,.*load average: \(.*\)$,\1,')"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please give me the count of online users.")
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname): $(who -q | tail -n 1 | cut -d'=' -f 2)"
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please update the phlog index.")
       +        phlog-index > /dev/null 2>&1
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thanks! Your request has been fulfilled with the quickness! :)"
       +        ;;
   DIR diff --git a/annna-message-radio b/annna-message-radio
       @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
       +#!/bin/sh -e
       +[ "$user" = "${botname}" ] && exit
       +case "${text}" in
       +"${botname}, next please.")
       +        /br/bin/bitreich-radio-playlist-next
       +        annna-say -c "${channel}" "You are very kind ${user}. To your command."
       +        exit # no common messages
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, please help.")
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»next please.« gets the playlist further, ${user}."
       +        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please help.« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       +        ;;
       +annna-message-common "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
   DIR diff --git a/annna-start-services b/annna-start-services
       @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
        # Here follow scriplets to listen for commands in annna.
       -# If this gets too unmaintainable, consider adding some directory structure.
        export PATH="$PATH:/home/annna/bin"
       @@ -12,796 +11,10 @@ export PATH="$PATH:/opt/plan9/bin"
        # Bitreich members who are allowed to run certain commands.
        brmembers="__20h__ Evil_Bob chripo posativ quinq stateless solene josuah parazyd bin KatolaZ adc"
        channel_list="#bitreich-en #bitreich-fr #bitreich-de #bitreich-nl #bitreich-it #bitreich-con #bitreich-scm #bitreich-cooking #bitreich-lawn #bitreich-tv #bitreich-meme #bitreich-radio"
       -hashtags() {
       -        cat ${hashtagfile} 2>/dev/null
       -hashtagcount() {
       -        int2bit "$(wc -l ${hashtagfile} | cut -d' ' -f 1)"
       -regeximatch() {
       -        printf '%s' "$1" | grep -i -E -q "$2"
       -annna_common() {
       -        channel="$1"
       -        user="$2"
       -        text="$3"
       -        #printf "annna_common: %s %s %s\n" "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
       -        [ "$user" = "${botname}" ] && return
       -        uri="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" \
       -                | sed -n '/.*\(https\{0,1\}:\/\/[^ ]\{1,\}\).*/s//\1/p')"
       -        case "${text}" in
       -        *\#nospoil*)
       -                ;;
       -        *)
       -                if [ -n "${uri}" ]
       -                then
       -                        tmpf=$(mktemp)
       -                        fetch-uri "${uri}" > "${tmpf}"
       -                        urititle="$(grabtitle < "${tmpf}")"
       -                        # Set below and annna will concatenate at the end.
       -                        # Subtitle URI.
       -                        sturi=""
       -                        # Replacement URI.
       -                        nuri=""
       -                        # Replacement URI display string.
       -                        nuris=""
       -                        # html2text content.
       -                        curi=""
       -                        # Set to 0, if some URI content should be shown.
       -                        nocuri=1
       -                        # Screenshot.
       -                        suri=""
       -                        # titleend=1 will not output any further.
       -                        titleend=0
       -                        outputstr=""
       -                        if [ -n "$urititle" ];
       -                        then
       -                                case "${urititle}" in
       -                                *Gunther*|*GUNTHER*|*Gnther*)
       -                                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Oh Gunther! ❤  ❤  ❤  ${urititle}"
       -                                        ;;
       -                                *\|\ Cloudflare*)
       -                                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Mind your own business! We got clownflared: gopher://bitreich.org/0/ascii/clownflare.vt"
       -                                        titleend=1
       -                                        ;;
       -                                esac
       -                        fi
       -                        case "${uri}" in
       -                        *youtube.com/*|*youtu.be/*)
       -                                nuri="https://invidious.13ad.de/${uri#https*://*/}"
       -                                fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       -                                urititle="$(curl-grabtitle "${nuri}")"
       -                                sturi="$(subtitle-paste "${uri}")"
       -                                nuris="invidious: ${nuri}"
       -                                nocuri=0
       -                                ;;
       -                        *twitter.com*)
       -                                ninstance="$(nitter-instance | sed 's,\.,\\\.,g')"
       -                                nuri="$(printf "%s\n" "${uri}" | sed "s;\(mobile\.\)\{0,1\}twitter\.com;${ninstance};")"
       -                                fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       -                                urititle="$(curl-grabtitle "${nuri}")"
       -                                suri="$(screenshot-paste "${nuri}")"
       -                                nuris="nitter: ${nuri}"
       -                                nocuri=0
       -                                ;;
       -                        *en.wikipedia.org/wiki*)
       -                                if ! regeximatch "$uri" '\.(jpg,bmp,gif,png,tiff,avi,mp4,webm,mkv,pdf,ps,eps)$';
       -                                then
       -                                        nuri="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | sed -e "s;.*en.wikipedia.org/wiki;gopher://gopherpedia.com/0;" -e "s;#.*$;;")"
       -                                        nuris="$(printf 'gopherpedia: %s\n' "${nuri}")"
       -                                        fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       -                                        nocuri=0
       -                                fi
       -                                ;;
       -                        *www.reddit.com*)
       -                                nuri="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | sed "s;www.reddit.com;old.reddit.com;")"
       -                                nuris="old.reddit: ${nuri}"
       -                                fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       -                                if [ -n "${uri#*www.reddit.com/r/*}" ];
       -                                then
       -                                        subreddit="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | cut -d / -f 5)"
       -                                        post="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | cut -d / -f 7)"
       -                                        if [ -n "${post}" ]; 
       -                                        then
       -                                                guri="gopher://gopherddit.com/1/cgi-bin/reddit.cgi?view&${post}&${subreddit}&10"
       -                                        else
       -                                                guri="gopher://gopherddit.com/1/cgi-bin/reddit.cgi?menu&${subreddit}&10"
       -                                        fi
       -                                        nuris="${nuri} ; gopherdit: ${guri}"
       -                                fi
       -                                nocuri=0
       -                                ;;
       -                        *github.com/*/blob/*)
       -                                urltitle=""
       -                                nuris="$(printf '%s' "${uri}" | sed 's/blob/raw/')"
       -                                nocuri=0
       -                                ;;
       -                        *www.npr.org/*)
       -                                post="$(printf '%s\n' "${uri}" | cut -d / -f 7)"
       -                                if [ -n "${post}" ]; 
       -                                then
       -                                        nuri="https://text.npr.org/s.php?sId=${post}"
       -                                        nuris="text only: ${nuri}"
       -                                fi
       -                                ;;
       -                        *)
       -                                mimetype="$(file -b --mime-type "${tmpf}")"
       -                                case "${mimetype}" in
       -                                text/*)
       -                                        nocuri=0
       -                                        ;;
       -                                esac
       -                                ;;
       -                        esac
       -                        if [ $titleend -eq 0 ];
       -                        then
       -                                if [ $nocuri -eq 0 ];
       -                                then
       -                                        if [ -z "${curi}" ];
       -                                        then
       -                                                curi="$(9 htmlfmt < "${tmpf}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                                        fi
       -                                        outputstr="${outputstr} content: ${curi} ;"
       -                                fi
       -                                [ -n "${nuris}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} ${nuris} ;"
       -                                [ -n "${urititle}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} title: ${urititle} ;"
       -                                [ -n "${suri}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} screen: ${suri} ;"
       -                                [ -n "${sturi}" ] && outputstr="${outputstr} subtitles: ${sturi} ;"
       -                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${outputstr}"
       -                        fi
       -                        rm -f "${tmpf}"
       -                fi
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       -        case "${text}" in
       -        "${botname}, how can I phlog on bitreich?")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, please read: gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-04-02-482296.md and gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-27-40-281825.md"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, what is "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 16-)"
       -                case "$word" in
       -                *\?)
       -                        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                case "${word}" in
       -                "love")
       -                        puri="$(clippy-say "Baby don't hurt me no more!")"
       -                        ;;
       -                "my horoscope")
       -                        puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's my horoscope?_?")"
       -                        ;;
       -                "my horoscope")
       -                        puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's my future?_?")"
       -                        ;;
       -                "up")
       -                        puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's up?_?")"
       -                        ;;
       -                *)
       -                        puri=""
       -                        dresult="$(dict -h parazyd.org "${word}" 2>/dev/null)"
       -                        derr=$?
       -                        if [ $derr -eq 20 ];
       -                        then
       -                                dresult="$(dict -h parazyd.org "${word}" 2>/dev/null)"
       -                                derr2="$?"
       -                                [ $derr2 -ne $derr ] && derr=$derr2
       -                        fi
       -                        case "$derr" in
       -                        0|21)
       -                                puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                                ;;
       -                        20)
       -                                puri="No matches found."
       -                                ;;
       -                        1)
       -                                puri="Parse error."
       -                                ;;
       -                        *)
       -                                puri="Parazyd destroyed the server. Nothing to see here."
       -                                ;;
       -                        esac
       -                esac
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, cowsay "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 15-)"
       -                tmpf=$(mktemp)
       -                cowsayasaservice ${word} > ${tmpf}
       -                if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
       -                        curi="$(/br/bin/bitreich-paste < ${tmpf})"
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}: the cow said... ${curi}"
       -                fi
       -                rm ${tmpf} 2>/dev/null
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, play despacito plz.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, gopher://bitreich.org/9/memecache/despacito.mkv"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please give me a Chuck Norris fact.")
       -                chuck=$(chucknorris)
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${chuck}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please show me ip art.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, please see #bitreich-tv for the magic."
       -                {
       -                        cd $HOME/bin/modules/ip-art;
       -                        # Lock, so only one annna process manipulates eth0.
       -                        flock $HOME/bin/modules/ip-art -c "./display-file.sh ip-art.ipart"
       -                } &
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, I feel stupid.")
       -                nuri=$(darwin)
       -                tmpf=$(mktemp)
       -                fetch-uri "${nuri}" > "${tmpf}"
       -                curi="$(9 htmlfmt < "${tmpf}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, do not feel stupid, others are more stupid: ${curi}"
       -                rm ${tmpf} 2>/dev/null
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, I feel down.")
       -                postmortem="$(post-mortem | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, do not feel bad, others had worse days: ${postmortem}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, will you be my girlfriend?")
       -                rejection="$(girlfriend)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${rejection}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, who fights crime?")
       -                partner=$(echo $brmembers | awk '{for (i = 1; i < NF; i++) print $i}' | grep -v "^{$user}" | shuf -n 1)
       -                crimefighter="$(theyfightcrime ${user} ${partner})"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${crimefighter}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please give me a commit message.")
       -                commitmsg="$(whatthecommit)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${commitmsg}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, birp.")
       -                birdname="$(bird-name)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I heard a ${birdname} bird."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please oneline me.")
       -                randomoneliner="$(oneliner)"
       -                if [ -z "${randomoneliner}" ];
       -                then
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, the service failed. Please redial to your BOL account."
       -                else
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${randomoneliner}"
       -                fi
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, man "*|"${botname}, man "*)
       -                exp="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 12- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       -                dresult="$(COLUMNS=80 man "${exp}" 2>/dev/null)"
       -                if [ "$dresult" ];
       -                then
       -                        puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                else
       -                        puri="No matches found."
       -                fi
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, wolfram is "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 19- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       -                case "$word" in
       -                *\?)
       -                        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                puri=""
       -                dresult="$(printf "/wolfram\t%s\r\n" "${word}" \
       -                        | nc magical.fish 70 \
       -                        | awk '/iAnswer:/,/iAsk/' \
       -                        | grep -v '^i ' \
       -                        | head -n -1 \
       -                        | tail -n +2 \
       -                        | sed 's,i\(.*\)fake\texample.com.*,\1,;s,[ \t]*$,,')"
       -                if [ -n "$dresult" ];
       -                then
       -                        case "${dresult}" in
       -                        b*)
       -                                dresult="$(printf "%s\n" "${dresult}" \
       -                                        | tr '\n' ' ' \
       -                                        | sed "s,^b',,;s,' $,," \
       -                                        | sed 's,^b",,;s," $,,' \
       -                                        | sed 's,\\n,\n,g;s,\\t,\t,g')"
       -                                ;;
       -                        *)
       -                                dresult="$(printf "%s\n" "${dresult}" \
       -                                        | sed 's,\([a-zA-Z]\)$,\1 ,' \
       -                                        | tr -d '\n')"
       -                                ;;
       -                        esac
       -                        wcl="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | wc -l)"
       -                        if [ $wcl -gt 1 ];
       -                        then
       -                                puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                        else
       -                                puri="${dresult}"
       -                        fi
       -                else
       -                        puri="No matches found."
       -                fi
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, pray"*)
       -                # Emulate https://threats.kaspersky.com/en/threat/IRC-Worm.DOS.Septic/
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I Obey my master! long live satan"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, sacrifice"*)
       -                # Emulate https://threats.kaspersky.com/en/threat/IRC-Worm.DOS.Septic/
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, Your word is my command, Power to satan!"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, textsynth is "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 21- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       -                case "$word" in
       -                *\?)
       -                        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                # Do in background, because read is very slow.
       -                {
       -                        dresult="$(textsynth-complete -r "${word}")"
       -                        if [ -n "${dresult}" ];
       -                        then
       -                                puri="$(printf "%s" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                        else
       -                                puri="Textsynth did not answer."
       -                        fi
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "textsynth result: ${puri}"
       -                } &
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, how discriminating is "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 30- | sed 's,\t,    ,g')"
       -                case "$word" in
       -                *\?)
       -                        word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c -"$(($(expr length "${word}") - 1))")"
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                newword="$(discrimination-filter "${word}")"
       -                if [ "${newword}" = "${word}" ];
       -                then
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, it is ok."
       -                else
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, it should be: ${newword}"
       -                fi
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, are "*)
       -                case "${text}" in
       -                *" in love?")
       -                        words="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*are \(.*\) and \(.*\) in love?,\1 \2,')"
       -                        lovedistance="$(printf "%s * 100\n" "$(fstrcmp ${words})" | bc | cut -d'.' -f 1)"
       -                        if [ $lovedistance -gt 15 ];
       -                        then
       -                                annna-say -c "${channel}" 'Yes!!! Pure <3 <3'
       -                        else
       -                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "No."
       -                        fi
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                ;;
       -        "Ok, ${botname}"*)
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I am not a consumer device."
       -                ;;
       -        "ok, ${botname}"*)
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I am not a consumer device."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please shoot "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 21-)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${word}, pew pew."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please flip "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 20-)"
       -                updownword="$(updown "${word}")"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${word} -> ${updownword}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please give me a good band name.")
       -                bandname="$(bandname-gen | shuf | head -n 1)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${bandname}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, I am horny.")
       -                essaypaste="$(bithub-gen)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" \
       -                        "Here is some intellectual porn for you: ${essaypaste}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please turn on "*)
       -                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | cut -c 22-)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "☞ ⏻ ${word}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please turn me on.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "☞ ⏻ ${user}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, I'm game bored.")
       -                gamelink="$(abandonware-random-game)"
       -                if [ -z "${gamelink}" ];
       -                then
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, sorry I have found nothing for you."
       -                else
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, have you tried ${gamelink} ?"
       -                fi
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, I'm gopher bored.")
       -                randomlink="$(/br/bin/bitreich-lawn-random-link)"
       -                linktype="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f1 | cut -c2-)"
       -                linktext="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f2)"
       -                linksel="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f3)"
       -                linkserver="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f4)"
       -                linkport="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f5 | cut -d']' -f1)"
       -                outtext="$(printf "%s - gopher://%s" "$linktext" "$linkserver")"
       -                if [ "$linkport" != "70" -a "$linkport" != "port" ];
       -                then
       -                        outtext="$(printf "%s:%s" "$outtext" "$linkport")"
       -                fi
       -                if [ -n "$linksel" ];
       -                then
       -                        outtext="$(printf "%s/%s%s" "$outtext" "$linktype" "$linksel")"
       -                fi
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$outtext"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, wb.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ty! I am so happy to be here. :)"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, welcome back.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, thank you! I am so happy to be here. :)"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, what's up?")
       -                newsstr="$(ecl -shell /home/solene/gopher/bin/generator.lisp)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$newsstr"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, what's down?")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, we all love you."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, I feel sick.")
       -                newsstr="$(cd /br/gopher/hypochondria && ./hypochondria -s random)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "You could have ${newsstr}! Be careful!"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, oh hai!")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, hai! How is your sex life?"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please tech hype me.")
       -                techstr="$(${modbase}/markov_tech/markov)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${techstr}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, what's my horoscope?")
       -                horostr="$($HOME/scm/bullshit/horoscope)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${horostr}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, what's my future?")
       -                puri="$(sacc gopher://parazyd.org/0/tarot.cgi | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, your future is here: ${puri}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, how many memes do you know?")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "I know $(hashtagcount) memes: gopher://adamsgaard.dk/0/pub/memecount"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, how many people died of corona?")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, too many. :( Please see yourself: gopher://magical.fish/1/covid"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please show me your memes.")
       -                puri="$(printf "%s" "$(hashtags)" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here are my memes: ${puri}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please show me the victims.")
       -                puri="$(printf "%s" "$(hashtags)" | grep victim | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here are the victims: ${puri}"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please distro-hop with me.")
       -                ndistro="$(curl -s 'https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity' \
       -                        | grep phr2 \
       -                        | sed 's,.*href="\(.*\)".*,\1,' \
       -                        | sort | uniq | shuf -n 1)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "How about https://distrowatch.com/${ndistro} ?"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please show me your Macron.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "gopher://bitreich.org/0/ascii/macron.vt"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, release the Kraken!")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here it is! gopher://bitreich.org/0/memecache/kraken.vt"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, release the Quacken!")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Quack Quack! gopher://bitreich.org/9/memecache/release-the-quacken.mkv"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, be cool.")
       -                case "$(($RANDOM % 4))" in
       -                0)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "(⌐■_■)"
       -                        ;;
       -                1)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▰˘◡˘▰)"
       -                        ;;
       -                2)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▀ Ĺ▀ )̄"
       -                        ;;
       -                *)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▀Ĺ▀ )"
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please cheer.")
       -                case "$(($RANDOM % 2))" in
       -                0)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '~\o/~'
       -                        ;;
       -                *)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '✺◟( ° ʖ °)◞✺'
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, be cute.")
       -                case "$(($RANDOM % 4))" in
       -                0)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '    (\ /)'
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '    (. .)'
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  C(") (")'
       -                        ;;
       -                1)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '   (\-/)'
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "  (='.'=)"
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (")-(")o'
       -                        ;;
       -                2)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  ( ) ( )'
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (>•.•<)'
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (") (")'
       -                        ;;
       -                *)
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (\  (\'
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "  (=' :')"
       -                        sleep 0.1
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (, (") (")'
       -                        ;;
       -                esac
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please roll a dice for me.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$((($RANDOM % 6) + 1))"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please tell me your favourite flower.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite flower is the beer flower."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please tell me your favourite color.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite color is yellow."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please clap for me.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, *clap* *clap* *clap*"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please dance.")
       -                if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
       -                then
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" ',o/  o/_  _\o   _o_  \o\'
       -                else
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" '\o7 -o7 _o7 .o7 \o. \o_ \o- \o7'
       -                fi
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please dance with me.")
       -                if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
       -                then
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "I am not that kind of woman."
       -                else
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thank you! Let us dance! :-D"
       -                fi
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite pleasure man is of course Gunther!"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, sudo make me a sandwich")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Humans are no objects."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, sudo please make me a sandwich")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here is your sandwich."
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, bonjour !")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, bonjour !"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please help.")
       -                # Help Message.
       -                # TODO: Add multiple line support to annna-say -c(1) with sleep.
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»how many memes do you know?«gets you the number of memes annna knows, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please show me your memes.« gets you all memes anna knows, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please show me the victims.« gets you all victims anna knows, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»can you show me the uptime please?« gets you the uptime, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please show me the load, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please give me the count of online users.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please tell me your favourite flower.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please tell me your favourite color.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please dance with me.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please distro-hop with me.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please dance.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»what's up?«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»what's down?«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please update the phlog index.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»sudo make me a sandwich«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»sudo please make me a sandwich«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please roll a dice for me.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»I'm bored.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», be cool.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», be cute.«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», what is \$term?«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», please turn on \$term«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», please shoot \$term«, ${user}."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», turn me on."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», please tech hype me."
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "», bonjour !"
       -                sleep 0.5
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please help.« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       -        randomtag=0
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please meme meme meme me." ];
       -        then
       -                randomtag=2
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's the wheelchair shooter meme again?" ];
       -        then
       -                tagname="#scrollby"
       -                tagline="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | grep "^${tagname} ")"
       -                tagname="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
       -                taguri="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -        fi
       -        case "${text}" in
       -        *\#nospoil*)
       -                ;;
       -        *rfc[0-9]*)
       -                rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(rfc[0-9]*\).*,\1,')"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       -                ;;
       -        *RFC[0-9]*)
       -                rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(RFC[0-9]*\).*,\1,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       -        if [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       -        then
       -                while [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       -                do
       -                        rtag="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | shuf -n 1)"
       -                        tagname=""
       -                        taguri=""
       -                        for tag in ${rtag};
       -                        do
       -                                [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       -                                taguri="${tag}"
       -                        done
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -                        randomtag=$(($randomtag - 1))
       -                done
       -        else
       -                printf '%s' "$text" | awk -v taglimit="$printnhashtags" '
       -                $0 !~ /#nospoil/ {
       -                        while (match($0, /#[^# "'\'',)?!$\001]+/)) {
       -                                tag = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
       -                                $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
       -                                sub(/[.]*$/, "", tag)
       -                                if (!uniq[tag]++ && taglimit-- > 0)
       -                                        print tag
       -                        }
       -                }' | while read -r tag;
       -                do
       -                        if tagline="$(grep "${tag} " "${hashtagfile}")";
       -                        then
       -                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagline% *}: ${tagline#* }"
       -                        fi
       -                done
       -        fi
       -        # Membership Level.
       -        ismember=0
       -        for member in $brmembers;
       -        do
       -                [ "$user" = "$member" ] && ismember=1
       -        done
       -        [ $ismember -lt 1 ] && return
       -        case "${text}" in
       -        "${botname}, can you show me the uptime please?")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) uptime: $(uptime)"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please show me the load.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) load: $(LANG=C uptime | sed 's,.*load average: \(.*\)$,\1,')"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please give me the count of online users.")
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname): $(who -q | tail -n 1 | cut -d'=' -f 2)"
       -                ;;
       -        "${botname}, please update the phlog index.")
       -                phlog-index > /dev/null 2>&1
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thanks! Your request has been fulfilled with the quickness! :)"
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       -annna_radio() {
       -        channel="$1"
       -        user="$2"
       -        text="$3"
       -        [ "$user" = "${botname}" ] && return
       -        case "${text}" in
       -        ${botname}, next please.)
       -                /br/bin/bitreich-radio-playlist-next
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "You are very kind ${user}. To your command."
       -                return # stop here
       -                ;;
       -        ${botname}, please help.)
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»next please.« gets the playlist further, ${user}."
       -                annna-say -c "${user}" "»please help.« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       -        annna_common "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
        # Permissions
        [ -d ${iiroot} ] && chmod o+rx ${iiroot}
        [ -d ${iibase} ] && chmod o+rx ${iibase}
       @@ -828,10 +41,10 @@ do
                                case "${channel}" in
       -                                annna_radio "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
       +                                annna-message-radio "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
       -                                annna_common "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"
       +                                annna-message-common "${channel}" "${user}" "${text}"