Add exclamatio module and script. - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit c0655da913f533290a7600cc2c10507b9915e181
   DIR parent b52d60cdecb35f5bd6834f0c5de11c556bbdbe2b
  HTML Author: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
       Date:   Sat,  7 Jan 2023 22:02:04 +0100
       Add exclamatio module and script.
         A exclamatio                          |      54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/exclamatio b/exclamatio
       @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
       +# time range for date(1)
       +maxexclamatiotime="30 seconds"
       +function cleanupexclamatiodb {
       +        expirytime="$(date +%s -d "${maxexclamatiotime} ago")"
       +        cat ${exclamatiodb} \
       +        | while read -r line;
       +        do
       +                settime="$(printf "%s\n" "${line}" | cut -f 3)"
       +                if [ ${settime} -ge ${expirytime} ];
       +                then
       +                        printf "%s\n" "${line}"
       +                fi
       +        done > $exclamatiodb.new
       +        mv $exclamatiodb.new $exclamatiodb
       +function setexclamatioval {
       +        if [ -n "$(grep "^${1}" "${exclamatiodb}")" ];
       +        then
       +                sed -i "s,${1}\t.*\t\(.*\),${1}\t${2}\t\1," "${exclamatiodb}"
       +        else
       +                printf "%s\t%d\t%d\n" "${1}" "${2}" "$(date +%s)" >> "${exclamatiodb}"
       +        fi
       +function getexclamatioval {
       +        exclamatiotag="${1}"
       +        exclamatioval="$(grep -P "^${exclamatiotag}\t" "${exclamatiodb}" | cut -f 2)"
       +        [ -z "${exclamatioval}" ] && printf "0\n"
       +        printf "%s\n" "${exclamatioval}"
       +function modifyexclamatio {
       +        exclamatiotag="$1"
       +        exclamatioval=$(getexclamatioval "${exclamatiotag}")
       +        newexclamatioval="$(printf "%d%s\n" "${exclamatioval}" "$2" | bc)"
       +        setexclamatioval "${exclamatiotag}" $newexclamatioval
       +        printf "%s = %d\n" "$exclamatiotag" "$newexclamatioval"
       +function incexclamatio {
       +        modifyexclamatio "$1" " + $2"
       +incexclamatio "${exclamatiostr}" "1"
       +printf "%s\n" "$(getexclamatioval "${exclamatiostr}")"