Refactor annna text command matches. - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit c3d834f28259c7860e41365fb87cfcc3777cf973
   DIR parent af34952c8eec82a609f56229c0a6ff6d2db2895b
  HTML Author: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
       Date:   Fri,  5 Jun 2020 20:38:13 +0200
       Refactor annna text command matches.
       Move some member commands which do not harm to non-member context.
         M annna-start-services                |     410 ++++++++++++-------------------
       1 file changed, 159 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/annna-start-services b/annna-start-services
       @@ -267,9 +267,6 @@ annna_common() {
       -        esac
       -        case "${text}" in
                "Ok, ${botname}"*)
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, I am not a consumer device."
       @@ -287,10 +284,7 @@ annna_common() {
                "${botname}, please turn me on.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "☞ ⏻ ${user}"
       -        esac
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, I'm bored." ];
       -        then
       +        "${botname}, I'm bored")
                        linktype="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f1 | cut -c2-)"
                        linktext="$(printf "%s\n" "${randomlink}" | cut -d '|' -f2)"
       @@ -307,182 +301,60 @@ annna_common() {
                                outtext="$(printf "%s/%s%s" "$outtext" "$linktype" "$linksel")"
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$outtext"
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, wb." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, wb.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ty! I am so happy to be here. :)"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, welcome back." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, welcome back.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, thank you! I am so happy to be here. :)"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's up?" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, what's up?")
                        newsstr="$(ecl -shell /home/solene/gopher/bin/generator.lisp)"
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$newsstr"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's down?" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, what's down?")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, we all love you."
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, I feel sick." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, I feel sick.")
                        newsstr="$(cd /br/gopher/hypochondria && ./hypochondria -s random)"
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "You could have ${newsstr}! Be careful!"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, oh hai!" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, oh hai!")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, hai! How is your sex life?"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tech hype me." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please tech hype me.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${techstr}"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's my horoscope?" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, what's my horoscope?")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, ${horostr}"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's my future?" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, what's my future?")
                        purl="$(sacc gopher://parazyd.org/0/tarot.cgi | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, your future is here: ${purl}"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        randomtag=0
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please meme meme meme me." ];
       -        then
       -                randomtag=2
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's the wheelchair shooter meme again?" ];
       -        then
       -                tagname="#scrollby"
       -                tagline="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | grep "^${tagname} ")"
       -                tagname="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
       -                taguri="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -        fi
       -        case "${text}" in
       -        *\#nospoil*)
       -                ;;
       -        *\#tag[^a-zA-Z-]*)
       -                randomtag=1
       -                ;;
       -        *\#tag)
       -                randomtag=1
       -        *rfc[0-9]*)
       -                rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(rfc[0-9]*\).*,\1,')"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       -                ;;
       -        *RFC[0-9]*)
       -                rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(RFC[0-9]*\).*,\1,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       -        if [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       -        then
       -                while [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       -                do
       -                        rtag="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | shuf -n 1)"
       -                        tagname=""
       -                        taguri=""
       -                        for tag in ${rtag};
       -                        do
       -                                [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       -                                taguri="${tag}"
       -                        done
       -                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -                        randomtag=$(($randomtag - 1))
       -                done
       -        else
       -                tagname=""
       -                taguri=""
       -                for tag in $(hashtags);
       -                do
       -                        [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       -                        taguri="${tag}"
       -                        case "${text}" in
       -                        *\#nospoil*)
       -                                break;
       -                                ;;
       -                        *${tagname}[^a-zA-Z-]*)
       -                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -                                break;
       -                                ;;
       -                        *${tagname})
       -                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -                                break;
       -                                ;;
       -                        esac
       -                        tagname=""
       -                done
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, how many memes do you know?" ];
       -        then
       +        "${botname}, how many memes do you know?")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "I know $(hashtagcount) memes: gopher://adamsgaard.dk/0/pub/memecount"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, how many people died of corona?" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, how many people died of corona?")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, too many. :( Please see yourself: gopher://magical.fish/1/covid"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please show me your memes." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please show me your memes.")
                        purl="$(printf "%s" "$(hashtags)" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here are my memes: ${purl}"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please distro-hop with me." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please distro-hop with me.")
                        ndistro="$(curl -s 'https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity' \
                                | grep phr2 \
                                | sed 's,.*href="\(.*\)".*,\1,' \
                                | sort | uniq | shuf -n 1)"
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "How about https://distrowatch.com/${ndistro} ?"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        ismember=0
       -        for member in $brmembers;
       -        do
       -                [ "$user" = "$member" ] && ismember=1
       -        done
       -        [ $ismember -lt 1 ] && return
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, be cool." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please show me your Macron.")
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "gopher://bitreich.org/0/ascii/macron.vt"
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, be cool.")
                        case "$(($RANDOM % 4))" in
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "(⌐■_■)"
       @@ -497,11 +369,8 @@ annna_common() {
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "(▀Ĺ▀ )"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please cheer." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please cheer.")
                        case "$(($RANDOM % 2))" in
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" '~\o/~'
       @@ -510,11 +379,8 @@ annna_common() {
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" '✺◟( ° ʖ °)◞✺'
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, be cute." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, be cute.")
                        case "$(($RANDOM % 4))" in
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" '    (\ /)'
       @@ -545,106 +411,46 @@ annna_common() {
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" '  (, (") (")'
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, can you show me the uptime please?" ];
       -        then
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) uptime: $(uptime)"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please show me the load." ];
       -        then
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) load: $(LANG=C uptime | sed 's,.*load average: \(.*\)$,\1,')"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please show me your Macron." ];
       -        then
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "gopher://bitreich.org/0/ascii/macron.vt"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please give me the count of online users." ];
       -        then
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname): $(who -q | tail -n 1 | cut -d'=' -f 2)"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please roll a dice for me." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please roll a dice for me.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "$((($RANDOM % 6) + 1))"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tell me your favourite flower." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please tell me your favourite flower.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite flower is the beer flower."
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tell me your favourite color." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please tell me your favourite color.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite color is yellow."
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please dance." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please dance.")
                        if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" ',o/  o/_  _\o   _o_  \o\'
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" '\o7 -o7 _o7 .o7 \o. \o_ \o- \o7'
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please dance with me." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please dance with me.")
                        if [ $(($RANDOM % 2)) -gt 0 ];
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "I am not that kind of woman."
                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thank you! Let us dance! :-D"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please tell me who is your favourite pleasure man.")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "My favourite pleasure man is of course Gunther!"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, sudo make me a sandwich" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, sudo make me a sandwich")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Humans are no objects."
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, sudo please make me a sandwich" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, sudo please make me a sandwich")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "Here is your sandwich."
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please update the phlog index." ];
       -        then
       -                phlog-index > /dev/null 2>&1
       -                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thanks! Your request has been fulfilled with the quickness! :)"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, bonjour !" ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, bonjour !")
                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${user}, bonjour !"
       -                return
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please help." ];
       -        then
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please help.")
       +                # Help Message.
                        # TODO: Add multiple line support to annna-say -c(1) with sleep.
                        annna-say -c "${user}" "»how many memes do you know?«gets you the number of memes annna knows, ${user}."
                        sleep 0.5
       @@ -699,8 +505,110 @@ annna_common() {
                        annna-say -c "${user}" "», bonjour !"
                        sleep 0.5
                        annna-say -c "${user}" "»please help.« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       -                return
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        randomtag=0
       +        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please meme meme meme me." ];
       +        then
       +                randomtag=2
       +        fi
       +        if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's the wheelchair shooter meme again?" ];
       +        then
       +                tagname="#scrollby"
       +                tagline="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | grep "^${tagname} ")"
       +                tagname="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
       +                taguri="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +        fi
       +        case "${text}" in
       +        *\#nospoil*)
       +                ;;
       +        *\#tag[^a-zA-Z-]*)
       +                randomtag=1
       +                ;;
       +        *\#tag)
       +                randomtag=1
       +                ;;
       +        *rfc[0-9]*)
       +                rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(rfc[0-9]*\).*,\1,')"
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       +                ;;
       +        *RFC[0-9]*)
       +                rfcname="$(printf "%s\n" "${text}" | sed 's,.*\(RFC[0-9]*\).*,\1,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${rfcname}: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/${rfcname}.txt"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        if [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       +        then
       +                while [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       +                do
       +                        rtag="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | shuf -n 1)"
       +                        tagname=""
       +                        taguri=""
       +                        for tag in ${rtag};
       +                        do
       +                                [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       +                                taguri="${tag}"
       +                        done
       +                        annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +                        randomtag=$(($randomtag - 1))
       +                done
       +        else
       +                tagname=""
       +                taguri=""
       +                for tag in $(hashtags);
       +                do
       +                        [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       +                        taguri="${tag}"
       +                        case "${text}" in
       +                        *\#nospoil*)
       +                                break;
       +                                ;;
       +                        *${tagname}[^a-zA-Z-]*)
       +                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +                                break;
       +                                ;;
       +                        *${tagname})
       +                                annna-say -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +                                break;
       +                                ;;
       +                        esac
       +                        tagname=""
       +                done
       +        # Membership Level.
       +        ismember=0
       +        for member in $brmembers;
       +        do
       +                [ "$user" = "$member" ] && ismember=1
       +        done
       +        [ $ismember -lt 1 ] && return
       +        case "${text}" in
       +        "${botname}, can you show me the uptime please?")
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) uptime: $(uptime)"
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please show me the load.")
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname) load: $(LANG=C uptime | sed 's,.*load average: \(.*\)$,\1,')"
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please give me the count of online users.")
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "$(hostname): $(who -q | tail -n 1 | cut -d'=' -f 2)"
       +                ;;
       +        "${botname}, please update the phlog index.")
       +                phlog-index > /dev/null 2>&1
       +                annna-say -c "${channel}" "Thanks! Your request has been fulfilled with the quickness! :)"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
        # Permissions