merge two if [ "${text}" = "..." ] back to the main case ${text} - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit ea1854a310ae05275e392beb53a2ae35bcd36a50
   DIR parent 9a192ffcabc9b67d60a1db9843ad8100397a6db4
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Sat,  2 Jul 2022 14:08:18 +0200
       merge two if [ "${text}" = "..." ] back to the main case ${text}
       The randomtag logic is not made a special case anymore:
       The script still executes the randomtag block,
       calling shuf (absent from my system) to fetch a random tag:
               $ sh -x ./annna-message-common server channel user "annna, please meme meme meme me."
               + text=annna, please meme meme meme me.
               + [ user = annna ]
               + randomtag=2
               + [ 2 -gt 0 ]
               + shuf -n 1
               ./annna-message-common[1003]: shuf: not found
               + hashtags
               + printf %s\n
               + rtag=
               + tagname=
               + taguri=
               + annna-say -s server -c channel :
               -s server -c channel :
               + randomtag=1
       Signed-off-by: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
         M annna-message-common                |      81 ++++++++++++++-----------------
       1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/annna-message-common b/annna-message-common
       @@ -975,22 +975,49 @@ case "${text}" in
                sleep 0.5
                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${user}" "»please help.« gives you this help listing, ${user}."
       -if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, please meme meme meme me." ];
       +"${botname}, please meme meme meme me.")
       +        while [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       +        do
       +                rtag="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | shuf -n 1)"
       +                tagname=""
       +                taguri=""
       +                for tag in ${rtag};
       +                do
       +                        [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       +                        taguri="${tag}"
       +                done
       +                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -if [ "${text}" = "${botname}, what's the wheelchair shooter meme again?" ];
       +                randomtag=$((randomtag - 1))
       +        done
       +        ;;
       +"${botname}, what's the wheelchair shooter meme again?")
                tagline="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | grep "^${tagname} ")"
                tagname="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
                taguri="$(printf "%s\n" "${tagline}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       +        ;;
       +printf '%s' "$text" | awk -v taglimit="$printnhashtags" '
       +$0 !~ /#nospoil/ {
       +        while (match($0, /#[^# "'\'',?!;$\001]+/)) {
       +                tag = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
       +                $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
       +                sub(/[.]*$/, "", tag)
       +                if (!uniq[tag]++ && taglimit-- > 0)
       +                        print tag
       +        }
       +}' | while read -r tag;
       +        if tagline="$(grep "${tag} " "${hashtagfile}")";
       +        then
       +                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${tagline% *}: ${tagline#* }"
       +        fi
        case "${text}" in
       @@ -1005,42 +1032,6 @@ case "${text}" in
       -if [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       -        while [ $randomtag -gt 0 ];
       -        do
       -                rtag="$(printf "%s\n" "$(hashtags)" | shuf -n 1)"
       -                tagname=""
       -                taguri=""
       -                for tag in ${rtag};
       -                do
       -                        [ -z "${tagname}" ] && tagname="${tag}" && continue
       -                        taguri="${tag}"
       -                done
       -                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${tagname}: ${taguri}"
       -                randomtag=$(($randomtag - 1))
       -        done
       -        printf '%s' "$text" | awk -v taglimit="$printnhashtags" '
       -        $0 !~ /#nospoil/ {
       -                while (match($0, /#[^# "'\'',?!;$\001]+/)) {
       -                        tag = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
       -                        $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
       -                        sub(/[.]*$/, "", tag)
       -                        if (!uniq[tag]++ && taglimit-- > 0)
       -                                print tag
       -                }
       -        }' | while read -r tag;
       -        do
       -                if tagline="$(grep "${tag} " "${hashtagfile}")";
       -                then
       -                        annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${tagline% *}: ${tagline#* }"
       -                fi
       -        done
        # Always keep the karma / shame last!
        case "${text}" in