Add new dictcurl script. - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit f1861dec786ba6af58ab4d9db17c63d388d65a60
   DIR parent 1c9816b1574f11d4be5e92a7475acc79ca160d17
  HTML Author: Annna Robert-Houdin <annna@bitreich.org>
       Date:   Wed,  3 Jan 2024 21:10:35 +0100
       Add new dictcurl script.
       Thanks eidolon for the hint!
         M annna-message-common                |      43 ++++++++++++-------------------
         A dictcurl                            |      22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/annna-message-common b/annna-message-common
       @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ case "${text}" in
        "${ircuser}, how can I phlog on bitreich?")
                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${user}, please read: gophers://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-04-02-482296.md and gophers://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2017-08-26T20-27-40-281825.md"
       -"${ircuser}, what is my type?")
       +"${ircuser}, what's my type?")
                        cd /br/gopher
                        usertype="$(find memecache/type-?.png -type f \
       @@ -325,36 +325,25 @@ case "${text}" in
       +        dictserver="dict.org"
                case "${word}" in
       -        "love")
       -                puri="$(clippy-say "Baby don't hurt me no more!")"
       +        dict.org*)
       +                dictserver="dict.org"
       +                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c 9-)"
       -        "my future")
       -                puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's my horoscope?_?")"
       +        parazy.de*)
       +                dictserver="parazy.de"
       +                word="$(printf "%s\n" "${word}" | cut -c 10-)"
       -        "my horoscope")
       -                puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's my future?_?")"
       -                ;;
       -        "up")
       -                puri="$(clippy-say "Did you mean _what's up?_?")"
       -                ;;
       -        *)
       -                puri=""
       -                dresult="$(printf '%s\n' "define * $word" QUIT | nc parazyd.org 2628)"
       -                if printf '%s\n' "$dresult" | grep -q '^150'
       -                then
       -                        n="$(printf '%s\n' "$dresult" | grep -c '^151')"
       -                        nmessage="$n definition(s) found."
       -                        paste="$(printf '%s\n' "$dresult" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       -                        puri="$nmessage $paste"
       -                elif printf '%s\n' "$dresult" | grep -q '^552'
       -                then
       -                        puri="No match found."
       -                else
       -                        puri="Server destroyed. Nothing to see here."
       -                fi
       +        dresult="$(dictcurl "${dictserver}" "" "${word}")"
       +        if [ -z "${dresult}" ];
       +        then
       +                puri="No match found."
       +        else
       +                puri="$(printf "%s\n" "${dresult}" | /br/bin/bitreich-paste)"
       +        fi
                annna-say -s "${server}" -c "${channel}" "${puri}"
        "${ircuser}, cowsay "*)
   DIR diff --git a/dictcurl b/dictcurl
       @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
       +if [ $# -lt 3 ];
       +        printf "usage: %s server[:port] db query\n" "$(basename "$0")" >&2
       +        exit 1
       +curl -s "dict://${server}/d:${query}${db:+:$db}" \
       +| awk '/^552 / {
       +                print "No match for word." > "/dev/stderr"
       +                exit 1
       +        }
       +          /^151 /,/^\./ {
       +                sub(/^151 |^\./, "")
       +                print
       +        }