i-dont-care.txt - annna - Annna the nice friendly bot. HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/annna/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/annna/ DIR Log DIR Files DIR Refs DIR Tags DIR README --- i-dont-care.txt (1144B) --- 1 It's sausage to me. (German) 2 I care a cucumber. (Spanish) 3 It can oxidize on my anus. (Dutch) 4 I slap my balls on it. (French) 5 It interests me as much as a kilogram of shit. (Finnish) 6 Flowers on my dick and bees all around. (Greek) 7 I'm painting my balls with the brush of indifference. (French) 8 I don't give a rat's arse. (International) 9 It interests my grandma. (Hebrew) 10 Narrate that to a tortoise. (Filipino) 11 Give me more news of the chaplin. (Icelandic) 12 I will talk about it with my horse. (Italian) 13 Even the dog is uninterested. (Hungarian) 14 I don't give a flying fig. (United Kingdom) 15 I don't give a cabbage. (Italy) 16 I don't give a watercress. (Cuba) 17 I don't care a potato. (Wales) 18 This is blood pudding to me. (Austria) 19 That's plum butter to me. (Austria) 20 I'm shitting and walking. (Brazil) 21 I care shit about it. (Polish) 22 It does not rub me a dick. (Italian) 23 I write it on my old shoes. (Greek) 24 I don't give a nail. (Greek) 25 I don't give a Franc. (French) 26 The mare had a bowel movement in the prairie. (Greek) 27 I'll have my cat cry over this. (Greek) 28 I put my cock on it. (Hebrew) 29 Dump it in the stove. (Hindi) 30 Let it go in the flood. (Hindi)