Initial commit of the core bitreich documents. - bitreich-documents - The repository to track the core bitreich documents.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/bitreich-documents/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/bitreich-documents/
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   DIR commit acd3739a8c0912293451db5e592d67924f51531e
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:11:46 +0000
       Initial commit of the core bitreich documents.
         A bitreich-branches.md                |      53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bitreich-manifesto.md               |     100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bitreich-organisation.md            |      43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bitreich-qa.md                      |      35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A index.gph                           |       0 
       5 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/bitreich-branches.md b/bitreich-branches.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
       +# Bitreich Branches
       +Bitreich has several branches which represent ideas of the current time where
       +the to be done work to change the software around us can be categorized to a
       +certain or certain tasks. New branches can be created just by your work on
       +them. Please try to collect them to have at least an index.
       +## New Applications
       +* This branch can be abstracted further, when more software is produced.
       +* Write new applications.
       +* The first goal is to change existing software. If not possible, rewrite as
       +  simple as possible.
       +## Graphical Interface
       +* Work on new graphical interface ideas.
       +        * see tabbed(1)
       +        * see dwm(1)
       +        * see dmenu(1)
       +* Try to get existing graphical interfaces or toolkits to use the new
       +  metaphors for the sake of our sanity. WIMP is dead.
       +## Abstractions
       +Most libraries tend to be written in complex ugly programming languages, but
       +they do their task well. The basic fact that the solutions are written in ugly
       +complex programming languages forces some other programmer to rewrite a
       +solution or some algorithm.
       +* Write commandline interfaces for ugly abstracted software.
       +## Ugly World
       +Big applications like for example libreoffice are enforced into our life by
       +public request.  Easier access is needed to the ugly world.
       +* Collect or write small utilities, polish them and give examples in how to
       +  access the ugly world out there in an easy way using the commandline.
       +## Code Cleanup
       +There is software out there which was written by some hobbyist but it does a
       +very good job.
       +* Collect small application, polish them and make them reusable.
       +Other software is really big but only got big by applying metaphors from
       +university which were never really understood but are annoying our life just
       +by their existence.
       +* Find software you daily use, find ugly for example object abstractions and
       +  remove them using a good functional style. Then try to get the patches into
       +  mainline.
   DIR diff --git a/bitreich-manifesto.md b/bitreich-manifesto.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
       +# Bitreich Manifesto
       +## Introduction
       +We  live  surrounded by complex software which receives new versions and
       +updates day after day. RAM and CPU consumption never  reduce,  they  in‐
       +crease.  Software  still  provides the same features from years ago, but
       +everything looks new.  This is called »advance« in the new speak of pro‐
       +prietary software development.
       +This has to change!
       +## Suckless
       +Suckless failed.
       +## Consumerism
       +Consumerism is the ability of persons to lose their skill in thinking on
       +their own, producing things, applying logical and practical ways of  be‐
       +having.  This disease of consumerism is striking the devices and comput‐
       +ers we humans produced to make them not scale in the possibilities  they
       +could  be  used  for.  Computers can do things consumers cannot want and
       +imagine before they use the computer for something. The  market  economy
       +of demand and supply does simply not work here.
       +## UNIX Principles
       +In  the  beginning of the development of software principles were intro‐
       +duced how to create software which can be reused in  ways  the  original
       +developers  never  imagined.  Small  utilities are combined using simple
       +pipes, speaking to eachother, just doing one task well.
       +## Dawn Of Ugliness
       +By  not applying this methodology to its extreme, by trying to force new
       +features of computers into the UNIX principles, binary blobs evolved into
       +a  complexity  no  young programmer can understand. They are forced into
       +the industry due to »life events«, where they are  degrading  to  robots
       +which  only  apply  what  they learned at programming school (e.g. life,
       +university ...).  This circle is producing  even  bigger  binary  blobs.
       +Nowadays  this  evolved  into shipping whole operating systems in images
       +which you run separately.
       +This has to end!
       +## Bitreich
       +We  form  a movement to improve our daily software life. Software has to
       +not misbehave, it has to follow our rules, it has to be reusable, it has
       +to be easily maintainable, it has to provide its recompilable source and
       +it has to be easily understandable.
       +### Bitreich Principles
       +#### KISP – Keep It Simple Perfect
       +Software needs to do one thing well / perfect.
       +#### Commandline Interfaces
       +Always  add a commandline interface to your software. Graphical User In‐
       +terfaces are for sissies. Pipes are welcome.
       +#### When Possible Use GPLv3
       +The  signs  of MIT‐appearance in the community is based on the circle of
       +complexity introduced into the minds of libre  software  programmers  by
       +their  oppressors transferring money to their bank accounts every month.
       +Your software is used in war machines to kill people and  the  companies
       +will never  give back. So enforce GPLv3, it’s needed.
       +#### Users Are Programmers
       +Software should be written for programmers, which means the code is the
       +documentation, it should be easy readable, low abstraction levels should be
       +used (OOP sucks most of the times) and a simple Makefile to build everything
       +needs to be present.
       +#### Bugreports Are Patches
       +Bugtrackers  are  obsolete.  Whenever  you find a bug, fix it. The other
       +principles make it possible for you to send a patch instead of a report.
       +#### Applications Can Be Done
       +When  a  project  solves  a problem, keep it done and declare it so. New
       +problems are solved by different projects.
       +#### Freedom Of Language
       +The  software  world  is spammed with new revolutionary programming lan‐
       +guages every month. Choose whatever you need to solve your problem,  but
       +keep  to  the above mentioned principles. Most new programming languages
       +solve a non‐problem the principles of bitreich solve.
       +#### Inevitability Of Change
       +These principles can change, based on the consent of the bitreich elite.
   DIR diff --git a/bitreich-organisation.md b/bitreich-organisation.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
       +# Bitreich Organisation
       +Bitreich.org  is  the  seed  of a movement to improve our daily software
       +life.  Based on the principles and words in the  bitreich  manifesto  we
       +work  towards  providing  the  basic  infrastructure for anyone to host,
       +maintain and publish their projects.
       +## Inner Circle
       +In  the  beginning an inner circle is formed to setup the infrastructure
       +and decide about credentials. The inner circle decides about its  rules.
       +It has to tell the movement about its work.
       +## Services
       +### Source Control Management
       +Git  seems  to  have won the SCM war. Other SCMs are welcome, if someone
       +maintains and adapts them to the global infrastructure.
       +### NNTP
       +Mailinglists have the problems of bouncing, registration, ugly maintain‐
       +ership etc.. NNTP is far superior for discussions, archival and protocol
       +access. It reduces abstraction for ease of use.
       +### Gopher
       +The web has outlived itself. Long live gopher!
       +### SSH
       +We  may  consider pushing all services via SSH to gain all advantages of
       +## Conference
       +There  will  be a yearly conference. Since the main founder of the move‐
       +ment is living near Chemnitz, Germany, where the annual Chemnitzer  Lin‐
       +uxtage  (Chemnitzer  Linuxdays)  are happening in March/April and it’s a
       +historical place for predecessor movements of bitreich, the  conferences
       +will happen there until further change of this paragraph.
   DIR diff --git a/bitreich-qa.md b/bitreich-qa.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
       +# Bitreich Quality Assurance
       +Quality assurance is fraud and used by managers without a clue to cover their
       +incompetence in organized irresponsibility.
       +## QA in Bitreich
       +1. Use something.
       +2. Send in a patch.
       +## QA for Nonbelievers
       +1. Send in the following form to __20h__ on #bitreich-en in three copies over
       +   IRC.
       +2. Wait for the response.
       +### QA Form
       +          ======[ Bitreich QA ]======
       +        Name: _________________________
       +        Nick: _________________________
       +        E-Mail: _______________________
       +        What is your request?
       +          [ ] I want to contribute.
       +          [ ] I want to talk.
       +          [ ] I want to be cool.
       +          [ ] I want to lurk. 
       +        Date/City: ____________________
       +        Signature: ____________________
       +## Formal Ending
       +Yours lovely bitreich quality officer.
   DIR diff --git a/index.gph b/index.gph