game.dcgi - brcon2024-hackathons - Bitreichcon 2024 Hackathons
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/brcon2024-hackathons git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/brcon2024-hackathons
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       game.dcgi (5012B)
            1 #!/bin/sh
            2 if [ -z "${QUERY_STRING}" ];
            3 then
            4         printf "[3|Invalid Request|Err|server|port]\n"
            5         exit
            6 fi
            8 if [ "${QUERY_STRING}" = "random" ];
            9 then
           10         id="$(sort -R if-archive-index | head -n1)"
           11         type="tuid"
           12 else
           13         id="${QUERY_STRING#*:}"
           14         type="${QUERY_STRING%%:*}"
           15 fi
           17 {
           18         case "${type}" in 
           19         tuid )
           20                 curl -sgG \
           21                         --data-urlencode "id=${id}" \
           22                         --url "https://ifdb.org/viewgame?ifiction"
           23                 ;;
           24         ifid )
           25                 curl -sgG \
           26                         --data-urlencode "ifid=${id}" \
           27                         --url "https://ifdb.org/viewgame?ifiction"
           28                 ;;
           29         * )
           30                 printf "[3|Invalid Request|Err|server|port]\n"
           31                 exit 1
           32                 ;;
           33         esac
           34 } | \
           35 xml2tsv | \
           36 awk -v"query=${type}:${id}" '
           37 # urlencode gets used on things which should already be correct URLs
           38 # this function only encodes not encode unsafe characters which could be
           39 # used in a XSS-attack
           40 # This is not needed if I patch up geomyidae correctly
           41 function urlencode(s) {
           42         gsub("<", "%3C", s);
           43         gsub(">", "%3E", s);
           44         gsub("\"", "%22", s);
           45         gsub(sprintf("%c", 39), "%27", s);
           46         return s;
           47 }
           48 function gphescape(s, f) {
           49         gsub("        ", " ", s);
           50         gsub("\n", " ", s);
           51         if (f)
           52                 gsub("\\|", "\\|", s);
           53         return s;
           54 }
           55 function item(type, text, selector, server, port) {
           56         printf("[%c|%s|%s|%s|%s]\n", gphescape(type, 1), gphescape(text, 1), gphescape(selector, 1), gphescape(server, 1), gphescape(port, 1));
           57 }
           58 BEGIN {
           59         FS = "\t";
           61         server = "server";
           62         port = "port";
           63 }
           64 $1 == "/viewgame/errorCode" {
           65         exit
           66 }
           67 $1 == "/ifindex/story/bibliographic/description/br" {
           68         bibliographic["description"] = bibliographic["description"] "\n\n";
           69 }
           70 index($1, "/ifindex/story/bibliographic/description") == 1 {
           71         bibliographic["description"] = bibliographic["description"] $2;
           72         next;
           73 }
           74 index($1, "/ifindex/story/bibliographic/") == 1 {
           75         bibliographic[substr($1, length("/ifindex/story/bibliographic/") + 1)] = $2;
           76         next;
           77 }
           78 index($1, "/ifindex/story/contact/") == 1 {
           79         contact[substr($1, length("/ifindex/story/contact/") + 1)] = $2;
           80         next;
           81 }
           82 $1 == "/ifindex/story/ifdb/downloads/links/link" {
           83         links["length"]++;
           84         next;
           85 }
           86 index($1, "/ifindex/story/ifdb/downloads/links/link/") == 1 {
           87         links[links["length"], substr($1, length("/ifindex/story/ifdb/downloads/links/link/") + 1)] = $2;
           88         next;
           89 }
           90 index($1, "/ifindex/story/ifdb/") == 1 {
           91         ifdb[substr($1, length("/ifindex/story/ifdb/") + 1)] = $2;
           92         next;
           93 }
           94 END {
           95         item("0", "About \"" bibliographic["title"] "\"", "./game.cgi?" query, server, port);
           96         if (contact["url"])
           97                 item("h", contact["url"], "URL:" urlencode(contact["url"]), server, port);
           98         item("h", "On ifdb.org", "URL:" urlencode(ifdb["link"]), server, port);
          100         print "";
          102         if (links["length"]) {
          103                 print "Downloads\n";
          104                 for (i = 1; i <= links["length"]; i++) {
          105                         prefix = "";
          106                         if ((i, "isGame") in links)
          107                                 prefix = "[GAME] ";
          108                         suffix = "";
          109                         if (links[i, "format"])
          110                                 suffix = links[i, "format"]
          111                         if (links[i, "os"])
          112                                 suffix = suffix ", " links[i, "os"]
          113                         sub(/^,/, "", suffix);
          114                         if (suffix)
          115                                 suffix = " (" suffix ")"
          116                         title = prefix links[i, "title"] suffix;
          118                         item("h", title, "URL:" urlencode(links[i, "url"]), server, port);
          119                         if (match(links[i, "url"], /^https?:\/\/((www|mirror)\.)?ifarchive\.org\/if-archive\//))
          120                                 item("9", title " [gopher.661.org]", "/if-archive/" substr(links[i, "url"], RSTART + RLENGTH), "gopher.661.org", "70")
          122                         # TODO handle compression property
          123                         # MAYBE pull out information from the if-archive URLs regarding format (for example twine)
          124                         if ((i, "isGame") in links) {
          125                                 if (links[i, "format"] == "blorb/glulx")
          126                                         item("h", "List of Glulx interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/Glulx_interpreters"), server, port);
          127                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "zcode" || links[i, "format"] == "blorb/zcode")
          128                                         item("h", "List of Z-Code interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/Z-code_interpreters"), server, port);
          129                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "hugo")
          130                                         item("h", "List of Hugo interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/Hugo_interpreters"), server, port);
          131                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "adrift" || links[i, "format"] == "adrift39")
          132                                         item("h", "List of ADRIFT interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/ADRIFT_interpreters"), server, port);
          133                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "agt")
          134                                         item("h", "List of AGT interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/AGT_interpreters"), server, port);
          135                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "tads2")
          136                                         item("h", "List of TADS interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/TADS_interpreters"), server, port);
          137                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "alan2")
          138                                         item("h", "List of Alan interpreters", "URL:" urlencode("https://www.ifwiki.org/Alan_interpreters"), server, port);
          139                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "hypertextgame")
          140                                         printf("Should work in a modern browser. Most of the time JavaScript is required.\n");
          141                                 else if (links[i, "format"] == "storyfile")
          142                                         printf("Unknown game type.\n");
          143                         }
          145                         if (links[i, "desc"]) {
          146                                 cmd = "fmt -w70";
          147                                 print gphescape(links[i, "desc"]) | cmd;
          148                                 close(cmd);
          149                         }
          150                         print "";
          151                 }
          152         }
          153 }'