ifdbgames.sh - brcon2024-hackathons - Bitreichcon 2024 Hackathons
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/brcon2024-hackathons git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/brcon2024-hackathons
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR Submodules
       ifdbgames.sh (9193B)
            1 #!/bin/sh
            2 getrawdata() {
            3         printf "getrawdata: start\n" 1>&2
            4         sqlite3 "$1" <<-EOF
            5                 .separator "\x1f" "\x1e"
            7                 with ratings as (
            8                         select gameid, avg(rating) rawavg, round(avg(rating) * 2) / 2 stars, count(*) cnt from reviews where special isnull group by gameid
            9                 )
           10                 select
           11                         games.id,
           12                         games.title,
           13                         games.sort_title,
           14                         games.author,
           15                         games.sort_author,
           16                         games.tags,
           17                         iif(time(games.published) = '00:00:00',strftime('%Y', games.published), date(games.published)),
           18                         games.license,
           19                         games.desc,
           20                         games.genre,
           21                         games.forgiveness,
           22                         games.language,
           23                         games.website,
           24                         games.downloadnotes,
           26                         gamelinks.title,
           27                         gamelinks.desc,
           28                         gamelinks.url,
           30                         filetypes.externid,
           31                         filetypes.fmtname,
           32                         filetypes.desc,
           34                         extreviews.url,
           35                         extreviews.sourcename,
           36                         extreviews.sourceurl,
           37                         reviews.summary,
           38                         reviews.review,
           39                         reviews.rating,
           41                         ratings.stars,
           42                         ratings.cnt
           43                 from games
           44                 left outer join gamelinks on gamelinks.gameid = games.id
           45                 left outer join filetypes on filetypes.id = gamelinks.fmtid
           46                 left outer join extreviews on extreviews.gameid = games.id
           47                 left outer join reviews on reviews.id = extreviews.reviewid
           48                 left outer join ratings on ratings.gameid = games.id
           49                 order by games.id, gamelinks.displayorder, extreviews.displayorder
           50         EOF
           51         printf "getrawdata: end\n" 1>&2
           52 }
           54 # Sadly OpenBSD's awk has some problems with some multibyte characters in the
           55 # dataset Maybe the encoding in the database is wonky. I don't know. Let's
           56 # ignore it! And just use gawk. I want to see something in the end. I doesn't
           57 # have to be correct. :)
           58 getrawdata "$1" | \
           59 gawk -v"FS=\x1f" -v"RS=\x1e" '
           60 function removehtmltags(s) {
           61         gsub("<[^>]+>", "", s)
           62         return s
           63 }
           64 # TODO Do it, future_pazz0!
           65 function resolvehtmlentities(s) {
           66         return s
           67 }
           68 function trim(s) {
           69         gsub("^[         ]+", "", s)
           70         gsub("[         ]+$", "", s)
           71         return s
           72 }
           73 function foldinto(input, w, indentstr, file,
           74         p, t, l, linel, line, n) {
           75         l = length(input)
           76         p = 1
           77         line = indentstr 
           78         n = 0
           79         while (p <= l) {
           80                 for (t = p; t <= l && !index(" \t\n", substr(input, t, 1)); t++);
           82                 # Doesnt fit in the current line
           83                 if (length(line) + t - p + 1 > w) {
           84                         print line >> file
           85                         line = indentstr 
           86                         n++
           87                 }
           89                 # Doesnt fit anyways
           90                 if (t - p > w) {
           91                         print line >> file
           92                 } else {
           93                         if (line && line != indentstr)
           94                                 line = line " "
           95                         line = line substr(input, p, t - p)
           96                 }
           98                 for (; t <= l && index(" \t\n", substr(input, t, 1)); t++) {
           99                         if (substr(input, t, 1) == "\n" && substr(input, t - 1, 1) == "\n") {
          100                                 print line >> file
          101                                 line = indentstr 
          102                                 print indentstr >> file
          103                                 n++
          104                         }
          105                 }
          106                 p = t
          107         }
          108         if (line)
          109                 print line >> file
          110 }
          111 function flushdescription2(file,
          112         i) {
          113         cmd = "groff -Tutf8 -ms > " file
          115         print ".nr LL 80n" | cmd
          116         print ".nr LT 80n" | cmd
          118         print ".SH\n" data[2] | cmd
          119         print ".IP Author(s)\n" data[4] | cmd
          120         if (data[10])
          121                 print ".IP Genre\n" data[10] | cmd
          122         if (data[13])
          123                 print ".IP Website\n" data[13] | cmd
          124         if (data[12])
          125                 print ".IP Language\n" data[12] | cmd
          126         if (data[7])
          127                 print ".IP \"First Publication Date\"\n" data[7] | cmd
          128         if (data[8])
          129                 print ".IP License\n" data[8] | cmd
          130         if (data[11])
          131                 print ".IP \"Forgiveness Rating\"\n" data[11] | cmd
          132         if (ratings["stars"])
          133                 printf(".IP Rating\n%s (based on %s rating%s)\n", ratings["stars"], ratings["count"], ratings["count"] > 1 ? "s" : "") | cmd
          135         if (data[9]) {
          136                 print ".SH\nAbout the Story" | cmd
          137                 gsub("\n\n", "\n.LP\n", data[9])
          138                 print ".LP\n" data[9] | cmd
          139         }
          141         if (reviews["length"]) {
          142                 print ".SH\nEditorial Reviews" | cmd
          143                 for (i = 1; i <= reviews["length"]; i++) {
          144                         print ".SH\n" reviews[i, "sourcename"] | cmd
          145                         print ".IP URL\n" reviews[i, "url"] | cmd
          146                         if (reviews[i, "summary"])
          147                                 print ".SH\n" reviews[i, "summary"] | cmd
          148                         if (reviews[i, "review"])
          149                                 print ".IP\n" reviews[i, "review"] | cmd
          150                 }
          151         }
          152         if (links["length"]) {
          153                 print ".SH\nExternal Links" | cmd
          154                 if (data[14])
          155                         print ".LP\n" data[14] | cmd
          156                 for (i = 1; i <= links["length"]; i++) {
          157                         print ".SH\n" links[i, "title"] | cmd
          158                         print ".IP URL\n" links[i, "url"] | cmd
          159                         if (links[i, "desc"])
          160                                 print ".IP\n" links[i, "desc"] | cmd
          161                         if (links[i, "fmtdesc"]) {
          162                                 print ".IP\n" links[i, "fmtdesc"] | cmd
          163                                 print ".IP\n" links[i, "fmtdesclink"] | cmd
          164                         }
          165                 }
          166         }
          168         close(cmd)
          169 }
          170 function keyvalue(key, value, file, w) {
          171         if (length(key ": " value) <= w) {
          172                 printf("%s: %s\n", key, value) >> file
          173                 return
          174         }
          175         printf("%s:\n", key) >> file
          176         foldinto(sprintf("%s\n", value), w, "  ", file)
          177 }
          178 function flushdescription_(file,
          179         i, refs, temp) {
          180 #        file = data[1] ".txt"
          181 #        file = "/dev/stdout"
          183         printf("") > file
          184         foldinto(sprintf("%s\n", data[2]), 80, "", file)
          185         printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") >> file
          187         keyvalue("Author(s)", data[4], file, 80)
          188 #        foldinto(sprintf("Author(s): %s\n", data[4]), 80, " ", file)
          189         if (data[10])
          190                 printf("Genre: %s\n", data[10]) >> file
          191         if (data[13])
          192                 printf("Website: %s\n", data[13]) >> file
          193         if (data[12])
          194                 printf("Language: %s\n", data[12]) >> file
          195         if (data[7])
          196                 printf("First Publication Date: %s\n", data[7]) >> file
          197         if (data[8])
          198                 printf("License: %s\n", data[8]) >> file
          199         if (data[11])
          200                 printf("Forgiveness Rating: %s\n", data[11]) >> file
          201         if (ratings["stars"])
          202                 printf("Rating: %s (based on %s rating%s)\n", ratings["stars"], ratings["count"], ratings["count"] > 1 ? "s" : "") >> file
          204         if (data[9]) {
          205                 printf("\n\nABOUT THE STORY\n\n") >> file
          206                 foldinto(data[9], 80, "  ", file)
          207         }
          209         if (links["length"]) {
          210                 printf("\n\nEXTERNAL LINKS\n") >> file
          211                 for (i = 1; i <= links["length"]; i++) {
          212                         printf("\n  %s <%s>\n", links[i, "title"], links[i, "url"]) >> file
          213                         if (links[i, "desc"])
          214                                 foldinto(links[i, "desc"], 80, "    ", file)
          215                         if (links[i, "fmtdesc"]) {
          216                                 temp = links[i, "fmtdesc"]
          217                                 if (links[i, "fmtdesclink"]) {
          218                                         if (!refs["set", links[i, "fmtdesclink"]]) {
          219                                                 refs["length"]++
          220                                                 refs[refs["length"]] = links[i, "fmtdesclink"]
          221                                                 refs["set", links[i, "fmtdesclink"]] = refs["length"]
          222                                         }
          223                                         temp = temp sprintf("[%s]", refs["set", links[i, "fmtdesclink"]])
          224                                 }
          225                                 foldinto(temp, 80, "    ", file)
          226                         }
          227                 }
          228         }
          230         if (reviews["length"]) {
          231                 printf("\n\nEDITORIAL REVIEWS\n") >> file
          232                 for (i = 1; i <= reviews["length"]; i++) {
          233                         printf("\n  %s\n", reviews[i, "sourcename"]) >> file
          234                         printf("  ") >> file
          235                         if (reviews[i, "summary"])
          236                                 printf("%s ", reviews[i, "summary"]) >> file
          237                         printf("<%s>\n",  reviews[i, "url"]) >> file
          238                         if (reviews[i, "review"])
          239                                 foldinto(reviews[i, "review"], 80, "  > ", file)
          240                 }
          241         }
          243         if (refs["length"]) {
          244                 printf("\n\nREFERENCES\n\n") >> file
          245                 for (i = 1; i <= refs["length"]; i++)
          246                         printf("  [%s] <%s>\n", i, refs[i]) >> file
          247         }
          249         close(file)
          250 }
          251 function gphescape(s, f) {
          252         gsub("        ", " ", s)
          253         gsub("\n", " ", s)
          254         if (f)
          255                 gsub("^\\[", "[|&", s) 
          256         else
          257                 gsub("\\|", "\\|", s)
          258         return s
          259 }
          260 function gphitem(type, text, selector, server, port, file) {
          261         printf("[%c|%s|%s|%s|%s]\n", type, gphescape(text), gphescape(selector), server, port) >> file
          262 }
          263 function flushmenu(file) {
          264         printf("") > file
          265         gphitem("0", sprintf("About \"%s\"", data[2]), "./" data[1] ".txt", "server", "port", file)
          266         foldinto(sprintf("%s\n", data[2]), 80, "", file)
          268         close(file)
          269 }
          270 function getlink(s,
          271         i) {
          272         if (!match(s, /href="[^"]*"/))
          273                 return ""
          274         return substr(s, RSTART + length("href=\""), RLENGTH - length("href=\"") - 1) 
          275 }
          276 function flush(tuid) {
          277         print tuid > "/dev/stderr"
          278         flushdescription_(tuid ".txt")
          279 #        flushmenu(tuid ".gph")
          280         printf("%s\t%s\n", tuid ".txt", data[2]) >> "index.txt"
          281 }
          282 BEGIN {
          283         printf("") > "index.txt"
          284 }
          285 tuid && $1 != tuid {
          286         flush(tuid)
          288         delete links
          289         delete reviews
          290         delete ratings
          291         delete data
          292 }
          293 $1 != tuid {
          294         for (i = 1; i <= 14; i++) {
          295                 $i = removehtmltags($i)
          296                 $i = resolvehtmlentities($i)
          297                 data[i] = $i
          298         }
          299         ratings["stars"] = $27
          300         ratings["count"] = $28
          301         tuid = $1
          302 }
          303 $17 && !links["url", $17] {
          304         links["length"]++
          305         links[links["length"], "title"] = removehtmltags($15)
          306         links[links["length"], "desc"] = removehtmltags($16)
          307         links[links["length"], "url"] = removehtmltags($17)
          309         links[links["length"], "externid"] = removehtmltags($18)
          310         links[links["length"], "fmtname"] = removehtmltags($19)
          311         links[links["length"], "fmtdesc"] = removehtmltags($20)
          312         links[links["length"], "fmtdesclink"] = getlink($20)
          314         links["url", $17]++
          315 }
          316 $21 && !reviews["url", $21] {
          317         reviews["length"]++
          318         reviews[reviews["length"], "url"] = removehtmltags($21)
          319         reviews[reviews["length"], "sourcename"] = removehtmltags($22)
          320         reviews[reviews["length"], "sourceurl"] = removehtmltags($23)
          321         reviews[reviews["length"], "summary"] = removehtmltags($24)
          322         reviews[reviews["length"], "review"] = removehtmltags($25)
          323         reviews[reviews["length"], "rating"] = removehtmltags($26)
          325         reviews["url", $21]++
          326 }
          327 END {
          328         flush(tuid)
          329 }
          330 '
          332 sort -t '        ' -k2 index.txt | \
          333 gawk -v"FS=\t" ' 
          334 function gphescape(s, f) {
          335         gsub("        ", " ", s)
          336         gsub("\n", " ", s)
          337         if (f)
          338                 gsub("^\\[", "[|&", s) 
          339         else
          340                 gsub("\\|", "\\|", s)
          341         return s
          342 }
          343 function gphitem(type, text, selector, server, port, file) {
          344         printf("[%c|%s|%s|%s|%s]\n", type, gphescape(text), gphescape(selector), server, port) >> file
          345 }
          346 {
          347         gphitem("0", $2, "./" $1, "servere", "port", "index.gph")
          348 }
          349 '