remove strip-quote function, useless - cl-yag - Common Lisp Yet Another website Generator
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/cl-yag/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/cl-yag/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 28c93e93f76c5274805158f8b513493f6aa39d04
   DIR parent 25582ad800216c04f8f575ccb0e0a099a7897535
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Tue, 28 Nov 2017 07:33:25 +0100
       remove strip-quote function, useless
         M generator.lisp                      |      67 ++++++++++++++-----------------
       1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/generator.lisp b/generator.lisp
       @@ -30,19 +30,14 @@
                            (if left-separator-position (+ 1 left-separator-position) 0)
                            (- count 1))))))
       -;; we have to remove the quotes
       -;; when using collect in a loop
       -(defun strip-quotes(input)
       -  (format nil "~{~d~%~}" input))
        ;; load a file as a string
        ;; we escape ~ to avoid failures with format
        (defun load-file(path)
          (if (probe-file path)
       -       (strip-quotes
       -        (with-open-file (stream path)
       -                        (loop for line = (read-line stream nil) while line collect line)))
       +       (apply #'concatenate 'string
       +              (with-open-file (stream path)
       +                (loop for line = (read-line stream nil) while line collect line)))
               "~" "~~")
              (format t "ERROR : file ~a not found. Aborting~%" path)
       @@ -85,18 +80,18 @@
        ;; generates the html of the list of tags for an article
        (defun get-tag-list-article(&optional article)
       -  (strip-quotes
       -   (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
       -               (prepare "templates/one-tag.tpl" (template "%%Name%%" item)))
       -           (split-str (getf article :tag)))))
       +  (apply #'concatenate 'string
       +         (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
       +                     (prepare "templates/one-tag.tpl" (template "%%Name%%" item)))
       +                 (split-str (getf article :tag)))))
        ;; generates the html of the whole list of tags
        (defun get-tag-list()
       -  (strip-quotes
       -   (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
       -               (prepare "templates/one-tag.tpl"
       -                        (template "%%Name%%" (getf item :name))))
       -           (articles-by-tag))))
       +  (apply #'concatenate 'string
       +         (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
       +                     (prepare "templates/one-tag.tpl"
       +                              (template "%%Name%%" (getf item :name))))
       +                 (articles-by-tag))))
        ;; generates the html of one only article
       @@ -126,31 +121,31 @@
        ;; html generation of index homepage
        (defun generate-semi-mainpage(&key (tiny t) (no-text nil))
       -  (strip-quotes
       -   (loop for article in *articles* collect
       -         (create-article article :tiny tiny :no-text no-text))))
       +  (apply #'concatenate 'string
       +         (loop for article in *articles* collect
       +              (create-article article :tiny tiny :no-text no-text))))
        ;; html generation of a tag homepage
        (defun generate-tag-mainpage(articles-in-tag)
       -  (strip-quotes
       -   (loop for article in *articles* 
       -         when (member (getf article :id) articles-in-tag :test #'equal)
       -         collect (create-article article :tiny t))))
       +  (apply #'concatenate 'string
       +         (loop for article in *articles* 
       +            when (member (getf article :id) articles-in-tag :test #'equal)
       +            collect (create-article article :tiny t))))
        ;; xml generation of the items for the rss
        (defun generate-rss-item()
       -  (strip-quotes
       -   (loop for article in *articles*
       -         for i from 1 to (if (> (length *articles*) (getf *config* :rss-item-number)) (getf *config* :rss-item-number) (length *articles*))
       -         collect
       -         (prepare "templates/rss-item.tpl"
       -                  (template "%%Title%%" (getf article :title))
       -                  (template "%%Description%%" (load-file (format nil "temp/data/~d.html" (getf article :id))))
       -                  (template "%%Url%%"
       -                            (format nil "~darticle-~d.html"
       -                                    (getf *config* :url)
       -                                    (getf article :id)))))))
       +  (apply #'concatenate 'string
       +         (loop for article in *articles*
       +            for i from 1 to (if (> (length *articles*) (getf *config* :rss-item-number)) (getf *config* :rss-item-number) (length *articles*))
       +            collect
       +              (prepare "templates/rss-item.tpl"
       +                       (template "%%Title%%" (getf article :title))
       +                       (template "%%Description%%" (load-file (format nil "temp/data/~d.html" (getf article :id))))
       +                       (template "%%Url%%"
       +                                 (format nil "~darticle-~d.html"
       +                                         (getf *config* :url)
       +                                         (getf article :id)))))))
        ;; Generate the rss xml data
        (defun generate-rss()
          (prepare "templates/rss.tpl"