tag support - cl-yag - Common Lisp Yet Another website Generator
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/cl-yag/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/cl-yag/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit b6217bd19691e99255d6ea2ae57c14c6d48b073a
   DIR parent 304d6befcc4319581253099320092cb6cbee5bd1
  HTML Author: solene rapenne <solene@dataswamp.org>
       Date:   Tue,  3 May 2016 14:03:25 +0200
       tag support
         A data/2.txt                          |       1 +
         M data/articles.lisp                  |       4 ++--
         M generator.lisp                      |      51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
         M template/layout.tpl                 |       1 +
         A template/one-tag.tpl                |       1 +
       5 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/data/2.txt b/data/2.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1 @@
   DIR diff --git a/data/articles.lisp b/data/articles.lisp
       @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
        ;; :tiny can be omitted and will be replaced by the full article text
        (defvar *articles*
       -   (list :id "2" :date "30 April 2016" :title "Another message" :short "New version available")   
       -   (list :id "1" :date "29 April 2016" :title "My first message" :short "This is my first message" :author "Solène")
       +   (list :id "2" :date "30 April 2016" :tag "lisp" :title "Another message" :short "New version available")   
       +   (list :id "1" :date "29 April 2016":tag "pony code" :title "My first message" :short "This is my first message" :author "Solène")
   DIR diff --git a/generator.lisp b/generator.lisp
       @@ -14,6 +14,20 @@
                                       when pos do (write-string replacement out)
                                       while pos)))
       +;; common-lisp don't have a split string function natively
       +;; thanks https://gist.github.com/siguremon/1174988
       +(defun split-str (string &optional (separator " "))
       +  (split-str-1 string separator))
       +(defun split-str-1 (string &optional (separator " ") (r nil))
       +  (let ((n (position separator string
       +                     :from-end t
       +                     :test #'(lambda (x y)
       +                               (find y x :test #'string=)))))
       +    (if n
       +        (split-str-1 (subseq string 0 n) separator (cons (subseq string (1+ n)) r))
       +            (cons string r))))
        ;; load a file as a string
        ;; we escape ~ to avoid failures with format
        (defun load-file(path)
       @@ -47,6 +61,21 @@
             (save-file ,name
                        (generate-layout ,@data))))
       +;; generate the list of tags
       +(defun the-tags()
       +  (let ((tag-list))
       +    (loop for article in *articles* do
       +          (if (getf article :tag nil) ;; we don't want an error if no tag
       +              (loop for tag in (split-str (getf article :tag)) do ;; for each word in tag keyword
       +                    (setf (getf tag-list (intern tag "KEYWORD")) ;; we create the keyword is inexistent and add ID to :value
       +                          (list
       +                           :name tag
       +                           :value (push (getf article :id) (getf (getf tag-list (intern tag "KEYWORD")) :value)))))))
       +    (loop for i from 1 to (length tag-list) by 2 collect ;; removing the keywords
       +          (nth i tag-list))))
        ;; generates the html of one only article
        ;; this is called in a loop to produce the homepage
       @@ -64,18 +93,28 @@
        (defun generate-layout(body)
          (prepare "template/layout.tpl"
                   (template "%%Title%%" (getf *config* :title))
       +           (template "%%Tags%%"
       +                     (format nil "~{~d~}" (loop for tag in (the-tags) collect
       +                                                (prepare "template/one-tag.tpl"
       +                                                         (template "%%Name%%" (getf tag :name))))))
                   (template "%%Body%%" body)
       -;; Homepage generation
       +;; html generation of index homepage
        (defun generate-semi-mainpage()
          (format nil "~{~d~}"
                  (loop for article in *articles* collect
                        (create-article article :tiny t))))
       +;; html generation of a tag homepage
       +(defun generate-tag-mainpage(articles-in-tag)
       +  (format nil "~{~d~}" 
       +          (loop for article in *articles* 
       +                when (member (getf article :id) articles-in-tag :test #'equal)
       +                collect (create-article article :tiny t))))
       -;; Generate the items for the xml
       +;; xml generation of the items for the rss
        (defun generate-rss-item()
          (format nil "~{~d~}"
                  (loop for article in *articles* collect
       @@ -107,9 +146,17 @@
          (dolist (article *articles*)
            (generate (format nil "article-~d.html" (getf article :id))
                      (create-article article :tiny nil)))
       +  ;; produce index file for each tag
       +  (loop for tag in (the-tags) do
       +        (generate (format nil"tag-~d.html" (getf tag :NAME))
       +                  (generate-tag-mainpage (getf tag :VALUE))))
          (save-file "rss.xml" (generate-rss))
   DIR diff --git a/template/layout.tpl b/template/layout.tpl
       @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
            <div id="top">
              <a href="index.html">Home</a> <a href="rss.xml">Rss</a>
       +      <p>Tags : %%Tags%%</p>
            <div id="content">
   DIR diff --git a/template/one-tag.tpl b/template/one-tag.tpl
       @@ -0,0 +1 @@
       + <a href="tag-%%Name%%.html">%%Name%%</a>