sort tags list per articles in it - cl-yag - Common Lisp Yet Another website Generator
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/cl-yag/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/cl-yag/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit e9fb727d69131de4b7b2662825bc130e2bf0020d
   DIR parent 142b84ab78cb64423e2781a3e520bbd1e9cb40cd
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Fri, 12 Oct 2018 11:50:16 +0200
       sort tags list per articles in it
         M data/articles.lisp                  |       3 ++-
         M generator.lisp                      |      15 +++++++++++++--
       2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/data/articles.lisp b/data/articles.lisp
       @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
        (post :title "test"
       -      :id "t" :date "20171214" :tag "f" :converter :org-mode)
       +      :id "t" :date "20171214" :tag "cl-yag" :converter :org-mode)
        ;; CSS
        (post :title "CSS For cl-yag"
              :id "css" :date "20171202" :tag "cl-yag"
   DIR diff --git a/generator.lisp b/generator.lisp
       @@ -357,7 +357,10 @@
            (ensure-directories-exist directory-path)
            (save-file index-path
                       (let ((output (load-file "templates/gopher_head.tpl")))
       -                 (loop for tag in (articles-by-tag)
       +                 (loop for tag in
       +                      ;; sort tags per articles in it
       +                      (sort (articles-by-tag) #'>
       +                            :key #'(lambda (x) (length (getf x :value))))
                              (setf output
       @@ -365,7 +368,15 @@
                                      'string output
                                      (format nil (getf *config* :gopher-format)
                                              1 ;; gopher type, 1 for menus
       -                                      (getf tag :NAME)
       +                                      ;; here we create a 72 width char string with title on the left
       +                                      ;; and number of articles on the right
       +                                      ;; we truncate the article title if it's too large
       +                                      (let ((title (format nil "~72a"
       +                                                           (if (< 72 (length (getf tag :NAME)))
       +                                                               (subseq (getf tag :NAME) 0 80)
       +                                                               (getf tag :NAME))))
       +                                            (article-number (format nil "~d article~p" (length (getf tag :value)) (length (getf tag :value)))))
       +                                        (replace title article-number :start1 (- (length title) (length article-number))))
                                              (concatenate 'string
                                                           (getf *config* :gopher-path) "/" (getf tag :NAME) "/")
                                              (getf *config* :gopher-server)