init - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/clic/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/clic/
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   DIR commit 500614e4448379ce916b917276dfd99db907fc59
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Fri,  3 Nov 2017 13:09:59 +0000
         A clic.lisp                           |     206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       1 file changed, 206 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/clic.lisp b/clic.lisp
       @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
       +(require 'sb-bsd-sockets)
       +(require 'sockets)
       +(defun color(num1 num2)
       +  "generate string used to put ANSI color"
       +  (format nil "~a[~a;~am" #\Escape num1 num2))
       +(defparameter *links* (make-hash-table))
       +(defparameter *types* (list "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "i"
       +                            "h" "7" "8" "9" "+" "T" "g" "I"))
       +;; ansi colors
       +(defparameter *red*    (color 1 31))
       +(defparameter *white*  (color 0 70))
       +(defparameter *blue*   (color 4 34))
       +(defparameter *green*  (color 1 32))
       +(defparameter *yellow* (color 0 33))
       +(defparameter *cyan*   (color 0 46))
       +(defun print-with-color(text &optional (color *white*) (line-number nil))
       +  "Used to display a line with a color"
       +  (format t "~3A| ~a~a~a~%" (if line-number line-number "") color text *white*))
       +(defmacro check(identifier &body code)
       +  "Syntax to make a when easier for formatted-output func"
       +  `(progn
       +     (when (string= ,identifier line-type)
       +       ,@code)))
       +(defun split-tab(text)
       +  (if (position #\Tab text)
       +      (append
       +       (loop for char across text
       +             counting char into count
       +             when (char= char #\Tab)
       +             collect
       +             (subseq text
       +                     (let ((res (position #\Tab text :from-end t :end (- count 1))))
       +                       (if res
       +                           (+ 1 res)
       +                         0))
       +                     (- count 1)))
       +       (list
       +        (subseq text
       +                (+ 1 (position #\Tab text :from-end t))
       +                (- (length text) 1))))
       +    nil))
       +(defun formatted-output(line line-number)
       +  "Used to display gopher response with color one line at a time"
       +  (let ((line-type (subseq line 0 1))
       +        (infos (split-tab (subseq line 1))))
       +    ;; see RFC 1436
       +    ;; section 3.8
       +    (when (and
       +           (= (length infos) 4)
       +           (member line-type *types* :test #'equal))
       +      (let ((text (car infos))
       +            (uri  (cadr infos))
       +            (host (caddr infos))
       +            (port (parse-integer (cadddr infos))))
       +        ;; RFC, page 4
       +        (check "i"
       +               (print-with-color text))
       +        ;; 0 file
       +        (check "0"
       +               (setf (gethash line-number *links*) (list host port uri line-type ))
       +               (print-with-color text *yellow* line-number))
       +        ;; 1 directory
       +        (check "1"
       +               (setf (gethash line-number *links*) (list host port uri line-type))
       +               (print-with-color text *blue* line-number))
       +        ;; 2 CSO phone-book
       +        ;; WE SKIP
       +        (check "2")
       +        ;; 3 Error
       +        (check "3"
       +               (print-with-color "error" *red* line-number))
       +        ;; 4 BinHexed Mac file
       +        (check "4"
       +               (print-with-color text))
       +        ;; 5 DOS Binary archive
       +        (check "5" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; 6 Unix uuencoded file
       +        (check "6" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; 7 Index search server
       +        (check "7" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; 8 Telnet session
       +        (check "8" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; 9 Binary
       +        (check "9" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; + redundant server
       +        (check "+" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; T text based tn3270 session
       +        (check "T" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; g GIF file
       +        (check "g" 'unimplemented)
       +        ;; h html link
       +        (check "h"
       +               (print-with-color text *blue* "url"))
       +        ;; I image
       +        (check "I" 'unimplemented)))))
       +(defun getpage(host port uri &optional (type "1"))
       +  "connect and display"
       +  (format t "Asking gopher://~a:~a/~a~a~%" host port type uri)
       +  ;; we reset the links table
       +  ;; if we have a new folder
       +  (when (string= "1" type)
       +    (setf *links* (make-hash-table))
       +    (setf (gethash 0 *links*) (list host port uri type)))
       +  ;; we prepare informations about the connection
       +  (let* ((address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host))
       +         (host (car (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses address)))
       +         (socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp)))
       +    (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket host port)
       +    ;; we open a stream for input/output
       +    (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket :input t :output t)))
       +      ;; sending the request here
       +      ;; if the selector is 1 we omit it
       +      (format stream "~a~%" uri)
       +      (force-output stream)
       +      ;; for each line we receive we display it
       +      (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       +            counting line into line-number
       +            while line
       +            do
       +            (cond ((string= "1" type)
       +                   (formatted-output line line-number))
       +                  ((string= "0" type)
       +                   (format t "~a~%" line))))))
       +  (format t "   ~a~80a~a~%" *cyan* " " *white*))
       +(defun g(key)
       +  "browse to the N-th link"
       +  (let ((infos (gethash key *links*)))
       +    (apply 'getpage infos)))
       +(defun help()
       +  "show help"
       +  (format t "HOW TO USE CLI !~%")
       +  (format t "(getpage \"host\" port \"uri\")~%")
       +  (format t "~%~%"))
       +(defun help-shell()
       +  "show help for the shell"
       +  (format t "number : go to link n~%")
       +  (format t "p      : go to previous menu~%")
       +  (format t "help   : show this help~%")
       +  (format t "x      : exit the shell, go back to REPL~%"))
       +(defun start()
       +  (getpage "bitreich.org" 70 "/")
       +  (shell))
       +(defun shell()
       +  "gNUM p h x"
       +  (loop for user-input = (format nil "~a" (read nil nil))
       +        while (not (string= "X" user-input))
       +        do
       +        (cond
       +         ((string= "HELP" user-input)
       +          (help-shell))
       +         ((string= "P" user-input)
       +          (g 0))
       +         (t
       +          (when user-input
       +            (g (parse-integer user-input)))))))