Rework ~25% of internal code - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Thu,  1 Feb 2018 09:30:30 +0100
       Rework ~25% of internal code
         M clic.lisp                           |     464 +++++++++++++++++--------------
       1 file changed, 248 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/clic.lisp b/clic.lisp
       @@ -48,9 +48,6 @@
        ;;; array of lines of last menu
        (defparameter *previous-buffer* nil)
       -;;; boolean if we are interactive or not
       -(defparameter *not-interactive* nil)
        ;;; a list containing the last viewed pages
        (defparameter *history*   '())
       @@ -124,6 +121,22 @@
          "Used to display a line with a color"
          (format t "~3A| ~a~a~a~%" (if line-number line-number "") (get-color color) text (get-color 'reset)))
       +(defmacro easy-socket(&body code)
       +  "avoid duplicated code used for sockets"
       +  `(progn
       +     (let* ((address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host))
       +            (host (car (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses address)))
       +            (socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp)))
       +       (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket host port)
       +       ;; we open a stream for input/output
       +       (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket
       +                                                        :input t
       +                                                        :output t
       +                                                        :element-type :default)))
       +         ,@code))))
        (defmacro check(identifier &body code)
          "Macro to define a new syntax to make 'when' easier for formatted-output function"
          `(progn (when (string= ,identifier line-type) ,@code)))
       @@ -243,7 +256,30 @@
                                              "invalid type ~a : ~a" line-type text)
       -(defun getpage(host port uri &optional (binary nil) (search nil))
       +(defun download-binary(host port uri)
       +  (easy-socket
       +   ;; sending the request to the server
       +   (format stream "~a~a~a" uri #\Return #\Newline)
       +   (force-output stream)
       +   ;; save into a file in /tmp
       +   (let* ((filename (subseq uri (1+ (position #\/ uri :from-end t))))
       +          (path (concatenate 'string "/tmp/" filename)))
       +     (with-open-file (output path
       +                             :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
       +                             :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
       +       (let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
       +         (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf stream)
       +            while (plusp pos)
       +            do
       +              (format t ".")
       +              (force-output)
       +              (write-sequence buf output :end pos)))
       +       (format t "~%File downloaded into ~a (~a bytes)~%" path (file-length output))))))
       +(defun getpage(host port uri &optional (search nil))
          "send a request and store the answer (in *buffer* if text or save a file if binary)"
          ;; we reset the buffer
       @@ -253,61 +289,21 @@
                            :initial-element nil
                            :adjustable t))
       -  ;; we prepare informations about the connection
       -  (let* ((address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host))
       -         (host (car (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses address)))
       -         (socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
       -         (real-time (get-internal-real-time)))
       -    (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket host port)
       -    ;; we open a stream for input/output
       -    (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket
       -                                                     :input t
       -                                                     :output t
       -                                                     :element-type :default)))
       -      ;; sending the request to the server
       -      (if search
       -          (progn
       -            (format t "Input : ")
       -            (let ((user-input (read-line nil nil)))
       -              (format stream "~a        ~a~a~a" uri user-input #\Return #\Newline)))
       -          (format stream "~a~a~a" uri #\Return #\Newline))
       -      (force-output stream)
       -      (if binary
       -          ;; binary
       -          ;; in terminal = save the file
       -          ;; not terminal = write to stdio
       -          (if (ttyp)
       -              ;; save into a file in /tmp
       -              (let* ((filename (subseq uri (1+ (position #\/ uri :from-end t))))
       -                     (path (concatenate 'string "/tmp/" filename)))
       -                (with-open-file (output path
       -                                        :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
       -                                        :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
       -                  (let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
       -                    (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf stream)
       -                       while (plusp pos)
       -                       do
       -                         (format t ".")
       -                         (force-output)
       -                         (write-sequence buf output :end pos)))
       -                  (format t "~%File downloaded into ~a (~a bytes)~%" path (file-length output))))
       -              ;; write to the standard output
       -              (let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
       -                (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf stream)
       -                   while (plusp pos)
       -                   do
       -                     (write-sequence buf *standard-output* :end pos))))
       -          ;; not binary
       -          ;; for each line we receive we store it in *buffer*
       -          (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       -             while line
       -             do
       -               (vector-push line *buffer*))))
       +  (let ((real-time (get-internal-real-time)))
       +    ;; we prepare informations about the connection
       +    (easy-socket
       +     ;; sending the request to the server
       +     (if search
       +         (format stream "~a        ~a~a~a" uri search #\Return #\Newline)
       +         (format stream "~a~a~a"       uri #\Return #\Newline))
       +     (force-output stream)
       +     ;; not binary
       +     ;; for each line we receive we store it in *buffer*
       +     (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       +        while line
       +        do
       +          (vector-push line *buffer*)))
            ;; we store the duration of the connection
            (setf *duration* (float (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) real-time)
       @@ -340,7 +336,7 @@
               (when (search text (car (split (subseq line 1) #\Tab)) :test #'char-equal)
                 (vector-push line *buffer*)))
       -  (display-buffer "1"))
       +  (display-interactive-menu))
        (defun p()
       @@ -507,146 +503,175 @@
               (g (parse-integer input))))))
       -(defun display-buffer(type)
       -  "display the buffer"
       +(defun display-interactive-binary-file()
       +  "call xdg-open on the binary file"
       +  (let* ((location (car *history*))
       +         (filename (subseq ;; get the text after last /
       +                    (location-uri location)
       +                    (1+ (position #\/
       +                                  (location-uri location)
       +                                  :from-end t))))
       +         (filepath (concatenate 'string "/tmp/" (or filename "index"))))
       +    (uiop:run-program (list "xdg-open" filepath))))
       +(defun display-text-stdout()
       +  "display the buffer to stdout"
       +  (loop for line across *buffer*
       +     do
       +       (format t "~a~%" line)))
       +(defun display-with-pager()
       +  (let* ((uri (location-uri (car *history*)))
       +         (filename (subseq uri (1+ (position #\/ uri :from-end t))))
       +         (path (concatenate 'string "/tmp/" (or filename "index"))))
       +    (with-open-file (output path
       +                            :direction :output
       +                            :if-does-not-exist :create
       +                            :if-exists :supersede)
       +      (loop for line across *buffer*
       +         do
       +           (format output "~a~%" line)))
       +    (uiop:run-program (list (or (uiop:getenv "PAGER") "less") path)
       +                      :input :interactive
       +                      :output :interactive)))
       +(defun display-interactive-menu()
       +  "display a menu"
       +  ;; we store the user input outside of the loop
       +  ;; so if the user doesn't want to scroll
       +  ;; we break the loop and then execute the command
       +  (let ((input nil))
       +    (let ((rows (- (c-termsize) 1))) ; -1 for command bar
       -  ;;;; stdout is a terminal or not ?
       -  (if (ttyp)
       -      ;;;; we are in interactive mode
       -      (cond
       -        ;;;; output is a text file ?
       -        ;;;; call the $PAGER !
       -       ((string= "0" type)
       -                 ;;; generate a string from *buffer* array
       -        (let* ((uri (location-uri (car *history*)))
       -               (filename (subseq uri (1+ (position #\/ uri :from-end t))))
       -               (path (concatenate 'string "/tmp/" filename)))
       -          (with-open-file (output path
       -                                  :direction :output
       -                                  :if-does-not-exist :create
       -                                  :if-exists :supersede)
       -            (loop for line across *buffer*
       -               do
       -                 (format output "~a~%" line)))
       -          (uiop:run-program (list (or (uiop:getenv "PAGER") "less") path)
       -                            :input :interactive
       -                            :output :interactive))
       -         ;; display last menu
       -         (pop *history*)
       -         (when *previous-buffer*
       -           (setf *buffer* (copy-array *previous-buffer*))
       -           (setf *links* (make-hash-table))
       -           (display-buffer "1")))
       -        ;; image
       -        ((or
       -          (string= "I" type)
       -          (string= "9" type))
       -         (let ((location (car *history*)))
       -           (uiop:run-program (list "xdg-open"
       -                                   (concatenate 'string
       -                                                "/tmp/"
       -                                                (subseq ;; get the text after last /
       -                                                 (location-uri location)
       -                                                 (1+ (position #\/
       -                                                               (location-uri location)
       -                                                               :from-end t)))))))
       -         (pop *history*)
       -         (when *previous-buffer*
       -           (setf *buffer* (copy-array *previous-buffer*))
       -           (setf *links* (make-hash-table))
       -           (display-buffer "1")))
       -        ;;;; output is a menu ?
       -        ;;;; display the menu and split it in pages if needed
       -        ((or
       -          (string= "1" type)
       -          (string= "7" type))
       -         ;; we store the user input outside of the loop
       -         ;; so if the user doesn't want to scroll
       -         ;; we break the loop and then execute the command
       -         (let ((input nil))
       -           (let ((rows (- (c-termsize) 1))) ; -1 for command bar
       -             (loop for line across *buffer*
       -                counting line into row
       -                do
       -                  (formatted-output line)
       -                ;; split and ask to scroll or to type a command
       -                  (when (= row rows)
       -                    (setf row 0)
       -                    (format t "~a   press enter or a shell command ~a : "
       -                            (get-color 'bg-black)
       -                            (get-color 'reset))
       -                    (force-output)
       -                    (let ((first-input (read-char *standard-input* nil nil t)))
       -                      (cond
       -                       ((not first-input)
       -                        (format t "~%") ;; display a newline
       -                        (setf input "x") ;; we exit
       -                        (loop-finish))
       -                       ((char= #\NewLine first-input)
       -                        ;; we hide previous line (prompt)
       -                        (format t "'~C[A~C[K~C" #\Escape #\Escape #\return))
       -                       (t
       -                        (unread-char first-input)
       -                        (let ((input-text (format nil "~a" (read-line nil nil))))
       -                          (setf input input-text)
       -                          (loop-finish)))))))
       -             ;; in case of shell command, do it
       -             (if input
       -                 (user-input input)
       -                 (when (< (length *buffer*) rows)
       -                   (dotimes (i (- rows (length *buffer*)))
       -                     (format t "~%"))))))))
       -      ;; display and quit
              (loop for line across *buffer*
       +         counting line into row
       -           (format t "~a~%" line))))
       +           (formatted-output line)
       +         ;; split and ask to scroll or to type a command
       +           (when (= row rows)
       +             (setf row 0)
       +             (format t "~a   press enter or a shell command ~a : "
       +                     (get-color 'bg-black)
       +                     (get-color 'reset))
       +             (force-output)
       +             (let ((first-input (read-char *standard-input* nil nil t)))
       +               (cond
       +                 ((not first-input)
       +                  (format t "~%") ;; display a newline
       +                  (setf input "x") ;; we exit
       +                  (loop-finish))
       +                 ((char= #\NewLine first-input)
       +                  ;; we hide previous line (prompt)
       +                  (format t "'~C[A~C[K~C" #\Escape #\Escape #\return))
       +                 (t
       +                  (unread-char first-input)
       +                  (let ((input-text (format nil "~a" (read-line nil nil))))
       +                    (setf input input-text)
       +                    (loop-finish)))))))
       +      ;; in case of shell command, do it
       +      (if input
       +          (user-input input)
       +          (when (< (length *buffer*) rows)
       +            (dotimes (i (- rows (length *buffer*)))
       +              (format t "~%")))))))
       +(defun pipe-text(host port uri)
       +  (getpage host port uri)
       +  (loop for line across *buffer*
       +     do
       +       (format t "~a~%" line)))
       -(defun visit(destination)
       -  "visit a location"
       +(defun pipe-binary(host port uri)
       +  (easy-socket
       +   (format stream "~a~a~a" uri #\Return #\Newline)
       +   (force-output stream)
       -  (cond
       +   ;; write to the standard output
       +   (let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
       +     (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf stream)
       +        while (plusp pos)
       +        do
       +          (write-sequence buf *standard-output* :end pos)))))
       -    ;; we retrieve text / lines
       -    ;; when type is 1 or 0
       -    ((or
       -      (string= "1" (location-type destination))
       -      (string= "0" (location-type destination)))
       -     (getpage (location-host destination)
       -              (location-port destination)
       -              (location-uri  destination)))
       -    ((string= "7" (location-type destination))
       -     (getpage (location-host destination)
       -              (location-port destination)
       -              (location-uri  destination)
       -              nil t))
       +(defun pipe-to-stdout(destination)
       +  "fetch data and output to stdout without storing anything"
       +  (if (or
       +       (string= "0" (location-type destination))
       +       (string= "1" (location-type destination))
       +       (string= "7" (location-type destination)))
       +      (pipe-text (location-host destination)
       +                 (location-port destination)
       +                 (location-uri  destination))
       +      (pipe-binary (location-host destination)
       +                   (location-port destination)
       +                   (location-uri  destination))))
       +(defun visit(destination)
       +  "fetch and display content interactively"
       +  (let ((type
       +         (cond
       +           ;; fetch a menu
       +           ((string= "1" (location-type destination))
       +            (getpage (location-host destination)
       +                     (location-port destination)
       +                     (location-uri  destination))
       +            'menu)
       +           ;; fetch a text file
       +           ((string= "0" (location-type destination))
       +            (getpage (location-host destination)
       +                     (location-port destination)
       +                     (location-uri  destination))
       +            'text)
       +           ;; fetch a menu after search
       +           ((string= "7" (location-type destination))
       +            (format t "Input : ")
       +            (let ((user-input (read-line nil nil)))
       +              (getpage (location-host destination)
       +                       (location-port destination)
       +                       (location-uri  destination)
       +                       user-input))
       +            'menu)
       +           ;; if not type 0 1 7 then it's binary
       +           (t
       +            (download-binary (location-host destination)
       +                             (location-port destination)
       +                             (location-uri destination))
       +            'binary))))
       +    ;; we reset the links table ONLY if we have a new menu
       +    ;; we also keep the last menu buffer
       +    (when (eql type 'menu)
       +      (setf *previous-buffer* (copy-array *buffer*))
       +      (setf *links* (make-hash-table)))
       +    ;; add it to the history !
       +    (push destination *history*)
       +    (if (eql type 'menu)
       +        (display-interactive-menu)
       +        (progn
       +          (if (eql type 'text)
       +              (display-with-pager)
       +              (display-interactive-binary-file))
       +          ;; redraw last menu
       +          ;; we need to get previous buffer and reset links numbering
       +          (pop *history*)
       +          (when *previous-buffer*
       +            (setf *buffer* (copy-array *previous-buffer*))
       +            (setf *links* (make-hash-table))
       +            (display-interactive-menu))))))
       -    (t
       -     (getpage (location-host destination)
       -              (location-port destination)
       -              (location-uri  destination)
       -              t)))
       -  ;; we reset the links table ONLY if we have a new folder
       -  ;; we also keep the last menu buffer
       -  (when (string= "1" (location-type destination))
       -    (setf *previous-buffer* (copy-array *buffer*))
       -    (setf *links* (make-hash-table)))
       -  ;; goes to the history !
       -  (push destination *history*)
       -  (display-buffer (location-type destination)))
        (defun display-prompt()
          (let ((last-page (car *history*)))
       @@ -664,37 +689,44 @@
          ;; we loop until X or Q is typed
          (loop for input = (format nil "~a" (read-line nil nil))
       -        while (not (or
       -                    (string= "NIL" input) ;; ^D
       -                    (string= "exit" input)
       -                    (string= "x" input)
       -                    (string= "q" input)))
       -        do
       -        (when (eq 'end (user-input input))
       -          (loop-finish))
       -        (display-prompt)))
       +     while (not (or
       +                 (string= "NIL" input) ;; ^D
       +                 (string= "exit" input)
       +                 (string= "x" input)
       +                 (string= "q" input)))
       +     do
       +       (when (eq 'end (user-input input))
       +         (loop-finish))
       +       (display-prompt)))
        (defun main()
       -  "fetch argument, display page and go to shell if type is 1"
       +  "entry function of clic, we need to determine if the usage is one of
       +  the 3 following cases : interactive, not interactive or
       +  piped. Interactive is the state where the user will browse clic for
       +  multiple content. Not interactive is the case where clic is called
       +  with a parameter not of type 1, so it will fetch the content,
       +  display it and exit and finally, the redirected case where clic will
       +  print to stdout and exit."
          (let ((destination
                 (let ((argv (get-argv)))
       +           ;; parsing command line parameter
       +           ;; if not empty we use it or we will use a default url
                   (if argv
       -               ;; url as argument
                       (parse-url argv)
       -               ;; default url
                       (make-location :host "gopherproject.org" :port 70 :uri "/" :type "1")))))
       -    ;; if we don't ask a menu, not going interactive
       -    (if (not (string= "1" (location-type destination)))
       -        ;; not interactive
       -        (visit destination)
       -        ;; if user want to drop from first page we need
       -        ;; to look it here
       -      (when (not (eq 'end (visit destination)))
       -        ;; we continue to the shell if we are in a terminal
       -        (when (ttyp)
       -          (shell))))))
       +    ;; is there an output redirection ?
       +    (if (ttyp)
       +        ;; if we don't ask a menu, not going interactive
       +        (if (not (string= "1" (location-type destination)))
       +            ;; not interactive
       +            (visit destination)
       +            ;; if user want to drop from first page we need
       +            ;; to look it here
       +            (when (not (eq 'end (visit destination)))
       +              ;; we continue to the shell if we are in a terminal
       +              (shell)))
       +        (pipe-to-stdout destination))))
        ;; we allow ecl to use a new kind of argument
        ;; not sure how it works but that works