Add support for running interactive test with expect - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/clic/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/clic/
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit c2c3178142a5fec87b71d7e4f4b8b2d8fc5446c0
   DIR parent ba86c5e114249375116d7d40a5b66bc2e2baa4ce
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:08:14 +0000
       Add support for running interactive test with expect
         A interactive-test.exp                |     106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M run-test.sh                         |       2 ++
       2 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/interactive-test.exp b/interactive-test.exp
       @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
       +proc user_input {} {
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "garbage\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send ". . ~. ~ .\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "r\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "help\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "5\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "p\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "19\n"
       +    expect " : "
       +    send "p\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "h\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "a\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +    send "b\n"
       +    expect "clic => "
       +spawn ./clic gopher://bitreich.org
       +set running [user_input]
       +send "x\n"
       +expect eof
       +spawn sbcl
       +expect "* "
       +send "(require :sb-cover) (require :sb-bsd-sockets)\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(declaim (optimize sb-cover:store-coverage-data))\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(compile-file \"clic.lisp\")\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(load \"clic.fasl\")\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(setf *offline* t)\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(main)\n"
       +set running [user_input]
       +send "quit\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(main)\n"
       +expect "clic => "
       +send "q\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(pop *history*) (p) (r)\n"
       +expect "* "
       +# add an argv to test argv parsing
       +send "(setf *posix-argv* '(\"sbcl\" \"gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/\"))\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(main)\n"
       +expect "* "
       +# add an argv to test argv parsing
       +send "(setf *posix-argv* '(\"sbcl\" \"bitreich.org/0/usr/\"))\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(main)\n"
       +expect "* "
       +# add an argv to test argv parsing
       +send "(setf *posix-argv* '(\"sbcl\" \"bitreich.org:70/\"))\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(main)\n"
       +expect "clic => "
       +send "q\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(sb-cover:report \"report/\")\n"
       +expect "* "
       +send "(quit)\n"
       +expect eof
   DIR diff --git a/run-test.sh b/run-test.sh
       @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
       +expect -f interactive-test.exp
        ${LISP} --load clic.lisp --load test.lisp
        ./clic gopher://bitreich.org:70/0/  | md5sum -