This is a major rework. - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/clic/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/clic/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
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   DIR commit cb7a05e3d9dc9bb1f7c4f894282857ca75efabd0
   DIR parent 76bab87e5cb9401fcc55750cb1f720acc5123339
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Sat, 11 Nov 2017 00:30:27 +0000
       This is a major rework.
       - Sbcl now use a link to "extension.so" to get information about the height of the terminal, ecl default to a hardcoded value.
       - Response from server is now buffered instead of being displayed for each line received
       - when the display is more than the terminal height, break display loop
       - output to file is broken because it currently ask to display next page...
         M Makefile                            |      10 +++++++---
         M TODO                                |       5 +++--
         M clic.lisp                           |     264 +++++++++++++++++++------------
         A extension.c                         |       8 ++++++++
         M make-binary.lisp                    |       8 ++++++--
         M test.lisp                           |       2 ++
       6 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -10,12 +10,16 @@ MANDIR = ${PREFIX}/share/man/man1
        all: ${BIN}
       -${BIN}: clic.lisp
       +${BIN}: clic.lisp make-binary.lisp
                ${LISP} --load make-binary.lisp
       -standalone: clic.lisp
       +standalone: clic.lisp extension make-binary.lisp
                ${MAKE} -e LISP=sbcl
       +extension: extension.c
       +        cc -fPIC -c extension.c
       +        ld -shared -o extension.so extension.o
        install: ${BIN}
                @echo installing executable to "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin"
                @mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}"
       @@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ uninstall:
                @rm -f "${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/${BIN}"
       -        rm -f "${BIN}" clic.o clic.eclh clic.cxx bookmark-test
       +        rm -f "${BIN}" clic.o clic.eclh clic.cxx bookmark-test extension.so
        test: clean all
                @sh run-test.sh ${LISP}
   DIR diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
       @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
        * CODE
       -- TODO find a better color scheme
       +- TODO remove the pagination if using stdout or not in shell
       +- TODO make the c-termsize working on ecl
        - DONE use CLOS to store data
       -- TODO store the whole page and deal with it later (but not if it's not a 0 or 1 type)
       +- DONE store the whole page and deal with it later
   DIR diff --git a/clic.lisp b/clic.lisp
       @@ -5,11 +5,32 @@
          (require 'sockets))
       +;;;; C binding to get terminal informations
       +;;;; SBCL only
       +  (load-shared-object "./extension.so")
       +  (declaim (inline termsize))
       +  (sb-alien:define-alien-routine "termsize" int)
       +  (defun c-termsize ()
       +    "return terminal height"
       +    (sb-alien:with-alien ((res int (termsize))))))
       +  "we don't do C binding with ecl"
       +  (defun c-termsize()
       +    40))
       +;;;; END C binding
        ;; structure to store links
        (defstruct location host port type uri)
       +;;; array of lines in buffer
       +(defparameter *buffer* nil)
        ;;; a list containing the last viewed pages
        (defparameter *history*   '())
       @@ -82,7 +103,7 @@
          "Used to display gopher response with color one line at a time"
          (let ((line-type (subseq line 0 1))
                (infos (split (subseq line 1) #\Tab)))
            ;; see RFC 1436
            ;; section 3.8
            (when (and
       @@ -156,72 +177,40 @@
                ;; I image
                (check "I" 'unimplemented)))))
       -(defun getpage(host port uri &optional (type "1"))
       +(defun getpage(host port uri)
          "connect and display"
       +  ;; we reset the buffer
       +  (setf *buffer*
       +        (make-array 200
       +                    :fill-pointer 0
       +                    :initial-element nil
       +                    :adjustable t))
       -  (let ((here (make-location :host host :port port :uri uri :type type)))
       -    ;; goes to the history !
       -    (push here *history*)
       +  ;; we prepare informations about the connection
       +  (let* ((address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host))
       +         (host (car (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses address)))
       +         (socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp)))
       -    ;; we reset the links table ONLY if we have a new folder
       -    (when (string= "1" type)
       -      (setf *links* (make-hash-table)))
       -    (when *offline*
       -      (ensure-directories-exist (concatenate 'string
       -                                             "history/"
       -                                             (location-host here)
       -                                             "/"
       -                                             (location-uri here)
       -                                             "/")))
       +    (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket host port)
       -    ;; we prepare informations about the connection
       -    (let* ((address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host))
       -           (host (car (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses address)))
       -           (socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp)))
       +    ;; we open a stream for input/output
       +    (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket :input t :output t)))
       -      (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket host port)
       +      ;; sending the request here
       +      ;; if the selector is 1 we omit it
       +      (format stream "~a~%" uri)
       +      (force-output stream)
       -      ;; we open a stream for input/output
       -      (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket :input t :output t)))
       -        ;; sending the request here
       -        ;; if the selector is 1 we omit it
       -        (format stream "~a~%" uri)
       -        (force-output stream)
       -        (let ((save-offline (if *offline*
       -                                (open (concatenate 'string
       -                                                   "history/"
       -                                                   (location-host here)
       -                                                   "/"
       -                                                   (location-uri here)
       -                                                   (location-type here))
       -                                      :direction :output
       -                                      :if-does-not-exist :create
       -                                      :if-exists :supersede)
       -                                nil)))
       -          ;; for each line we receive we display it
       -          (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       -             while line do
       -               (when save-offline
       -                 (format save-offline "~a~%" line))
       -               (cond
       -                 ((string= "1" type)
       -                  (formatted-output line))
       -                 ((string= "0" type)
       -                  (format t "~a~%" line))))
       -          (and save-offline (close save-offline)))))))
       +      ;; for each line we receive we display it
       +      (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       +         while line
       +         do
       +           (vector-push line *buffer*)))))
       -(defun visit(destination)
       -  "visit a location"
       -  (getpage (location-host destination)
       -           (location-port destination)
       -           (location-uri  destination)
       -           (location-type destination)))
        (defun g(key)
          "browse to the N-th link"
       @@ -271,7 +260,6 @@
                                                (location-type bookmark)
                                                (location-uri bookmark))
                                   'file line-number))))
        (defun help-shell()
          "show help for the shell"
          (format t "number : go to link n~%")
       @@ -282,47 +270,7 @@
          (format t "help   : show this help~%")
          (format t "x or q : exit the shell, go back to REPL~%"))
       -(defun shell()
       -  "Shell for user interaction"
       -  (format t "clic => ")
       -  (force-output)
       -  ;; we loop until X or Q is typed
       -  (loop for user-input = (format nil "~a" (read nil nil))
       -        while (not (or
       -                    (string= "X" user-input)
       -                    (string= "Q" user-input)))
       -        do
       -        (cond
       -         ;; show help
       -         ((string= "HELP" user-input)
       -          (help-shell))
       -         ;; bookmark current link
       -         ((string= "A" user-input)
       -          (add-bookmark))
       -         ;; show bookmarks
       -         ((string= "B" user-input)
       -          (show-bookmarks))
       -         ;; go to previous page
       -         ((string= "P" user-input)
       -          (p))
       -         ;; show history
       -         ((string= "H" user-input)
       -          (format t "~{~a~%~}" *history*))
       -         ;; follow a link
       -         (t
       -          ;; we ignore error in case of bad input
       -          ;; just do nothing
       -          (ignore-errors
       -            (g (parse-integer user-input)))))
       -        (format t "clic => ")
       -        (force-output)))
        (defun parse-url(url)
          "parse a gopher url and return a location"
       @@ -364,6 +312,120 @@
          (car (last (cdr (si::command-args)))))
       +(defun user-input(input)
       +  (cond
       +    ;; show help
       +    ((string= "HELP" input)
       +     (help-shell))
       +    ;; bookmark current link
       +    ((string= "A" input)
       +     (add-bookmark))
       +    ;; show bookmarks
       +    ((string= "B" input)
       +     (show-bookmarks))
       +    ;; go to previous page
       +    ((string= "P" input)
       +     (p))
       +    ;; exit
       +    ((or (string= "X" input)
       +         (string= "Q" input))
       +     (quit))
       +    ;; show history
       +    ((string= "H" input)
       +     (format t "~{~a~%~}" *history*))
       +    ;; follow a link
       +    (t
       +     ;; we ignore error in case of bad input
       +     ;; just do nothing
       +     (ignore-errors
       +       (g (parse-integer input))))))
       +(defun display-buffer(type)
       +  "display the buffer"
       +  (let ((rows (c-termsize)))
       +    (let ((input nil))
       +      (loop for line across *buffer*
       +         counting line into row
       +         do
       +           (when (= row (- rows 3)) ; -1 for text - 1 for input and -1 for can't remember
       +             (setf row 0)
       +             (format t "~a------- press enter to next or a shell command ---------~a~%"
       +                     (get-color 'cyan)
       +                     (get-color  'white))
       +             (let ((first-input (read-char)))
       +               (when (not (or (char= #\NewLine first-input)
       +                              (char= #\Space first-input)))
       +                 (unread-char first-input)
       +                 (let ((input-text (format nil "~a" (read))))
       +                   (setf input input-text)
       +                   (loop-finish)))))
       +         (cond
       +           ((string= "1" type)
       +            (formatted-output line))
       +           ((string= "0" type)
       +            (format t "~a~%" line))))
       +      (when input
       +        (user-input input)))))
       +(defun visit(destination)
       +  "visit a location"
       +  (getpage (location-host destination)
       +           (location-port destination)
       +           (location-uri  destination))
       +  ;; we reset the links table ONLY if we have a new folder
       +  (when (string= "1" (location-type destination))
       +    (setf *links* (make-hash-table)))
       +  ;; goes to the history !
       +  (push destination *history*)
       +  (display-buffer (location-type destination))
       +  (when *offline*
       +    (let ((path (concatenate 'string
       +                             "history/" (location-host destination)
       +                             "/" (location-uri destination) "/")))
       +      (ensure-directories-exist path)
       +      (with-open-file
       +          (save-offline (concatenate
       +                         'string  path (location-type destination))
       +                        :direction :output
       +                        :if-does-not-exist :create
       +                        :if-exists :supersede)
       +        (loop for line in *buffer*
       +           while line
       +           do
       +             (format save-offline "~a~%" line))))))
       +(defun shell()
       +  "Shell for user interaction"
       +  (format t "clic => ")
       +  (force-output)
       +  ;; we loop until X or Q is typed
       +  (loop for input = (format nil "~a" (read nil nil))
       +     while (not (or
       +                 (string= "X" input)
       +                 (string= "Q" input)))
       +     do
       +       (user-input input)
       +       (format t "clic => ")
       +       (force-output)))
        (defun main()
          "fetch argument, display page and go to shell if type is 1"
          (let ((destination 
   DIR diff --git a/extension.c b/extension.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
       +#include <sys/ioctl.h>
       +int termsize()
       +  struct winsize w;
       +  ioctl(0,TIOCGWINSZ, &w);
       +  return(w.ws_row);
   DIR diff --git a/make-binary.lisp b/make-binary.lisp
       @@ -14,10 +14,14 @@
          (require 'sb-bsd-sockets)
          (load "clic.lisp")
       +  #+sb-core-compression
       +  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "clic"
       +                            :executable t
       +                            :compression 5
       +                            :toplevel 'main)
       +  #-sb-core-compression
          (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "clic"
                                    :executable t
       -                            #+sb-core-compression
       -                            (values :compression 5)
                                    :toplevel 'main))
        (format t "INFO => Compilation done (or at least it should)~%")
   DIR diff --git a/test.lisp b/test.lisp
       @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
        (g 1)
        (getpage "bitreich.org" 70 "/")
       +(display-buffer "1")
        (g 7) ;; going to radio
        (g 1) ;; going back
        (g 21) ;; banana !
       @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
        (g 1)
       +(print *links*)
        (print *history*)
        (format t "~%")