Add support to html link - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/clic/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/clic/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
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   DIR commit efe07395e09bc6d6495dd651671c5d48e4a502ee
   DIR parent a331d51d084fea91b64c85500a458999fbab23a6
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Thu, 28 Dec 2017 16:04:47 +0100
       Add support to html link
         M clic.lisp                           |      31 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
         M make-binary.lisp                    |       1 +
       2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/clic.lisp b/clic.lisp
       @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
        ;;;; let's hide the loading
        (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
       +  (require 'asdf)
          (require 'sb-bsd-sockets)
          (require 'sockets))
        ;;;; C binding to get terminal informations
        ;;;; SBCL only
       @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@
        ;;;; END C binding
        ;; structure to store links
       -(defstruct location host port type uri)
       +(defstruct location host port type uri
       +           :predicate)
       @@ -82,7 +85,7 @@
        (defun get-color(name) (gethash name *colors*))
        (add-color 'red        1 31)
       -(add-color 'white      0 70)
       +(add-color 'reset      0 70)
        (add-color 'bg-black   0 40)
        (add-color 'folder     4 34)
        (add-color 'green      1 32)
       @@ -101,9 +104,9 @@
       -(defun print-with-color(text &optional (color 'white) (line-number nil))
       +(defun print-with-color(text &optional (color 'reset) (line-number nil))
          "Used to display a line with a color"
       -  (format t "~3A| ~a~a~a~%" (if line-number line-number "") (get-color color) text (get-color 'white)))
       +  (format t "~3A| ~a~a~a~%" (if line-number line-number "") (get-color color) text (get-color 'reset)))
        (defmacro check(identifier &body code)
          "Macro to define a new syntax to make 'when' easier for formatted-output function"
       @@ -209,9 +212,9 @@
                      ;; h http link
                      (check "h"
       -                     (print-with-color (concatenate 'string
       -                                                    text " " uri)
       -                                       'http "url")))
       +                     (setf (gethash line-number *links*) uri)
       +                     (print-with-color text 'http line-number)))
                    ;; unknown type
                    (print-with-color (format nil
                                              "invalid type ~a : ~a" line-type text)
       @@ -252,7 +255,17 @@
          "browse to the N-th link"
          (let ((destination (gethash key *links*)))
            (when destination
       -      (visit destination))))
       +      (print destination)
       +      (cond
       +        ;; visit a gopher link
       +        ((location-p destination)
       +         (visit destination))
       +        ;; visit http link
       +        ((search "URL:" destination)
       +         (uiop:run-program (list "xdg-open"
       +                                 (subseq destination 4))))))))
        (defun p()
          "browse to the previous link"
       @@ -431,7 +444,7 @@
                         (setf row 0)
                         (format t "~a   press enter or a shell command ~a : "
                                 (get-color 'bg-black)
       -                         (get-color 'white))
       +                         (get-color 'reset))
                         (let ((first-input (read-char)))
                           (when (not (char= #\NewLine first-input))
   DIR diff --git a/make-binary.lisp b/make-binary.lisp
       @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
        ;; ecl produces a linked binary to ecl shared library
        ;; sbcl produces a static binary (~ 10Mb with compression / 70Mb without)
       +(require 'asdf)
        (require 'cmp)