Type I is now supported - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/clic/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/clic/
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  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Thu, 28 Dec 2017 18:54:24 +0100
       Type I is now supported
         M clic.lisp                           |     109 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
       1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/clic.lisp b/clic.lisp
       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
       -;;;; let's hide the loading
       +;;; let's hide the loading
        (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
          (require 'asdf)
       @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
            "return terminal height"
            (sb-alien:with-alien ((res unsigned-int (getTerminalHeight))))))
          (ffi:clines "
       @@ -106,6 +105,16 @@
       +(defun copy-array(from)
       +  (let ((dest (make-array 200
       +                          :fill-pointer 0
       +                          :initial-element nil
       +                          :adjustable t)))
       +    (loop for element across from
       +       do
       +         (vector-push element dest))
       +    dest))
        (defun print-with-color(text &optional (color 'reset) (line-number nil))
          "Used to display a line with a color"
          (format t "~3A| ~a~a~a~%" (if line-number line-number "") (get-color color) text (get-color 'reset)))
       @@ -194,7 +203,7 @@
                      ;; 9 Binary
                      (check "9"
       -                     (print-with-color "selector 9 not implemented" 'red))
       +                     (print-with-color text 'red line-number))
                      ;; + redundant server
                      (check "+"
       @@ -210,7 +219,9 @@
                      ;; I image
                      (check "I"
       -                     (print-with-color "selector I not implemented" 'red))
       +                     (setf (gethash line-number *links*)
       +                           (make-location :host host :port port :uri uri :type line-type ))
       +                     (print-with-color text 'red line-number))
                      ;; h http link
                      (check "h"
       @@ -222,7 +233,7 @@
                                              "invalid type ~a : ~a" line-type text)
       -(defun getpage(host port uri)
       +(defun getpage(host port uri &optional (binary nil))
          "connect and display"
          ;; we reset the buffer
       @@ -240,27 +251,41 @@
            (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket host port)
            ;; we open a stream for input/output
       -    (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket :input t :output t)))
       +    (let ((stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket
       +                                                     :input t
       +                                                     :output t
       +                                                     :element-type :default)))
       -      ;; sending the request here
       -      ;; if the selector is 1 we omit it
       +      ;; sending the request to the server
              (format stream "~a~%" uri)
              (force-output stream)
       -      ;; save current buffer to display it back if needed
       -      (setf *previous-buffer* *buffer*)
       -      ;; for each line we receive we display it
       -      (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       -         while line
       -         do
       -           (vector-push line *buffer*)))))
       +      (if binary
       +          ;; binary
       +          ;; save into a file in $PWD
       +          (with-open-file (output (subseq uri (1+ (position #\/ uri :from-end t)))
       +                                  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
       +                                  :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
       +            (let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
       +              (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf stream)
       +                 while (plusp pos)
       +                 do
       +                   (write-sequence buf output :end pos))))
       +          ;; not binary
       +          ;; for each line we receive we store it in *buffer*
       +          (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
       +             while line
       +             do
       +               (vector-push line *buffer*))))))
        (defun g(key)
          "browse to the N-th link"
          (let ((destination (gethash key *links*)))
            (when destination
                ;; visit a gopher link (type 0 or 1)
                ((location-p destination)
                 (visit destination))
       @@ -430,7 +455,6 @@
                ;;;; output is a text file ?
                ;;;; call the $PAGER !
                ((string= "0" type)
       -         (pop *history*) ;; it's not a menu, we need to remove it from history
                 ;;; generate a string from *buffer* array
                 (let ((text (string-right-trim ; remove last newline
                              (string #\Newline)
       @@ -439,16 +463,30 @@
                                         collect line)))))
                   ;; create input stream used as stdin for $PAGER
                   (let ((input (make-string-input-stream text)))
       -             (uiop:run-program (list #+ecl
       -                                     (si:getenv "PAGER")
       -                                     #+sbcl
       -                                     (sb-unix::posix-getenv "PAGER"))
       +             (uiop:run-program (list (uiop:getenv "PAGER"))
                                       :input input
                                       :output :interactive))
                   ;; display last menu
       -           (setf *buffer* *previous-buffer*)
       +           (pop *history*)
       +           (setf *buffer* (copy-array *previous-buffer*))
       +           (setf *links* (make-hash-table))
                   (display-buffer "1")))
       +        ;; image
       +        ((string= "I" type)
       +         (let ((location (car *history*)))
       +           (uiop:run-program (list "xdg-open"
       +                                   (subseq ;; get the text after last /
       +                                    (location-uri location)
       +                                    (1+ (position #\/
       +                                                  (location-uri location)
       +                                                  :from-end t))))))
       +         (pop *history*)
       +         (setf *buffer* (copy-array *previous-buffer*))
       +         (setf *links* (make-hash-table))
       +         (display-buffer "1"))
                ;;;; output is a menu ?
                ;;;; display the menu and split it in pages if needed
                ((string= "1" type)
       @@ -494,17 +532,34 @@
        (defun visit(destination)
          "visit a location"
       -  (getpage (location-host destination)
       -           (location-port destination)
       -           (location-uri  destination))
       +  (cond
       +    ;; we retrieve text / lines
       +    ;; when type is 1 or 0
       +    ((or
       +      (string= "1" (location-type destination))
       +      (string= "0" (location-type destination)))
       +     (getpage (location-host destination)
       +              (location-port destination)
       +              (location-uri  destination)))
       +    (t
       +     (getpage (location-host destination)
       +              (location-port destination)
       +              (location-uri  destination)
       +              t)))
          ;; we reset the links table ONLY if we have a new folder
       +  ;; we also keep the last menu buffer
          (when (string= "1" (location-type destination))
       +    (setf *previous-buffer* (copy-array *buffer*))
            (setf *links* (make-hash-table)))
          ;; goes to the history !
          (push destination *history*)
          (when *offline*
            (let ((path (concatenate 'string
                                     "history/" (location-host destination)